Lodi Middle School
Website: https://middle.lodi.k12.wi.us/
Phone: 608-592-3854
Facebook: facebook.com/LodiSchoolsWI/
Twitter: @LodiSchoolsWI
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Message From Mr. Pertzborn
Dear Lodi Middle School Students and Families,
We are thrilled to share exciting news about our school and district report cards! All schools in our district achieved an "Exceeds Expectations" rating, a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students, staff, and families. Lodi Middle School proudly posted its highest report card score to date, including a perfect 100 out of 100 in Math growth (the highest possible score) and an impressive 86.9 out of 100 in English Language Arts - far exceeding the state average of 66.0 for both subjects. These accomplishments reflect the incredible efforts and collaboration of our entire school community.
Meeting the needs of our students truly takes a village, and every role contributes to their success. From ensuring a clean, welcoming environment (Thank you, Pat Miller - Custodian), to keeping our school running smoothly (Thank you, Dawn Maier and Lesli Falk - Administrative Assistants), to providing additional support when needed (Thanks, Jenna Zurbuchen, Teisha Damit, Cindy Dominick, Lori Schmidt, Tracy Jones, Lynzi Bunger, Dan McChesney, Sam Reese, and Yolanda Schroeder - Educational Assistants ), to fostering a safe space for students to connect (Thank you, Tim Klade - Recess Monitor), to keeping our students healthy (Thanks, Janelle Sivam - School Nurse), to providing access to grade-level standards, quality instruction, and high expectations for learning (Thanks, Teachers) - each person makes a difference. Thank you to families as well, for fostering a love of learning at home. Together, we create an environment where students thrive.
Congratulations to everyone for the vital role you play in our students' success! Click on this link to see the official Lodi Middle School report card for 2023-24.
Take care and see you soon!
Derek Pertzborn
Lodi Middle School, Principal
Upcoming Dates
Tue, Jan 7 - 8th Grade Course Info Night - 6 pm - Lodi High School
Mon, Jan 13 - Board Meeting - 6:30 pm
Fri, Jan 17 - End of Term 2
Fri, Jan 17 - Community Blood Drive - Lodi Middle School
Mon, Jan 20 - No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Thu, Feb 6 - Parent Teacher Conferences - 3:30-7:30 pm
Fri, Feb 7 - No School - Staff Collaboration
Mon, Feb 10 - Board Meeting - 6:30 pm
Tue, Feb 18 - Parent Teacher Conferences - 3:30-7:30 pm
Speak Up Speak Out
Speak Up Speak Out is a tip line for anyone to anonymously report a safety issue within the school. Safety concerns may be a threat to our school, a threat to a student, bullying of students, or just concerns in general. Administration will follow up on tips that are provided.
To submit a tip, click the link below.
Homework Links
Student and Family Information
Student of the Month - November - Kindness
Congratulations to the Students of the Month - November for being nominated for their kindness. Research shows that people who are kind and compassionate are more satisfied with their lives, have better physical and mental health, and have stronger relationships. Acts of kindness also encourage others to repeat the good deeds they’ve experienced themselves - contributing to a more positive community. Being kind and compassionate can help other people, and make you feel good too.
Inclement Weather - Virtual Learning Expectations
With winter around the corner, school may be canceled due to inclement weather. In most situations, the district plans to use two days of school as regular days off. If the district has additional inclement weather days, we will provide students with virtual instruction on those days to meet our state required hours of instruction. As always, the district will prioritize in-person learning experiences for our students whenever possible.
Students were trained on the expectations for a virtual learning day in December. We will also review these expectations if it looks like a virtual learning day is possible in the near future. Staff will work with students to make sure that they send home their Chromebooks and classroom materials to make it a productive learning experience.
Here is a link to Lodi Middle School Virtual Learning Expectations for Students and Staff.
8th Grade - Course Scheduling Night @ LHS - LGI 6 pm
It is hard to believe, but it is time for 8th grade families to start thinking about their student's transition to high school. To support this process, we invite 8th grade parents to a special presentation on Tuesday, January 7, at 6:00 PM in the Lodi High School Performing Arts Center. The presentation will feature Lodi High School Principal Joe Jelinek and cover essential topics, including class schedules, A/B schedule overview, grading policies, Infinite Campus, Align by Design, the Laude System, student support services, and co-curricular opportunities.
We encourage all 8th grade families to join us and learn more about how to support your child's transition to high school.
For an appointment, call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter Sponsor Code: bluedevils.
How to Support My Child in Middle School
Your role in fostering confidence in your student is invaluable. By openly communicating encouragement and modeling self-assurance, you help them navigate challenges and build resilience. Express belief in their abilities, celebrate their efforts, and remind them that mistakes are a natural part of growth. However, it's equally important to offer support when needed, creating a safe space for them to share concerns and seek guidance. Your balanced approach of confidence and empathy teaches them to approach life with courage while knowing they are never alone in their journey.
Things to Ask Your Kids....(3 Questions Each Month)
Here are three questions to ask your teen this week to get them to open up:
1. What's something exciting or interesting that happened to you this week?
2. What's been challenging for you lately, and how can I support you?
3. How do you feel about school lately?
Cold Weather - Recess
As the weather begins to change, please be sure that your child is bringing proper clothing to stay warm. We have had a beautiful fall so far, but we all realize that is going to be changing soon (except some middle school children :)). We will be sending students outside nearly every day for recess. The only reason students will not go outside is if it is raining or if the temperature is below 0 degrees (we will also take wind chill into account). Students are generally outside for recess for 10-20 minutes. If your student needs a jacket for winter please let me know and we will get them one. If you know of another student who might need one, please pass that information along my way.
Order Your Middle School Yearbook Today!
Middle School News
Winter Concert
Thank you to band teacher Ashley Gulbranson and choir teacher Angela Roberts for putting on an amazing show for the Winter Concert. The band and choir members played for nearly a full house at the Lodi High School Performing Arts Center. We are so proud of the students for the show they put on and of Ms. Gulbranson and Ms. Roberts for all of the time and effort they put into getting our students ready for the show.
7th Grade - Future Quest
Our amazing 7th grade students attended Future Quest on Wednesday, November 20. FutureQuest provided students with an opportunity to relate their current interests to future education and career opportunities found within 16 career clusters and helped prepare students to choose high school classes that relate to their interests and strengths. This incredible event is all about exploring careers, discovering passions, and opening doors to endless possibilities.
All School Assembly
Lodi Middle School students kicked off December with an all-school assembly full of fun, energy, and excitement!
Students enjoyed an action-packed game of Wall Ball, bringing the room to life with teamwork, laughter, and friendly competition. Assemblies like this bring our community together, spark school spirit, and celebrate student achievements. They're a perfect way to foster connections, boost energy, and create memories that last all year long.
Congratulations to the 8th grade, who scored the most points and took home the middle school trophy!
Attendance Matters
Attendance - Vacations
Although family vacations are of great importance and a valuable experience, please know they create a major disruption in learning for many of our students and burden our staff with getting students caught up. School attendance is a major factor in academic achievement. Keep this in mind when planning future vacations.
Attendance Protocol
This is a reminder of the importance of reporting an absence if a student is going to be missing from school. Families can complete the Absence Form (button below) instead of calling or emailing the office; however, if you have questions or are unable to complete this form, you can still call the attendance line: (608) 592-3854 x 0 or email the school office at msoffice@lodischoolswi.org.
This form is also accessible through the Lodi Middle School Homepage with the link that says "Report an Absence" on the main page.
Family Resources
Blessings in a Backpack
Students in this program receive a bag of non-perishable, kid-friendly food every Friday that is intended for them to be able to eat over the weekend. Bags will be dispensed in a discreet and confidential manner. If we don’t have school on Fridays, the bags will be placed in backpacks on Thursdays. This program began a few years back and continues to grow each school year adding more families. Please fill out the Blessing in a Backpack Google Form to enroll in this program.
Bridging Brighter Smiles
Professional dental services provided right at school for students and families in need.
Not sure if your child is enrolled, or due for care? Call Bridging Brighter Smiles at 262-896-9891, or email them at coordinator@bbsmiles.org.
Free and Reduced Lunch
The Free and Reduced Lunch program is income based. The application can be found on the school district website under ‘Our Families’ and then ‘Food Service’. (English) or (Spanish)
If you have any questions about this program reach out to Ariel Andrews at 608.592.3855 ext. 1017 or email andrear@lodischoolswi.org
Message from Food Service
January 2025 - Newsletter
I hope everyone’s holidays were great and that you spent lots of time with you family. As we go into the new year we have lots of exciting things planned.
Our Harvest of the month for January is grapefruit, cabbage and winter savory and winter savory-which is a type of lettuce. Watch for some specials that will have these ingredients in them. Our Limited Time Offer is Turkey Piegga. Our United Tastes of America is Beef Stew over Drop Biscuit. Please give them a try and give us your feedback.
We would like you to tell us what you like on the menu so we can serve it more often. Tell us your
favorite pizza etc.
We just want to remind you to be careful with your silverware and trays. They are expensive to replace. We appreciate your help!
Lastly, I want to wish you a great new year with lots of happiness!
Diane Lueck
Taher Food Service Director
Message From School Nurse
Nurse’s Notes: January 2025
Frostbite is an injury to the body that is caused by freezing. Frostbite causes a loss of feeling and color in affected areas. It most often affects the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, or toes. Frostbite can permanently damage the body, and severe cases can lead to amputation.
Warning signs of frostbite include:
Numbness and a white or grayish‐ yellow color to the affected skin, which may feel unusually firm or waxy.
People with frostbite are often unaware until someone else points it out because the frozen tissues are numb.
At the first signs of redness or pain in any skin area, get out of the cold or protect any exposed skin—frostbite may be beginning.
Treatment for frostbite:
If you detect symptoms of frostbite, seek medical care.
Frostbite and hypothermia both result from exposure to cold. If you suspect someone has frostbite, also check if the affected person shows signs of hypothermia.
Symptoms of hypothermia may include shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss and slurred speech.
Hypothermia is a more serious medical condition and requires emergency medical assistance.
If there is frostbite but no sign of hypothermia and immediate medical care is not available: Get to a warm place as soon as possible. Unless absolutely necessary, do not walk on frostbitten feet or toes as this increases the damage. Immerse the affected area in warm—not hot—water (the temperature should be comfortable to the touch for unaffected parts of the body).
Or, warm the affected area using body heat. For example, the heat of an armpit can be used to warm frostbitten fingers. Do not rub the frostbitten area with snow or massage it at all. This can cause more damage. Don’t use a heating pad, heat lamp, or the heat of a stove, fireplace, or radiator for warming. Affected areas are numb and can be easily burned.
Adults and children should wear:
A hat, scarf or knit mask to cover face and mouth
Sleeves that are snug at the wrist
Mittens (they are warmer than gloves)
Water‐resistant coat waterproof and insulated boots or shoes.
Keeping students home when they are ill helps to reduce the spread of illness. The link from CDC is a quick guide of what you can do to help reduce the spread.
CDC Respiratory Virus Guidance
Wisconsin Wayfinder: Children’s Resource Network helps assist families, caregivers, professionals, and organizations in finding a wide array of supports and services.
Link to Wisconsin Wayfinder webpage or toll-free number 877-947-2929
Janelle Sivam RN, BSN
School Nurse
Lodi High School 608-592-3853 Ext 4484
LES/OSC 608-592-3842 Ext 2103
Lost and Found
Not sure where that sweatshirt went? Don’t know where that water bottle is? Each month we will post pictures of lost and found items. If you have an item from one of these pictures, please email Dawn Maier (maierda@lodischoolswi.org) to let her know which item is yours or have your student stop in the office.
Charge Chromebooks
Students need to charge their Chromebook each night so that it is ready for the next school day. Please make sure that your child is doing this each night. If a student cannot find their charger, please contact tech support at techsupport@lodischoolswi.org.
Contact Information
The middle school staff directory is located on the Lodi Middle School homepage under Contact Us. Here is a link to the staff directory.