Welcome to Levi Fry Intermediate!
We're Glad You're Here!!!!
300 25th Avenue North
Texas City, TX 77590
Office - 409-916-0600Fax - 409-916-0696
Office Hours – 8:00am-4:30
Student School Day – 8:35am-4:10pm
Teacher Hours – 8:15-4:30
Helpful information for Fry families!
Who's Who?
Principal - Felica Garrett
5th Grade AP – Courtnie Ellis
6th Grade AP – Andrew Lockhart
5th Grade Counselor – Lindsay Owens
6th Grade Counselor – Yolanda Mejia
Nurse - Lisa Kelly
School Secretary – Rachel Soliz
Attendance Clerk – Gloria Moran
Receptionist – Cassie Springman
AP Secretary – Brittany Clay
Counselor’s Secretary – Susan Strother
Click on the link below for a complete staff directory.
Bus Transportation
If you want to ride the bus during the first week of school, students must be registered by Aug. 31. Anyone who registers between Sept. 1-25 will NOT be bus eligible until October 5th. Ride the bus with us and register by Aug. 23!
Your child's bus driver will be contacting you to provide route information prior to the beginning of school.
Bus registration happens when you register online or in person. Visit our Enrollment page for details.
- Bus riders will enter/exit at the back of the school
- 6th Grade Car Riders/Walkers/Bikers will enter/exit at the front of through the right side
- 5th Grade car riders/walkers/bikers will enter at the the front through the left side. *They will dismiss on the left side
- Day care riders will enter/exit on the side
Students may not enter the building before 8:15am.
Due to CDC guidelines and maintaining social distancing, all students will eat in their classrooms. Lunches will be delivered by our Nutrition Staff, but students can still bring their own lunch. No outside deliveries or visitors are allowed at this time.
Face Coverings
Students and staff are required to wear a face covering. It must cover the nose and mouth at all times. Bandanas are prohibited. Refusal to do so will result in students being placed in virtual learning.
Laptops & Cell Phones
Students must bring their laptops to school every day. Please charge them every night. Cell phones must be turned off and put away. If a student’s cell phone is confiscated, the student must pay a $15 fee to retrieve the phone from the front office.
Students are REQUIRED to wear their Student IDs around their necks at all times. Failure to present an ID will result in disciplinary consequences.
ID Replacement: $3
ID & Lanyard Replacement: $5
- Students may not have holes in their jeans above the knees, unless the holes have fabric underneath.
- “Slides” or other backless shoes are prohibited.
- Pants must be pulled up around the waist.
- Girls may only wear leggings if they are under an appropriate dress. Leggings may not be worn as pants.
- Hooded jackets/sweatshirts are allowed, but hoods are not allowed on the student’s head. Refusal to comply will result in confiscation of the hoodie.
- For more detailed dress code rules, please see the Student Handbook.
* Students in violation of the dress code will receive a written warning the 1st time. Second
offenses will result in disciplinary action by the Assistant Principals.
Water Fountains
Students should plan to bring their own water bottles every day. Water bottles must have a closure, such as a screw top or cap. Water fountains will only be used to refill bottles.
When a student must be absent from school, the student, upon returning to school, must bring a note, signed by the parent that describes the reason for the absence within 5 school days of the absence. A note signed by the student, even with the parent's permission, will not be accepted. All notes should be submitted to Mrs. Moran, school attendance clerk.
TARDIES: students are considered tardy if they are not in class or online by 8:35.
Parents/guardians should call the school office when arriving late or requesting an early dismissal so the student can be escorted into or out of the building.