Blevins Bulletin
December 8th , 2023

November 1st 2024 Principal's Message
Hello Blevins Families,
I hope you all had a safe and fun Halloween! I'm particularly proud of how well our students handled the holiday during the school day. I saw so many fun and creative costumes, and it was all done in a manner that did not distract from learning. Our Bruin students always rise to the occasion!
Please check out this school year's first edition of the Blevins PAWS, our school newspaper. We have a PBL class dedicated to newspaper. They are learning skills in journalism, and they have knocked their first edition out of the park. I encourage you to check it out on this site.
With boys' basketball kicking off, we have a fun November ahead. Save the date for our Open House on 11/19 at 5:30pm, where we will welcome 5th grade families and celebrate our current students. See you then!
Joe Zappa, Principal
Halloween Fun
Important Dates
⭐Thursday, November 7th:
- SAVE THE DATE- PTO Fundraiser at MOD Pizza (Information Below)
- Choir Concert (Silver & Burgundy Singers) 7:00pm @ RMHS
Saturday, November 9th:
Lego Robotics Competition 8:00am-4:00pm @ Poudre High School. Good Luck Blevins Lego Robotics Team!
Monday, November 11th:
- NO SCHOOL (Office Closed)
Wednesday, November 13th:
- Students and Staff Wear Cardigans to Honor Mr. Rodgers for World Kindness Day
Thursday, November 14th:
- Orchestra Concert (Symphonic/Concert Orchestra) 7:00pm @ RMHS
⭐Tuesday, November 19th:
- Blevins Open House for both current and prospective students 5:30pm-7:00pm (Information Below)
🦃Thursday, November 21st:
- Drop off FROZEN turkeys, hams & chickens 7:00am-8:00am to Blevins (Information Below)
Monday, November 25th- 29th:
- NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Break
WEB food drive to support the Larimer County Food Bank
WEB is sponsoring a schoolwide food drive to support the Larimer County Food Bank. This food drive will run through all PBL classes.
- The food drive will start on Monday, November 4th.
- There will be a prize for the PBL class that collects the most food.
- All donations should be non-perishable.
- Foods can be collected until Friday, November 22nd.
- WEB Leaders will pick up all boxes during 5th period on the 22nd and will deliver all the donations to the food bank.
Our WEB Community Service Committee is so excited to support those in need as we enter the holiday season. Thank you so much for all your support.
November 7th PTO Fundraiser at MOD Pizza
History Harvest
“The History Harvest is part of our larger History Matters Project, which is focused on building hyperlocal, place-based history curriculum that represents our community’s diverse history. In the current phase of the project, we are building 8-10 annotated lesson plans and accompanying resource sets (co-created with teachers, researchers, graduate students, and community partners) for use in P-12 history and social studies classrooms in PSD.
Blevins is a History Matters School! All 6th grade social studies students completed a History Harvest artifact project, and the entire Blevins community is invited to share their artifacts at this event. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Rajnowski at brajnowski@psdschools.org.”
Blevins Open House for Current and Prospective Students
Tuesday, November 19th 5:30pm-7:00pm
Bruins Give! Donate FROZEN turkeys, hams & chickens
Support the Larimer County Food Bank
Help give everyone in Larimer County a hearty holiday meal
Drop off FROZEN turkeys, hams & chickens
THURSDAY NOVEMBER 21st 7:00am-8:00am
to a Blevins Staff Turkey Wrangler located in the Blevins East or West Parking Lot
Holiday Assistance
Hello Blevins Families - If you are in need of any Holiday assistance , winter coats, or other resources, please reach out to Erin McCain, emccain@psdschools.org or 970-488-4009 (please leave a message with your full name and number!).
Boston/NY Trip for Interested 8th Graders
The Boston/NY Trip will be here before we know it, and we want to make sure you don’t miss it! The enrollment deadline is fast approaching on November 18th. This gives us enough time to get your students’ information turned in before it is too late! The benefits of this kind of travel are too many to list here, and these memories will stay with them forever. If you want more information or want to enroll your student, visit www.efexploreamerica.com/2794420AY. If you have any questions, you can contact Ms. Rajnowski at brajnowski@psdschools.org or contact EF Explore America directly at 888-333-9756.
¡El viaje a Boston/Nueva York llegará antes de que nos demos cuenta y queremos asegurarnos de que no te lo pierdas! La fecha límite de inscripción se acerca rápidamente, el 18 de noviembre. ¡Esto nos da tiempo suficiente para enviar la información de tus estudiantes antes de que sea demasiado tarde! Los beneficios de este tipo de viaje son demasiados para enumerar aquí, y estos recuerdos permanecerán con ellos para siempre. Si deseas más información o quieres inscribir a tu estudiante, visita www.efexploreamerica.com/2794420AY. Si tienes alguna pregunta, puedes contactar a la Sra. Rajnowski en brajnowski@psdschools.org o contactar directamente a EF Explore America al 888-333-9756.
Purchase Your 2024-2025 Blevins Yearbook
Students are back at school making new memories with their friends! Be sure to order the one book that captures the activities, spirit, and unique qualities of your child’s school. Visit www.jostensyearbooks.com to order the 2025 Yearbook now so your student does not miss out!
¡Los estudiantes están de regreso en la escuela creando nuevos recuerdos con sus amigos! Asegúrese de pedir el libro que capture las actividades, el espíritu y las cualidades únicas de la escuela de su hijo. ¡Visite www.jostensyearbooks.com para pedir el Anuario 2025 ahora para que su estudiante no se lo pierda!
Show Your BRUIN PRIDE Holiday Sale
- Sale Dates: 11/4/2024 - 12/10/2024
- 25% off all merchandise
- Free shipping on orders over $75
- Guaranteed delivery by Dec. 23rd
8th Grade Information Night at FCHS
Daily Schedule, Silver & Burgundy Calendar, PSD Calendar
7:10-7:25 Breakfast Served (for those who want it)
7:30 Period 1 Starts
2:25 School Ends
Thank you Ed Carroll Motor Company
Thank you to Ed Carroll Motor Company for Sponsoring our
Lego Robotics Team. We appreciate your support!
Support Blevins
Who To Contact
Joe Zappa, Principal
Dusti Sanger, Assistant Principal
Scott Schreiner, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Michele Trujillo, Office Manager
Kirsten Bovbjerg, 6th/7th Grade Counselor
Anna Burris, 7th/8th Grade Counselor
Erin McCain, Academic Dean* & School Counselor
*Guidance for academic supports for Blevins students
PSD Special Olympics Fundraiser
Fundraiser for PSD Special Olympics
Blooming Girls After-School Development Program
Blooming Girls After-School Development Program
Boys and Girls Club After School Programs
Vaccine Clinic
The Health & Wellness Center at Lincoln Middle School, run by Every Child Pediatrics, is having a vaccine clinic on 9/11/24, 10/ 16/24, 11/20/24, and 12/18/24 from 9 - 5 at Lincoln Middle School for students who qualify for Vaccines for Children (VFC) vaccines or vaccines paid for through private insurance.