Overbrook Parent Newsletter
May 3, 2024
2024 - 2025 School Calendar
Please see the Pine Hill School District Calendar for the 24-25 School Year:
OHS Dancing with the Teachers!
OHS Dancing with the teachers was a resounding success! Congratulations and thank you to Mr. Petroski, voted as the "Fan Favorite" and Mr. Chance, the overall winner of the competition! Thank you to Mr. Hartnett, Mrs. Schwartz, Mr. Hemmert, and Mrs. Fisher for rocking those moves on stage. Thanks to Mrs. Kohri, Ms. Russo, Mr. Callahan and Mrs. Messina for judging this competition. Special thank you to Ms. Bowe for not only performing, but putting on a wonderful evening! Events like these for our kids show we have the best staff members!
Senior Graduation Signs
Seniors: Graduation yard signs can now be ordered. This year there will be two options: customized (w/name) and non-customized (no name). All orders/payments must be made through the link that is provided on the Senior Google Classroom, or follow the link below. Signs will be delivered to the school and will be handed out as they come in. Please share the link with family and friends! See Mr. Burger in A115 if you have any questions.
Student Conduct
As we progress toward the end of the school year, we are seeing an uptick in some common code of conduct violations. Please assist us in reminding your students of our Code of Conduct and speak with them about the consequences should they not abide as seen in the above linked Code of Conduct. As we return from Spring Break, we will step up enforcement of these common violations.
Additionally, here are some excerpts from the Student Handbook that speak to some of our common Code of Conduct Violations:
Lunch Balances
Recently, some have received Lunch Balance notices via email. The message comes from the principal of each building and is an automated message that pulls data from Genesis. The message reads:
"This message is from the Pine Hill School District. Currently, your student (insert name here) has a negative school lunch balance of -$(insert amount here) which must be paid as soon as possible. If you have not completed a school lunch application, please do - as this balance may be reversed if you qualify."
If you have any questions regarding this message or if you would like to submit a school lunch application, please contact Pat Blaylock in our Board Office at 856-783-6900 ext. 1034 .
Morning Drop-Off Procedures
When dropping off students in the morning please pay attention the following rules below. This is for the safety of our students and parents.
1. Please pull all the way up prior to letting your child out of the car.
2. Stay in a single file line and do not drive around cars in the line.
3. All students should exit out of the passenger side of the car at the curb.
4. When exiting the high school drop off line, please exercise caution as the Middle School staff is arriving to their parking lot next door.
5. If you are waiting for drop off prior to 7:05 am, please park in the main lot. The driveway in the front of the building needs to remain open to traffic.
Broken and Lost Chromebook Fines
Please see the following list of fines for broken and/or lost Chromebooks. When a fine is issued for a Chromebook issue, a letter will be sent home to your address on file. All fines must be paid in order for students to participate in after school events including sports, dances, and graduation.
Broken Screen - $160
Palm Rest/Mouse Pad - $65
Keyboard - $17
Bottom Cover - $65
Battery - $30
Motherboard - $270
Complete Device - $360
Lost/Damaged Charger - $50
Upcoming Events... 5/6 - 5/10
Monday 5/6
AP US Gov't and AP Chemistry Test
Tuesday 5/7
AP Stats Test
Tri-M Music Honor Society - 7PM - Auditorium
Wednesday 5/8
AP English Lit Test
Independence Seaport Museum Trip
ESL Parent Night - 6:45PM - Cafeteria
Thursday 5/9
AP Psychology Test
Edmund Optics Trip
Friday 5/10
AP US History Test
RYLA Parent Meeting - 6PM Auditorium
A Look Ahead... 5/13- 5/17
Monday 5/13
Mid Marking Period Window Opens
AP Calculus Exam
NHS Meeting - 2:00PM - A203
German Exchange Volleyball Tournament - 5:00PM - Gymnasium
Tuesday 5/14
AP English Language Test
Newspaper Club - 2:00PM - A202
German Exchange Video Game Tournament - 2:00PM
Board Meeting - 6:30PM - Media Center
Wednesday 5/15
HS Band Concert Rehearsal
AP Computer Science Test
Thursday 5/16
AP Spanish Test
AP Biology Test
LEO Club Meeting - 2:00PM - A116
HS/MS Band Concert - 7:00PM - Auditorium
Grade Window Closes
Friday 5/17
AP Physics 1 Test
AP Physics 2 Test
Overbrook Event Calendar
Care Solace
Care Solace is a free resource to help individuals find mental health care providers and substance use treatment centers. It is open to all Pine Hill School District students, families, and staff. They can be reached by phone 24 hours a day at (888) 515-0595 or you can visit caresolace.com/pinehillsd and complete an anonymous search of available resources.