Weekly Happenings
Week of 8/27/18
A Message from the Administrator
Greetings MCS Families,
I hope you all had a wonderful summer and that your family is ready for another great year at Moscow Charter School. Tomorrow night is our Welcome Back Ice Cream Social with details outlined here: Ice Cream Social. We look forward to seeing you all there to meet the staff, drop off classroom supplies, and chat with the teachers about classroom expectations for the year.
There will be a few changes with year with our busing and pickup system. Students who ride the bus will be picked up at MCS and will no longer have to transfer at the middle school. This allows our students to have a direct ride home and they will no longer have to worry about switching buses at the Middle School. As a result of this, pickup for students not riding the bus will be slightly different.
Parents of our Elementary students may continue picking up/dropping off at our main building. When dropping your child off in the morning, please make sure your child is ready to go and exit the car quickly. If you think it may take them longer, please park in a parking spot to help prevent congestion.
If your child is meeting you at the HIRC after school for pickup, there will be a crossing guard to assist them across F St to the parking lot of the HIRC. There will be up to 10 buses coming through to pick up students, so we ask that you not park on the south side of the street in front of the portables.
We understand these changes will take time to get used to, but we greatly appreciate your patience and understanding during this time as we obtain a routine. I look forward to another great school year and we hope to see you tomorrow evening at our Back to School Ice Cream Social from 5:30-7 pm. Go Lions!!!
Tony Bonuccelli
Administrator, Moscow Charter School
Back to School Ice Cream Social & Water Balloon Throw!
You may bring in your school supplies and meet your teacher at this time. Catch up with school friends you haven't seen over the summer! Read Full Story for ScheduleElementary K-5:5:30 to 6:00pm-All parents and students should meet in classrooms. Drop off supplies and meet their teacher. All K-5 teachers are in the main building. Grades K-2 will be in the west side and grades 3-5 will be in the east side of the buildingMiddle School 6-8:5:30 to 6:00pm-There will be an open rotation for parents to meet staff, drop off supplies and pick up their class syllabus.Mr Collins-Front Portable-South sideMrs. Warzyn-Front Portable-North sideMrs. Hoffmeister- LANG Center (House)Everyone:6:00pm-Ice Cream on the main lawn and Staff Introductions6:15-7:00pm-Open House and Water Balloon throw at Mr. B!!!Families who have made their $225 suggested donation this school year (2018-2019) or make a donation greater than $150 the night of the social will receive 5 free throws. Throws may also be purchased for $5 a throw!!
Tuesday, Aug 28, 2018, 05:30 PM
Moscow Charter School, East F Street, Moscow, ID, USA
About Us
Email: office@moscowcharterschool.org
Website: moscowcharterschool.org
Location: 1723 East F Street, Moscow, ID, USA
Phone: 208-883-3195
Facebook: facebook.com/moscowcharterschool