Puketapu School Newsletter
Term 2 2020 - Wednesday 24 June
Empower All People to be Healthy, Lifelong Learners
Kia kaha - do your best * Kia māia - be courageous * Kia manawanui - have a heart
Nau mai, haramai, te hua o te tau hou!
Nau mai, haramai, te hua o te tau hou!
‘Ko Puanga te pae ārahi i ngā tohu o te tau hou i te pae ururangi'
– 'Puanga leads the celestial signs to herald the New Year.’
This article comes from our own whanaunga, WITT Kaitakawaenga Allana Prestney
Each year around Pipiri (June), the stars of Matariki and Puanga signal the end of the year in Aotearoa and the start of the next. In most places, the Māori New Year is marked by the rise of Matariki and the sighting of the next new moon.
In parts of Taranaki, the Māori New Year is marked by the rise of the star called Puanga. Puanga is also known as Rigel – the brightest star in the Orion constellation - and appears in the northeastern horizon in late May or early June.
“Puanga is given prominence in our part of the world because our location means that many of our Taranaki iwi can’t see Matariki clearly,” WITT Kaitakawaenga Allana Prestney.
“We, therefore, look to the next important star near Matariki. That star is Puanga.”
There are iwi in Whanganui, parts of the Far North, and the South Island that also recognise Puanga.
Like Matariki, Puanga is a time of reflection, preparation, learning, and celebration.
“Puanga, Matariki and the Māori New Year are a way of paying respect to and celebrating the unique land on which we live, and it is a chance to reflect on the past year and to remember our loved ones.”
Puanga is also a time to prepare the māra (garden) and ensure that winter frosts will help to kill any weeds or soil infections.
Sharing Learning at Puketapu School
At Puketapu School, we use an online platform called Hero to share student progress and achievement, as well as communicate with parents.
Hero, (previously called Linc-ED), replaces the traditional written reporting format, as we see reporting not as an event, but as an ongoing dialogue between home and school. Teachers will update learning goals for your child throughout the year and our Year 4 - 8 students have access to their Hero accounts so they can see and evidence their learning goals also.
We use Hero to send out all email communication to our parents and you can also access your current financial statement.
How do I access Hero?
Full instructions can be found here: https://hero.linc-ed.com/parents/. Hero can be accessed using a web browser, but we highly recommend downloading the Hero app to your mobile phone.
If you have any problems accessing Hero, please let us know by emailing office@puketapu.school.nz. We can add multiple email addresses for each child and we encourage all caregivers to create log-ins.
Learning & Wellbeing Conferences
Our Learning & Wellbeing Conferences are a meeting where our teachers will meet with you and your child to share and reflect on their learning, wellbeing, progress, goals and achievement. During this meeting, we also want to find out from your whanau what goals you have for your child for the rest of this school year.
It also provides an opportunity to reconnect following the extended closure of our school during COVID-19 lockdown and restrictions.
These will be in Week 2 of Term 3, after school on Thursday 30 July and all day on Friday 31 July.
(Friday will not be a normal school day - only those with conferences attend, and you only come for your conference, then go home again.)
Bookings are made online through School Interviews. Bookings will open next week.
From our Student Leaders
Kia Ora My name is Emma Lepper and I am the Kiwi whanau leader.
The year 8’s went to Spotswood College on the 23rd. We got to experience what high school was like.
First off we got split into 2 groups then we went off to join some of the classes.
Emma’s favourite class was the science class because we got to learn about all of the 3 oxygens. Kierah’s favourite class was English because you gotta make up a story from 6 different fairy tales.
Also there was a donkey, a border collie puppy and a mummy, and 3 sheep.
We were lucky there was a sausage sizzle for lunch. It was a very long line.
I am Kierah Hosking the Piwakawaka whanau leader.
There are a lot of opportunities at high school. One of the best things is that you get to choose what you get to do.There is also a lot of moving around from class to class and Spotswood is very big compared to Puketapu.
We’ve realised that we need to be prepared to do a lot of work.
Oracle’s top tip is to talk to your siblings or other high school students about what to expect.
Thanks, Emma & Kierah
Level Onesie Day
Fab Puketapu Learner
Kia Manawanui
Kauri 3 Landscape Art
Thank you from Rimu
Superstar Awards
- Drevious Te Kura
- Kian Devonshire
- Roam Harvey-Smith
- Exodus Ihimaera-Te Waaka
- Kyzahn Brill
- Unique Davis
- Landon Mottram
- Ari Marlow
- Riley Welbourn
- Kaydince Brill
- Kupa Hoskin
Sports Corner
Miniball: $25 (plus $5 shirt hire if players don't own their own)
Basketball: $40
Netball, Miniball and Basketball fees have been invoiced this week. If you have not already done so, please make arrangements to pay this asap.
All notices will go home with students on Friday. Uniforms will be handed out next week.
Please Note: Year 3/4 netball needs a coach please.
Your Child's School Account
If you owe, please pay. If you are having trouble or have got behind, please come and see us so we can make a plan.
Sick kids?
Every day this week we have had around 80 students off unwell!
If your child is not well, please help contain the spread by keeping them at home until they are completely better.
Don't Stop, Keep on Moving...
On rainy days it is even more important that no one stops in the drop off zone as there are children and parents rushing to avoid the rain. Please keep the pick up zone moving and take extra care when pulling out.
- Alexis Lind
- Pukauae Kipa
- Yelena Poching
- Pandora Cameron
- Yasiin Falaniko
- Bella Neilson
- Harry Smith
What's On
Further information will follow closer to the time for events.
Week 12:
- Mon 29 June: Transition visits for New Entrants starting in Term 3.
- Tue 30 June: Inglewood High School Open Day 12.30-3.00pm
- Wed 1 July: Level Onesie Day!
- Fri 3 July: Kowhai Ranui Day (NP Aquatic Centre)
Last Day of Term 2 is Friday 3 July
First Day of Term 3 is Monday 20 July
Week 1:
- Tues 21 July: Promotional Visits Year 8 Spotswood College 11.15am, Rippa Rugby - Kowhai
- Wed 22 July: Rippa Rugby - Kowhai
- Thur 23 July: Spotswood Open Evening
Week 2:
- Wed 29 July: Year 5&6 Interschool Sports
- Learning & Wellbeing Conferences Thursday & Friday
(Friday is no school, only conferences)
Community Notices
Bell Block Rugby Club
Come meet your coach on Wednesday 24th June at 4pm at Hickford Park
Not to late to register either come along Wednesday or go to www.sporty.co.nz to register for any other information please contact Brad 0210656563
Torpedo 7 Friends & Family
It is that time of year again Torpedo 7 are running their Friends and Family offer.
Save up to 50% on outdoor gear!
Print or screenshot your flyer to purchase in store or online.
Puketapu School
Email: office@puketapu.school.nz
Website: www.puketapu.school.nz
Location: Dillon Drive, Bell Block, New Plymouth, New Zealand
Phone: 06 755 0973