Warren Wildcat
August 2024 Parent Newsletter
August Events
July 31 - Meet Your Teacher 1-3:00PM
1 - First Day of School 7:42 AM
12 -Pre School Starts 7:42 AM
13 - Super Hero Day
21 - No School- Professional Development Day for Teachers
28 - Open House 5-6:30 PM
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
Welcome Back Warren Families,
Where did the summer go? Here comes the 2024-2025 School Year! Warren teachers are so excited and have been busy learning new teaching techniques and setting up their classrooms to welcome you to a new year.
Warren will continue with our uniform policy, navy, or khaki pants, shorts, or skirts and white, maroon, gray polo shirts. On Friday’s we celebrate our College Bound Wildcats, students can wear uniform bottoms and the University of their choice shirts (or uniform top). Warren students are high school, and university bound, we want to celebrate this by looking forward to the day they start higher education. Students can wear any university t-shirt they would like, U of Arizona, UCLA, and even ASU or high school shirt like Tucson, Pueblo, or Cholla. There will be Free Dress and Spirit Days throughout the year.
Breakfast and lunch will continue to be FREE for all Warren students. Parents and Guardians DO NOT need to fill out any paperwork. If you need any help with uniforms please reach out to the front office. If your child will be bringing their own lunch, please make sure it is a healthy lunch full of brain food like protein, fruit, and free from soda, candy, and chips. Please Keep the Hot Cheetos, Takis, and any hot chip at home. Students end up sharing them and causing problems.
Please remember to help your student get to school on time. It is very important that your children are on time each day. Tardiness is not acceptable and has a negative impact on their learning. The bell for students to line up, rings at 7:42 a.m. Start of school bell rings at 7:45 a.m. Students are considered tardy after 7:50 a.m. All tardy students must sign in at the front office and receive a tardy admit slip to class.
Please reach out to me and our front office if you have any questions. Here's to a wonderful new and exciting school year.
Jill Ronsman
Welcome New Warren Staff
We would like to Welcome New Warren Staff members to the Wildcat Family.
Miss Tabitha Quijada - Attendance Technician
Mrs. Zulma Morales - Reading Specialist
Miss Emily Richart - 5th grade teacher
Mrs. Bri Ochoa - Pre K Teachers Assistant
Ms. Jeannie Starks - Teachers Assistant
Mrs. Alexandra Arenas - Monitor
Morning Drop Off and Afternoon Pick Up
As we start the new year we will allow parents to walk their child to the cafe for breakfast, playground and/or classroom for the first 4 days. Parents will need to leave campus when the bell rings, so students can start their day of learning.
Starting on Wednesday, August 7th students will be dropped off at the front door. There will be staff members on hand if your child needs a little extra help. Pre School parents will need to go to the classroom to sign in their child daily. Exceptional Education parents will need to sign in to escort their child.
Starting August 7th, parents will need to sign in and get a visitors badge if they are going to the classroom for any reason.
All students will be brought out to the front of the school for pick up. You can park in the parking lots and get out of the car to meet your child. DO NO Park across the street! Students will Not be allowed to cross the street. Please do not leave your car in the drop off/ pick up lane in front of the school. Please be patient while everyone learns the procedures. Do not worry if you arrive at 2:05, your child is safe with us.....
Warren loves having volunteers on our campus. If you are wanting to volunteer in your child's classroom, go on a field trip, or anywhere else on campus, you must apply to be a volunteer. It is easy and we really appreciate all the help you can give. Thank you!
Water Bottles and Free Breakfast & Lunch
It is recommended that your child brings a water bottle every day. The drinking fountains are open, but water bottles are encouraged.
We will also take donations of water. Thank you
Free lunch and breakfast will continue at Warren
All Warren students will still receive FREE Breakfast and Lunch for the 2024-25 School Year. You do not need to fill out any paperwork. Please check out the school menus.
Character Strong - Kindness
We’re excited to kick off the new school year by talking about Kindness. Our definition of Kindness is acting with understanding, generosity, and care. We believe developing skills around Kindness will help us build a strong foundation for a great year of learning, connecting, and growing together.