CTMS Prowler
WV General Summative Assessment Edition
Reminder Announcement: West Virginia General Summative Assessment May 7 - 9
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope this message finds you well. As we prepare for the West Virginia General Summative Assessment (GSA) next week from Tuesday to Thursday (May 7-9), I want to ensure your child is ready for testing success.
Here are some tips to help your child perform their best during the assessment:
1. Get plenty of rest: Encourage your child to get a good night's sleep before each testing day. A well-rested mind is better equipped to focus and retain information.
2. Eat a healthy breakfast: Fueling up with a nutritious breakfast can provide the energy needed for optimal cognitive function throughout the day. Students are able to get a school breakfast upon arriving to campus. Reminder - School Breakfasts and Lunches are FREE for all students.
3. Arrive on time: Punctuality is key. Ensure your child arrives at school on time each day of testing to avoid unnecessary stress and disruptions. Students who arrive after testing will be placed in a study hall and will participate in a makeup testing session at a later date.
4. Stay positive: Remind your child to approach the assessment with a positive mindset. Encourage them to stay confident in their abilities, take their time, and do their best.
5. Manage stress: Review child relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or visualization, to help manage any test-related anxiety.
6. Read instructions carefully: Emphasize the importance of reading all instructions and questions thoroughly before beginning each section of the assessment. This can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure accurate responses.
7. Take breaks when needed: Encourage your child to take short breaks during testing to rest their mind and recharge. This can help maintain focus and concentration throughout the assessment.
Thank you for your support in preparing your child for the upcoming assessment. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us.
Good Luck Panthers!
Ms. Reed
Letter From WV State Superintendent of Schools
CTMS Testing Schedule
Daily Schedule: May 7-9, 2024
Students will be testing with their 1st period classes, or within pre-identified small groups. Students will remain in first period until all students have completed the test. Once that has occurred, we will follow the schedule below as closesly as possible.
1st 7:50-10:30
- Testing in individual classrooms will not begin testing until approximately 8:15 AM - classes will begin testing after an annoucement from administration to begin
2nd 10:35-11:00
5th 11:05-11:35 6th Grade Lunch
6th 11:40-12:10 7th Grade Lunch
7th 12:15-12:45 8th Grade Lunch
3rd 12:50-1:15
4th 1:20-1:45
8th 1:50-2:15
9th 2:20-2:46
Dismissal Announcements 2:47 Car Riders 2:50 Bus dismissal AFTER
FFA Plant Sale!
Grade Level Penny Wars!
Send in your spare change as the CTMS Penny War Competition between grade levels is going on now! This is a fundraiser sponsored by the CTMS PTO.
Grade VERSUS Grade Penny War
The Rules:
Each grade will have a collection container in the office. Gain points by adding pennines and PAPER bills to your grade level container. SABOTAGE other grades by adding silver coins to their containers.
Battle of the Grades starts May 1 and Ends May 17
Bills and Pennies:
1 penny = 1 point
$1 bill = 100 points
$5 bill = 500 points
$10 bill = 1,000 points
$20 bill = $10, 000 points
Silver Coins
nickle = -5 points
dime = - 10 points
quarter = -25 points
Important Dates to Remember
May 6: MAC Track Meet (Rescheduled) @ JHS 2:00
May 6: Schedule Requests Due
May 7, 8, 9: WV GSA Testing - All Grades Testing Math & Reading, Science (8th Grade Only)
May 8: Spring Band Concert 7:00 @ WHS
May 14: No School - Election Day
May 15: 8th Grade Field Trip
May 16: 7th Grade Field Trip
May 16: Kiwanis Top 8th Grade Recognition 6:00 @ Shepherdstown Middle (Invitation Only)
May 16: Senior Walk - Congratulations Class of 2024!
May 17: Chromebook Collection - device, charger, and bag!
May 17: Kona Ice - LAST ONE OF THE YEAR!!
May 17: Penny War Ends
May 20: 6th Grade Field Trip
May 22: 8th Grade Awards: 9:00 AM
May 23: 6th Grade Awards: 9:00 AM
May 23: 7th Grade Awards: 10:45 AM
May 24: (Tentative) Last Day for Students (2 Hour Early Release)
193 High Street
Charles Town, WV 25414