Alto All Star Gazette
April 19th, 2024
School begins at 8:50 A.M.
Dismissal time: 3:43 PM
1/2 Day Dismissal: 12:00 PM
Phone# 616-987-2600
24-hour attendance line: 616-987-2625
*please call any transportation changes/early dismissals in by 2:45*
From the desk of Principal Papes
Dear Alto Families,
It has been another fantastic week here at school! Our students have not skipped a beat as they’ve transitioned back to school these past two weeks after Spring Break. We are coming down the homestretch of the 23-24 school year with only 7 ½ weeks of school remaining, and we’re looking forward to a strong finish! Our 3rd-5th graders visited the Lowell High School Performing Arts Center on Monday to watch the Lowell Arts Youth Performance “Mayhem at Camp Marigold” by Deanna Strasses. Congratulations to all students involved with this production. It was a great performance! Today, we celebrated the hard work of our students with a Popcorn Day. Thank you to our parent volunteers for helping out with this today!
M-Step, NWEA MAP, and Acadience (Formerly DIBELS) Testing
M-Step testing started this past week. We are proud of the efforts of our 5th grade students on the ELA M-Step test!
5th grade students will be taking the Math M-Step on Tuesday, April 23rd, Science M-Step on April 24th, and the Social Studies M-Step on April 30th.
3rd grade students will start with the ELA M-Step the week of April 29th. They will be taking the ELA and Math M-Step.
4th grade students will start with the ELA M-Step the week of May 6th. They will be taking the ELA and Math M-Step.
Spring NWEA MAP Tests - All 1st-5th grade students will be taking the Spring MAP tests. The testing window will be May 1st - May 24th.
Acadience Reading Test (Formerly DIBELS) - All K-5 students will complete the acadience reading assessment. This is a 1:1 reading test administered by our reading intervention staff. The screening window for Acadience testing is 5/6-5/17.
We look forward to receiving meaningful data to reflect the outstanding learning that has occurred this school year!
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Music Program - May 1st
The K-1 Music Program will be held at 2 PM on May 1st. We are looking forward to this special event!
Student Learning Environment Form
We will soon be working on the placement of students for next year. Your child’s current teacher works collaboratively with grade level colleagues and me to place students for next year. Please see the attached “Student Learning Environment Form” (completing this form is optional). Please note that the district will no longer be accepting specific teacher requests on these forms. Please email ( or send in the completed form with your student to the school office by Monday, May 6th, 2024.
Attention families with incoming kindergarteners!
Our Countdown to Kindergarten orientation visits are quickly approaching. This important event will be on May 15th! If you have a student who will turn 5 by September 1st, 2024, they can start their school journey. You may also sign a waiver for your child to start school if they turn 5 by December 1st, 2024. Required paperwork for enrollment includes proof of residency, original birth certificate, up to date immunizations and a health appraisal. Information can be found on our school website:
Schools of Choice Parents
Internal and external schools of choice applications for the 2024-2025 school year will be available starting April 8th. For internal choice applications, you must submit your internal choice application to the elementary building of residence. If you previously applied and were approved for your student, it is not necessary to re-apply. If you would like to attend an elementary that is outside of your resident elementary school, complete the form below and email to our district enrollment specialist at
Internal Schools of Choice Application:
For more information on External Schools of Choice Applications, please visit our website at the following link:
Enjoy the weekend!
Paul Papes, Principal
Music Notes
Our Kindergarteners and First Graders will be presenting,
"A DAY AT THE FARM" on May 1 , Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the Alto Gymnasium.
Since the theme is "Going to the Farm" we don't need to dress up!
Please have your children wear a shirt without writing on it. A t- shirt is fine,
jeans or dark pants or shorts, (weather permitting), overalls, or short overalls.
See you at the show!
The carnival is coming to town! Please mark your calendar for May 23rd. We will be sending out a "SignUp Genius" soon for volunteers and preorder forms for wristbands. We are looking forward to another fun event with our families!
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Mark Your Calendar
4/24: Gold Ticket Store
4/30: 2nd to GR Museum/Planetarium
5/01: K and 1st grade music program- 2-2:30 (doors open at 1:30)
5/02: 5th to LMS
5/08: Gold Ticket Store
5/15: Countdown to Kindergarten
5/17: Popcorn Friday
5/22: Last Gold Ticket Store
5/22: 4M/4Bo to WWC
5/23: 3rd to Lansing
5/23: 4Bu to WWC
5/24: 1/2 Day
5/29: 4Bo to Muskegon
5/30: 5th to Greenfield Village
5/30: 4Bu to Muskegon
5/31: 4M to Muskegon