Low Ash Weekly Update
June 13th, 2024

Low Ash Weekly Update - 14.6.24
Welcome Back
Welcome back for the final half term of the school year. We would like to say that it feels like summer, but sadly, it doesn't yet! We hope you all had a lovely half term break and your children are looking forward to the half term ahead.
This week's school attendance: 95.4%
School attendance for the year so far: 95.2%
Class of the week are 1RW with 99.2% attendance and 6LC with 100% attendance.
Well done to both classes.
As ever we aim for 96% attendance. Children with better attendance are proven to achieve better at school. Thank you for your support in this.
School Council Visit to City Hall
On Monday, the School Council had the opportunity to visit City Hall in Bradford to find out more about the work of Bradford Council, local government and democracy. They had a tour of the historical building, met with Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe and even had a chance to sit in the Council chambers! The children asked some fantastic questions on their visit.
Transition Day - Meet Your New Teacher!
On Wednesday 3rd July, pupils will have the opportunity to meet and spend time with their new class teacher. At the end of the day, you will be invited to collect your child from their new classroom exit and you are welcome to pop in to the new classroom and to informally meet their new teacher. As normal, we will be holding curriculum evenings in September for the new Year 1 to Year 6 classes when you can find out more about your child's curriculum and visits for the year, but we hope this extra chance to pop into school in July might help some children (or parents and carers) who are worrying about the move to a new year group.
Prior to this date, you will be informed of who your child's new class teacher will be.
Police Plea
As you will be aware, recently, unfortunately, there have been reports of a few ‘suspicious’ people around school. If you witness anything, as well as informing school, please can you ring and report this to the non-emergency 101 police number. Whilst we always do this as a school, the police like to speak to those who have witnessed things directly. Therefore they have asked that we pass this message to parents and carers.
Community Links & Events
Wrose quarry wetlands - on Wednesday 19th June some members of the School Council will be attending the launch of Wrose quarry wetlands. These developments will hopefully hugely benefit the people of Wrose and the surrounding area.
Clean air day- a number of our children will be attending the Bradford Clean Air event on 20th June, exploring all things related to clean air. They will have the opportunity to investigate the causes of air pollution, look at aerosols and their air pollution, make air pollution catchers and view mini hydrogen cars and see how they work.
Play in the park events
Wrose Parish Council has booked 5 Play in the Park events for the following dates in the summer holidays:
Tuesday 30th July
Tuesday 6th August
Tuesday 13th August
Tuesday 20th August
Tuesday 27th August
All days will take place in Claremont Park.
Click on the link below for further information.
Eid Mubarak
We know many of you will be celebrating Eid ul-Adha over the next few days. We hope you all have lovely celebrations with your families. Eid Mubarak!
Dates for the Diary
Thursday 20th June - 2B school trip
Thursday 20th June - New Reception parent and carer information evening
Monday 24th June - 3T school trip
Tuesday 25th June - Reception base 1 school trip
Wednesday 26th June - New Nursery parent and carer information evening
Thursday 27th June - 3B trip
Friday 28th June - Reception Base 2 trip
Week beginning 1st July- Year 6 show week
Wednesday 3rd July - Meet your new teacher day
Tuesday 9th July - 1RW school trip
Wednesday 10th - Friday 12th July - Year 6 residential
Thursday 11th July - Summer discos- Nursery to year 5
Week beginning 15th July - Healthy Schools week
Tuesday 16th July 9.15-10.30 - Reception sports day
Wednesday 17th July 9.00-10.15 - Morning & All-Day Nursery sports day
Wednesday 17th July 10.30-12.00 - Y3 and Y4 sports day
Wednesday 17th July 2.00 - 3.15 - Afternoon & All-Day Nursery sports day
Thursday 18th July 9.15-10.45 - Y5 and 6 sports day
Thursday 18th July 1.45–3.15 - Y1 and 2 sports day
Monday 22nd July - School summer fair (after school)
Tuesday 23rd July - School finishes for the summer holidays
The Low Ash U11s cricket team who took part in the Bradford finals this week. Well done to all involved!
'Oh I do like to be beside the seaside' - 2M had a fabulous time in Filey this week.
Year 3 children making pizzas with Rethink Food UK. #LetsRethinkFood
Please click on the link above which will take you to the Low Ash website online safety page where you will find the June online safety newsletter. Alternatively, you can open the PDF attachment.