Steffen News
September 1, 2022

September 5, 2024
Principal's Memo
Greetings Steffen Families,
Our first few days have been off to a great success here at Steffen! I had an opportunity to meet with each grade level this week to review some of our school wide expectations around our #SteffenPride Values of Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Ready to Learn, and, mostly importantly, Be You. We also reviewed some important information related to bullying such as the MTSD definition of bullying, the different forms it can take, and the corresponding consequences for bullying behavior. My main message to students was that they have the right to come to school and learn in a safe and supportive environment free from bullying.
I would encourage families to take some time to review the Student and Parent Handbook. While the 81 page handbook isn't a real page-turner, it's a great resource for families and students to understand their rights and responsibilities. I mentioned to students that the Code of Conduct, which is located in the handbook, outlines the specific expectations we have for students and what the range of consequences could be for not meeting those expectations.
These first-week grade-level meetings are to help ensure that all students have a consistent message around our school expectations. Communicating expectations early and often is a key universal strategy to support student success in a school setting.
On an unrelated note, next Thursday, September 12th from 6:00-7:30pm is the Steffen Curriculum Night. This parent-oriented evening provides a time for families to learn about what, and how, their students are learning while at Steffen. There will be a schedule to ensure all families can meet with all teachers, so, if possible, please plan on attending during the entire window. I hope to see you there!
Thank you,
Sam Nadolsky
Important Upcoming Dates
- Friday, September 6th - School Picture Day
- September 12th, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. - Steffen Curriculum Night
Fall MAP Testing
Students will be taking the Fall MAP assessment in reading and mathematics during the weeks of 9/9 through 9/20. Students take the MAP assessment in Fall, Winter, and Spring, which makes it an invaluable feedback opportunity for our teachers to plan for instructional differentiation, monitor the implementation of our School Improvement Plan, and meet the MTSD District Benchmarks. MAP testing will take place in students' reading and math classes with make-up testing occurring later in the week for absent students.
Parent Pick-up and Drop-off Instructions
For drop off and pick up, please enter the driveway from the WEST, using Mequon Trails Rd to Steffen Drive. This eliminates a left turn into the driveway and helps to reduce congestion on Steffen Drive. Then, please pull all the way around the parking lot up to an open spot on the building-side of the parking lot so we may fit as many cars as possible. Students are to exit and enter vehicles from the building-side of the parking lot only to avoid walking across the lane of traffic. Especially during the first week while new families acclimate to this routine, please drive slowly and be extra cautious. Thank you for putting safety first.
School Pictures
School pictures will be taken during school on Friday, September 6th. Afterwards, you’ll be able to select your image for your yearbook and purchase any portraits, and all orders will be delivered to your home. To view and order photos from Picture Day click on the link and fill in the information needed ( https://www.vipis.com/group/adfcb97c/steffen-middle-school ) Or, you can search for them at vipis.com shortly after photos are taken. If you need further assistance, contact VIP at support@vipis.com. Picture retake day is Friday, October 18.
Main phone line: 262-238-4700 Attendance line: 262-238-4700 x1
Sam Nadolsky, Principal: snadolsky@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Joel Sinden, School Counselor: jsinden@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Amber Schmidt, Social Emotional Coach: aschmidt@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Katherine Smith, School Psychologist: ksmith1@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Mary Kasten, Administrative Assistant: mkasten@mtsd.k12.wi.us
Jamie Love, Office Secretary: jlove@mtsd.k12.wi.us and: SteffenAttendance@mtsd.k12.wi.us
School Attendance
Please report your student's absence from school by 8:30 a.m. This includes late arrivals or early dismissals.
There are three ways to report your child's absence:
- Preferred: Directly through Infinite Campus parent portal. Directions for Submitting Absence Requests on Infinite Campus
- Email SteffenAttendance@mtsd.k12.wi.us
- Call the office at 262-238-4700 x1
For early pick-up, parents need to come into the office to sign their student out. For late drop-off, you do not need to sign your student in. Please send in all doctors notes to have attendance updated correctly.
District Attendance Policy
At MTSD, we have developed our attendance policy and procedures to follow Wisconsin State Law and to prioritize regular attendance. Click HERE to read all about it.
Bus Routes Available in Infinite Campus
Your child’s bus stop details can be found in your Infinite Campus account. To view these please follow the steps below:
• Login to your Infinite Campus account
• Click on ‘More’
• Click ‘Transportation’
Note that these times are approximate and may be updated during the school year as changes in student registration occur. If you elected to opt-out of transportation, you will not see route information. If you have any concerns regarding your bus information, please contact Go Riteway at 262-512-1044.
For real-time information on the location of your child’s bus, please download Here Comes the Bus! More information can be found on our website. If you have questions about the app, please contact Go Riteway at 262-512-1044: Here Comes the Bus
Steffen Athletics Reminder
Cross Country begins on September 5th and Girls Basketball begins on September 9th! All forms must be completed in order to guarantee your student’s participation, including a WIAA form which may need to be signed by a doctor. Instructions can be found here on the Athletics website, as well as a google calendar schedule of all the practices.
As a reminder, the four things you need to register are:
1. Online Registration: Make sure to register under "Steffen Athletics Registration 2024-2025 (NEW) and NOT Homestead Athletics. Registration includes the $75 registration fee (fee should NOT be $135)
2. A Completed WIAA Form or Alternate Card, signed by a doctor: The form can be picked up in office or found on the registration site. If your physical was before April 1st, 2023, you will need an Alternate Card, and if it's before April 1st, 2022, you will need a new physical. Please email or call the office if you need to know which form you need. Forms are REQUIRED to participate in tryouts and practice
3. Memorandum of Understanding for Student Transportation (Separate MOU required for each activity): This document is to acknowledge that Steffen will not be providing transportation to and from athletic events.
4. Student Contract: The contract be picked up in office or found in the registration form
Please call 262-238-4704 or email steffen@mtsd.k12.wi.us with any questions about registration or forms. Any other questions may be directed to Ben Hagenbach, the Steffen Athletic Director, at bhagenbach@mtsd.k12.wi.us.
Steffen Book Fair - September 10th-13th
The SteffenENGAGE PTO is bringing the Scholastic Book Fair to Steffen from Tuesday, September 10th through Friday, September 13th! Our middle schoolers have historically been great supporters of the Book Fair and we are proud to continue to offer this option to our students and teachers.
The Fall Book Fair will run online as well as in-person during school hours in the Steffen lobby. Parents can add funds to an eWallet at any time. Cash, credit cards, checks (Payable to Steffen MS) and eWallets are accepted at the Book Fair. Use the link below to add funds to your student’s eWallet!
Parents/guardians and students can preview the Book Fair offerings and make online purchases starting on September 9th. Please ensure that your students are aware of your family’s expectations regarding Book Fair purchases. SteffenENGAGE volunteers will assume that students have permission from their family to make purchases. Families may also come to Steffen to preview the items in the book fair on Monday (9/9) afternoon during setup; please reach out to us at ptosteffen@gmail.com if you are interested in a preview.
Volunteer for our Book Fair!
The Book Fair only runs with the help of volunteers! Please consider donating your time - it is a fun and easy way to support our students, staff and school. You can sign up for one or multiple two-hour slots according to your schedule! Please reach out to Tracy Koskinski with any questions.
Book Fair Volunteer Signup Link
All volunteers must have a current background check on file.
Thank you for supporting your budding readers and Steffen teachers!
Steffen Spirit Wear Sale
SteffenENGAGE runs a Spirit Wear Sale online every Fall and Spring through Burghardt Sporting Goods. The Spirit Wear store will be open September 9th through September 23rd - watch for the link in email once the store is live! All items will be delivered directly to Steffen. This is a great opportunity to stock up on shorts, joggers, and other items kids may use when playing Steffen sports this year! Please reach out to Laura McDowell with any questions.
SteffenENGAGE Useful Quick Links
Membership Toolkit - our SteffenENGAGE website. Please take time to confirm that your contact information is updated in the directory to ensure that you receive all communications!
PTOsteffen@gmail.com - our SteffenENGAGE email address. Reach out to us with any questions, ideas, or volunteer opportunities!
Steffen Middle School
Email: steffen@mtsd.k12k.wi.us
Website: mtsd.k12.wi.us/steffen
Location: 6633 W. Steffen Dr., Mequon, WI 53092
Phone: 262-238-4700
Facebook: @SteffenPRIDE