The Walker Talker
Walker Career Center weekly update - November 22, 2019
Walker Career Center was well represented at the Red for Ed Rally on Tuesday. Many individuals were able to turn it into a family event. As a reminder, the instructional day that was missed on November 19th will be made up on Friday, May 22.
Digital Goats Hosted Tower Take Over
The Digital Goats Walker Career Center Robotics team hosted over 70 Vex Robotics teams on 4 different fields at the Tower Take Over last weekend. Congratulations to all of the teams that competed! To learn more about Vex Robotics you can check out their website.
Career and College Fest was a hit
Last Wednesday, Warren Township hosted their annual Career and College Fest on the Warren Central and Walker Career Center campus. We had over 120 colleges, universities, military branches, organizations, businesses, and/or career programs on display for students in grades K - 12. Thank you to everyone that was able to participate, it was a wonderful event!
Nutrition and Wellness is preparing kids for the holidays
Students in our Nutrition and Wellness program were able to learn the proper etiquette for family style dining. Students were able to to learn about table setup as well as proper etiquette when eating family style. Hopefully these skills will assist them throughout the holiday season!
FIrst year Health Careers learn about chain reaction
Students in Health Careers I are currently learning about infection control. The current objective is the Chain of Infection. Each student in their group picked their own disease or virus to break down into the 6 components of the chain of infection. Than they connected each of their chains to a base to make a "Chain of Infection Mobile."
The WCC ACE Mentoring group visited Fanning Howey Architects in downtown Indianapolis. Students were rotated into 4 groups and met with professionals from architecture, electrical engineering, landscape design, and interior design. ACE students are participating in field trips this semester in preparation for their design project next semester. The ACE project this year is to design a college residence hall.
Seniors in the FInance Academy were able to have a working lunch on Wednesday. During their lunch, they were able to collaborate and learn from several local business leaders.
Walker Career Center
Website: https://wcc.warren.k12.in.us/o/walker-career-center
Phone: 317-532-6150
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MSDWarrenTownship/
Twitter: @WCHS_WCC