RVE Staff Bulletin
Updates For The Week of Jan. 6
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday, January 6 (Day 3)
Tuesday, January 7 (Day 4)
- Sped PLC 2:15 in Sped Meeting Space
Wednesday, January 8 (Day 5)
- Attendance Team 9:30 in Main Office Conference Room
- iTeam 2:15 in Large Conference Room
- Qcomp/SDD 2:15-3
Thursday, January 9 (Day 1)
- CARES Breakfast 7:40 in MPR
- Student Support Team 9:30 in Shawn's Office
- Coaches Meeting 1:15-2
Friday, January 10
- Professional Development Day; No Students
Lightning Round of Quick Reminders
- Nurse Lisa's lunch break will be from 12:15-12:45 each day. Please make a note of it and do not send students to the nurse's office during that time unless it is an emergency.
- Keep sending Shawn pictures of great things (big or small) happening in your classroom.
Welcome To New Paraprofessional, Ms. Peni Moss!
From Peni: Hello, my name is Peni Moss, and I'm thrilled to be working with all of you at Riverview. I have lived in Farmington for almost 30 years, where I raised my two kids, Latifah and Tony, with my husband David. Before joining Riverview , I was a daycare provider for almost 20 years. I've always enjoyed working with kids and families, and I'm excited for this opportunity.
Peni's first day will be on Monday, January 6 and she will be working closely with Dawn Simon. If/When you see her around the school, please help make her feel welcome and supported.
Spend Time Reviewing/Reestablishing Routines & Expectations
As we think about the first days coming back from winter break, please be mindful of the fact that time/effort will need to be spent reestablishing the routines, procedures, and expectations we worked so hard to create before break. Be mindful that there may be some tendency to "revert back" and hold firm to the high standards of behavior, effort, respect, and kindness that were established through he first half of the school year.
I used the phrase "go slow now to go fast later" at the beginning of the school year and I still fully embrace that mindset. It is true that we are officially in the "go fast" portion of the school year, but be intentional about the "go slow" part in the next couple of days.
Winter Assessment Window Is Now Open
A few things to consider about the winter assessment window:
- You can click here for the assessment calendar (a picture of it is below but the links won't work on the picture).
- The window opens right away when we get back from break, but it may be wise to wait a bit before jumping in. We want to make sure the data we collect is accurate, valid, and reliable so ensuring our learners have every opportunity to show what they know is key.
- We will spend time at our January 13 staff meeting going over assessment details, what needs to be completed, and how to administer each component.
- We will spend time at our Feb. 10 staff meeting analyzing the data and beginning to identify next steps in our instruction and systems to ensure the rest of the school year is as succesful as possible.
- Remember our "PIE IN THE SKY" goal that was shared at the beginning of the year. Our learners are smarter than other kids and our teachers are more talented so it makes sense that our growth would be above average! 😀 We are aiming for every learner to improve 4% above the national average from fall to spring. If we use winter assessments as a midpoint check-in, we are hoping to see each learner gaining at least 2 percentile points on their national percentile in reading and math. It is ambitious to be sure, but I know we can do it!
Professional Development Day Plan For Friday, January 10
Friday, January 10 is a staff development day for all licensed staff. Folks will be focused on CAREIALL work or their alternative plan. There is a scheduled live zoom from 7:45-9:45 and all modules from unit 5 should be completed by that morning. Please approach this day with focus, commitment, and a collaborative spirit as you have in the past. Invest in yourself and your own professional growth! You are worth it!
January 10 is a work day for paras. Please plan to work your regular hours. Sped is not organizing district-wide training that day but all paraprofessionals have access to the paraeducator online training modules of their choice. Here is a master list of courses available. There are many modules that are relevant to everyone's responsibilities so please choose to learn in areas that are most beneficial to you. I encourage folks to work together and use the modules to help kick start a dialogue that helps everyone learn from each other as well.
As a reminder, February 14 is a staff development/CAREIALL day that all licensed staff will work, but IS NOT a work day for paras.
Graduate Credit Now Offered For CAREIALL Work
CAREIALL participants now have the option of receiving 2 graduate level credits through UMN. The form linked here will give you more information about the cost and next steps. Please know, to receive course credit for Spring semester, interested persons must register as a non-degree seeking student by January 8. This option includes additional costs and steps, so please read everything very carefully before submitting this form.
If you have questions about this offer, please contact edpsych@umn.edu.
A few things to note:
- If you want graduate credit the deadlines from the U of MN require quick turnaround. Deadlines: Jan 8 to register; Jan 20 to pay
- The district credit approval form is attached below. However, you can disregard the statement “Complete this form in full and forward to the Human Resources Office PRIOR to the date the course begins” as the district has already said they will approve all Careiall credit. Once the form is filled out, then have Shawn sign it before turning it into HR
PTP & OMNI To Hold Community Night on Jan. 13; Enjoy a Great Meal & Support RVES
Help Spread The Word: 2025 Kindergarten Info Session Set For January 15 at FHS
Multiage Open House/Information Night Set For Friday, January 24
PTP Family Movie Night is Set For Friday, January 24; More Details To Come Soon
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About Riverview: A Learner Centered Community
The mission of Riverview Elementary School, a learner-centered community that transforms the future of learning, is to ensure each individual continuously grows emotionally, socially, and academically to have a positive impact in their communities through:
- Honoring the diverseness of our communities
- Learning experiences driven by passions, sparks, and interests
- Reflection on the learning process and real-life experiences
- Collaborative relationships, trust, and open communication
Our Objectives:
- Each learner continuously demonstrates academic and personal growth.
- Each learner develops the skills to understand how they learn best.
- Each learner possesses the skills to advocate for themselves and others.
- Each learner continuously explores personal interests and passions to drive their learning.