Pence Press
September 29, 2024
Busy Place
Please scroll down for pictures for all the exciting things that happened this past week, and there are more to come. We also celebrated Hispanic History Month with a special lunch, decorations, and music on Thursday.
This week at Pence:
Monday, September 30th: Soccer vs. MMS @ Rockingham Park (4:30)
Tuesday, October 1st: Fall Pictures: Volleyball Away @ SKMS (4:30)
Wednesday, October 2nd: Fall Pictures: Soccer vs. JFHMS @ Rockingham Park (4:30)
Thursday, October 3rd: Volleyball Home vs. EMS (4:30): Cross Country Away @ THMS (4:30)
Friday, October 4th:
Saturday, October 5th: Dayton Days: District Volleyball Tournament
Spike Down Cancer Fundraiser
WOW!! The Lady Knights sure did show up to Spike Down Cancer today! Raising $825 they are making a difference in many lives and want to thank everyone who wore pink today, stayed for the volleyball game (and cheered them to VICTORY), stopped by the bake sale, and donated in many ways. Thank you families for your support and encouragement!!
Fundraiser Update - THANK YOU!!
A Huge Thank You to all of our families and Students that helped promote and sell during our school wide fundraiser. We sold and collected almost $20,000 during our sale. That means we will get around $13,000 back to put towards building updates, activities and supplies for our school. Thank you again, our Pence Students and Families truly are AMAZING!!
Art Club
Homework Help is Coming Soon!
Our Homework Help Program takes place Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3:30 - 4:30. It will begin on Tuesday, October 8th. Assistance will be given with homework assignments, late or missing work and difficult learning areas. If you are interested, please complete the Homework Help Permission Form and return it to Mrs. McAvoy (room 229).
*There will not be bus transportation at this time.
Mrs Roark's EL classes
Mrs. Roark's EL classes did a Pringles Ring Challenge learning about physics - friction, gravity, and balance.
6th Grade History
Mrs. Shields' classes had a delicious time creating edible maps. Students had to choose a snack to represent each region based on the land of that region. Of course each student left the room with a bag of goodies! They ended the week with Fascinating Facts Friday. Thursday, September 20 was "Talk Like a Pirate Day", so they celebrated on Friday by learning about real-life pirates! Be sure to ask the students about pirate eye patches, Blackbeard, and if pirates would really make you "walk the plank".
Attendance Adds Up!
School is a Student's Job!
1. Unexcused tardies to school will result in the lose of REP points (1 point for every 3 unexcused tardies to school.) An attendance plan may be developed for your student and additional requirements for made-up time for missed instruction may be put in place.
2. Absences can add up fast, and sometimes parents are unaware of just how many days their student(s) have missed. If a student misses 18 or more days in a school year, he/she is considered chronically absent. To put that into perspective, if a student misses two days a month, he/she would be close to reaching this threshold. You are always welcome to call and ask how many days your student(s) has missed if you are unaware.
3. Parents frequently have to make appointments for their student(s) during the school year, and at
times, the only appointments available are during the school day. Please, if you can, make as many
appointments after school as you can. We have a lot of students who go to the orthodontist, and
there are several offices that offer early morning or Saturday appointments so that students do not
need to miss school. Look into these options as well. Also, if your student(s) has an appointment, in
the morning, please bring him/her in after the appointment, so he/she does not miss the whole day. If the appointment is in the afternoon, then please send him/her to school for morning classes.
Please see additional information on attendance below!
Scholastic Book Fair
7th Grade Ag Class
Ag students helped shuck the corn for this week's Hispanic Heritage meal on Thursday.
Yearbook Pictures - Oct 1st and Oct 2nd
Students will take pictures during their PE class next week. Money will be given directly to the photographers or you can order your pictures online until Friday, Oct 4th.
Sport Information
Volleyball matches begin at 4:30pm. Questions? Contact Coach Anderson @ tanderson@rockingham.k12.va.us
10/1 AWAY @ Skyline
10/3 HOME vs Elkton
10/5 Tournament
Cross Country
Meets begin at 4:30pm. Questions? Contact Coach Beck @ rbeck@rockingham.k12.va.us
10/3 AWAY @ Thomas Harrison
10/9 District Meet
Competitive Club Soccer
Questions? Contact Coach A at maswani@rockingham.k12.va.us
Schedule for the Week:
Monday (9/30)- C.C. Scrimmage 4:30-6:00pm at Rockingham Park. If game is cancelled, no game and no practice.
Tuesday (10/1)-Practice until 4:30 (even if the weather is bad).
Wednesday (10/2)- C.C. Scrimmage 4:30-6:00pm at Rockingham Park. If game is cancelled, practice until 4:30 instead.
Thursday (10/3)-Practice until 4:30 (even if the weather is bad).
Check out our Student Activities Page on our website!
- Tickets to athletic events are $4 for students and adults.
Concessions will be available for sale at most athletic events.
Students and Guardians must sign a After School Activity Agreement and be on good academic standing in order to attend after school sporting events.
Current physicals run from May 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. A current physical is required by RCPS for all athletes to tryout and participate.
WSPMS Yearbooks
Attention! You can preorder your copy of the yearbook beginning on September 1! This year, you will have the option to preorder online ONLY, except for a short timeframe in March. Please keep your email receipt as refunds will not be given this year for accidentally purchased extra copies. The cost is $20. Visit www.yearbookordercenter.com and enter the code 13754.
As a reminder, students are not to consume commercial restaurant fast food while in the
cafeteria area prior to, or during lunch periods. This is part of the food and nutrition handbook.On behalf of RCPS Food and Nutrition Services staff, welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. We look forward to seeing you and your child(ren) in the cafeteria this year! Please see below for important information related to the start of the school year:
- Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications for the 24-25 school year are now available. You may submit an application online now at www.myschoolapps.com or by returning a paper application to your child(ren)'s school. Paper applications will be distributed to all households, as well as be available at your child(ren)'s school main office. A new application must be submitted each school year.
- Student Meal Prices: Breakfast $1.50 and Lunch $2.50
- Our online payment system is now active for the 24-25 school year. Parents and guardians may deposit money into their child(ren)'s meal account online at www.myschoolbucks.com. Check and cash is also accepted at each school.
Please reach out to the Food and Nutrition Services Office at 540-434-7783 with any questions.
Thank you,
Jennifer Williams, MPH, RD
Director of Food and Nutrition Services
Rockingham County Public Schools
Counseling & Administrative Support
Change of Schedule Request Forms and Check-In or Appointment Request Forms can be found online on our School Counseling page: https://wspms.rockingham.k12.va.us/o/wspms/page/school-counseling
Which counselor works with you?
Lisa Holsinger-Thomas, Counselor / Kevin Forry (Assistant Principal)
Works with all students with last names A-K
Matt Nyce, Counselor / Jody Randolph (Assistant Principal)
Works with all students with last names L-Z
School Attendance Information!
Parents, we are asking you to partner with us to help regularly get your students to school. In short, attendance matters! That said, we realize that there are times when your student(s) may need to be out.
-If your student is absent or late to school, please call the school (879-2535) or email the school (wspmsattendance@rockingham.k12.va.us) before 9:00 AM.
-If your student will be picked up early, please send a note or email the school (wspmsattendance@rockingham.k12.va.us) that morning AND then call us (879-2535) when you are 5-10 minutes away so we can have your student in the office ready to go. Your student will sign themselves out and head out when they see your vehicle.
Please try to schedule all vacations around the school calendar. We have seen an increased number of parents pulling their students out of school for vacations over the last couple of years. While family time is valuable, missing an extended amount of time from school leads to student frustration and anxiety as they fall behind on missed concepts. If you plan to take a vacation, requests must be submitted at least ten school days in advance. There will be circumstances where we may not be able to "excuse" each and every request. Students will be responsible for making up any missed work.
Prearranged Absences
A written request for a pre-arranged absence must be given to the principal at least fourteen days prior to the planned absence. The school administrator has the discretion to excuse or unexcused the prearranged absence request, based on the student’s prior school absences, whether or not the student has a current attendance improvement plan and the academic standing of the student. The student is responsible for securing any and all make-up work from their teachers prior to the pre-arranged absence(s).
Due to varied demands on the teachers with respect to preparing and assigning make-up work for pre- approved absences, teachers shall have the discretion to decide the type and amount of such work and schedule for its completion. Teachers shall not be required to provide assignments in advance of the absences, but may do so at their discretion. Parents/guardians and students are encouraged to work with the teaches prior to the absence to develop a plan for doing the assignments virtually, project-based, packet work or other “means” agreed upon by the teacher, including expected deadlines. Parents/guardians and students are expected to access
assignments and class materials through the Learning Management System to the extent possible.
Parents are encouraged to consider scheduling vacations around school holidays and breaks.
Make-Up Work Needed Due to Absences
Any student absent from class is required to make up all work missed whether the absence is excused or unexcused. Students may choose to obtain all homework assignments prior to leaving the building on the day before a known or preplanned absence will occur. It is the responsibility of the student and the parent to request assignments for the day the student is out. A student and parent’s failure to request make up work and to schedule make up work timeframes with his or her teacher for excused and unexcused absences can result in the student receiving a zero grade for the assignments not completed.
Extracurricular Activities on the Day of the Absence
Students must be in attendance, at a minimum, half of the school day in order to participate in any extra-curricular activity that day. For over the weekend school activities, students must be in attendance for the last four hours of the school day on Friday. However, exceptions may be made if the specific absence has been discussed with and approved by the school principal or designee prior to the student missing any time in school.
WIlbur S Pence Student Handbook
Information for Parents, Guardians & Students
Do you want to know more about the polices and procedures at Pence? Check out the school website: http://wspms.rockingham.k12.va.us/
The "Parent Resources" & "Student Resources" tabs are especially useful. I recommend that all Pence families take some time to review the Student Handbook.
Bookmark this page to access a wealth of information: //www.rcps.net/page/families-students
Stock The Teachers Lounge
Calling all Pence Families!
Please help us stock the teachers lounge with coffee, snacks, and treats! We want to make the teachers feel loved and supported throughout the year since they do so much for our kids!
Two options for easy drop off:
- Leave your items at the front office of Pence Middle.
- If items are to be delivered or shipped to the school (375 Bowman Road), please have them delivered to Door #1 and call the school to let the office staff know the items are on their way.
Pence Middle PTO Hospitality Committee
Ideas: Kcup coffee, Kcup hot cholocate, individual bags of chips, individual bags of trail mix/peanuts, small individually wrapped beef sticks, granola bars, protein bars, individually packaged cookies, small individually wrapped candies/chocolates - basically anything that is a GRAB and GO item!