CVE Friday Flash
October 25, 2024
Mr. Macken's Message
Centerville Families,
The Centerville Character Parade for grades PreK-4 will take place on Thursday, October 31, at 2:30P.M., and we welcome you to come and watch the fun! Parents may enter the building starting at 2:20PM and watch the parade from inside or outside the building (weather permitting). I have included a link to a map that highlights the parade route and viewing locations. No matter where you decide to watch the parade, you will see all grade levels as they will make a loop.
Should you choose to take your child(ren) home with you, following the parade, we ask all parents to wait until the end of the parade and follow the below Character Parade Sign Out directions below. With over 500 kids and staff traveling through the hallways, we need to limit additional traffic or possible disruptions. There will be an announcement when the parade has ended to make things easy.
Finally, please remember that kids’ costumes should not need parent / adult assistance to wear and not be violent or scary. If you question whether an outfit is appropriate, please err on the kid-friendly side, as our preschool kids will also be participating.
Thank you for helping make the event successful.
Go Cougars!
Mike Macken
Dates to Remember
- Oct 31: Character Parade @ 2:30PM
- Nov 1: No School: Teacher Grading / Communication
- Nov 4: No School: Staff Development
- Nov 4: STEM night (6:30 - 8:30PM)
- Nov 27th: Grandparents Day (Grades 1, 3, 5 Only)
- Nov 28th & 29th: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
The Centerville Elementary Calendar is located on our school’s website at https://centerville.isd12.org/ under the Parent Hub. Here you will also find the 2024-2025 District Student Calendar and the 2024-2025 Elementary Student Letter Day Calendar.
Character Parade Sign Out
- Sign out each child with their teacher
- Upon signing out, a ticket will be provided by the teacher
- Tickets will be handed to staff, at the front door, prior to exiting the building
STEM Night - November 4th @ 6:30PM
- We would love for you to join us at our school-wide STEM event next month which is co-hosted by Centerville PTA, Cub Pack 432, and Scouts BSA Troop 136.
- The event will be on Monday, November 4th at 6:30 PM.
- Each year, students and their families get to experience a wide variety of STEM activities and booths around our school.
- Check out this years flyer of fun HERE
Cougar Club Winners
We are so proud of the way these students show the 4 R’s every day!
Principal's Chair:
Carter Hall
Pizza Winners
Olivia Messer
Addison Richter
Charlotte Esselman
Jasper Vang
First Grade
Abigail Hern
Sam Kramer
Second Grade
Amelia Schmidt
Sam Nelson
Third Grade
Aubrey Moe
Oliver Knutson
Fourth Grade
Zoey Hamnes
Vivian Thomas
Fifth Grade
Jaelyn Pouliot
Presley Kending
Prize Winners
Roman Awal
Nolan Phillips
Nora Persgard
Gracelyn Langevin
First Grade
Leo Kramer
Lilly Bonnell
Second Grade
Isaac Ostergren
Sienna Xiong
Third Grade
Bryer baumgartner
Jack Carlson
Fourth Grade
Sifan Amuma
Richeeya Xiong
Fifth Grade
Ethan Sindt
Hunter Nielson
CPTA Updates
Thank you to the 180 donors who contributed to our Play It Forward school fundraiser this month! We raised about $15,500. The funding will be used to purchase a tetherball court, replenish playground equipment, purchase curriculum-enhancing supplies for our classrooms and more.
We also raised about $3,500 cash through the Book Fair this month. Thank you to everyone who purchased books for our students and teachers!
National School Bus Safety Poster Contest
Does your child like to draw and color?
Every year, thousands of school districts in over 40 states participate in local and state-level competitions to select artwork that depicts school bus safety-related themes and encourages and promotes school bus safety. The winning posters are used to promote safer school transportation for everyone. Click here for entry rules.
Buy Your Yearbook Now!
Just a few yearbooks left at the lowest price. Don’t miss out on this memorable book! Click here to purchase.
Community Education
More happening soon:
Nov. 7- Sugar Cookie Decorating (ages 10+, adult)
Video Production: Podcasting (gr. 3-5)(virtual)
Nov. 8- Family Puzzle Challenge (12 and under with adult)
Nov. 9- Rainbocorn Surprise (ages 5-12)
3D Dino World Pajama Party (ages 3-6)
Nov. 19- MN Star Watch Program (all ages/family)
Nov. 23- Skyhawks Basketball Camp (ages 5-11)
Skyhawks Volleyball Camp (ages 5-11)
DASH Floor Hockey Camp (ages 6-10)
Cougar Soccer Academy (gr. 4-6)
Dec. 4- The Winter Activity Guide opens for registration!
Dec 5- Sugar Cookie Decorating (ages 10+, adult)
Dec. 7- Breakfast with Santa (ages 10 and under with adult)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.
Want to receive school closing and bus delay info by text?
Text “Y” or “Yes” to 67587. Families must opt in to receive Centennial text messages annually. Terms and conditions: Message frequency varies. Standard message and data rates may apply. Text STOP to cancel.
Contact Information
Email: tbuescher@isd12.org
Website: www.isd12.org/cve
Location: 1721 Westview Street, Centerville, MN, USA
Phone: 763.792.5800