Welcome to the Middle
Back to School Welcome for Keystone Middle School

Dear Keystone Families,
As we step into a brand-new school year at Keystone Middle School, we do so with hearts full of optimism and hope. This year brings with it fresh opportunities to learn, grow, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Every new school year is a chance to start anew—to set goals, try new things, and challenge ourselves to be the best we can be. Whether you're returning or joining us for the first time, know that you are an important part of our Keystone community.
Our teachers and staff have been working hard to prepare for an exciting year ahead. We are committed to providing a safe, supportive, and enriching environment where every student can thrive.
Let's embrace this year with enthusiasm, curiosity, and the determination to make it a great one. Together, we can achieve wonderful things and make this school year one to remember.
Welcome back, and here's to a fantastic year ahead!
Mrs. Gibson
Principal, Keystone Middle School
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Important Events
6th Grade Orientation
6th Grade Orientation will take place on Monday, August 26th from 5:00pm-5:45pm. This will take place in the KMS cafeteria and will consist of a presentation and introduction to the norms of Keystone Middle School. Both 6th grade students and families are encouraged to attend.
Open House
Open House will also take place on Monday, August 26th from 5:30pm-7:00pm and is open to all KMS students and families. When the 6th grade presentation is complete, 6th graders are invited to individually move about the building as well to help get acclimated.
First Day of School
First Day of School is August 28th, 2024
Bell Schedule for KMS
Preparing for the Year
PTA Updates
Update from the Nurse's Office
Dear Parent and Guardians of Incoming Seventh graders,
We are a few short weeks away for the start of the 2024-25 school year. Please see the attached letter regarding the need for your student's updated immunization record and status. Please know all documentation is due by September 18, 2024. In the event your student is in need of immunizations and is scheduled for an appointment after September 18, 2024, please call the clinic and make arrangements to have this noted to avoid exclusion.
Final Forms
Keystone Schools has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service.
FinalForms allows parents/guardians to complete and sign Emergency Medical forms, Demographic forms, Athletic forms, and more for students. FinalForms also saves data from year to year and season to season, meaning there is no need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for all students in one family, saving precious time.
Data may be reviewed at any time to verify it is current. All forms are required to be updated once per year and after any change.
Current students already have accounts; this was verified in an email you recieved. If you DO NOT see this email or have questions, contact Tina Bednarski.
Tina Bednarski: 440-355-2424 | tina.bednarski@keystoneschools.org
For additional information and step by step instructions to get set up, please follow the link on our website: https://www.keystonelocalschools.org/about/finalforms
District News
Academic Fees
All academic fees will be updated by August 23rd. Please check at that time to see your student's balance on PowerSchool. You can pay your fees in the following ways:
- Online at PaySchools
- Bring a check to the KMS office
- Cash to the KMS office (exact change only)
Academic fees will be added soon; please check back
Lunch Accounts
Please check your child's Pay It account or call the cafeteria to see the balance and make payments or add money. Your child's account needs to be in good standing to be able to participate in any field trips in the future.
Ways to Pay:
- Send money in with student
- Online; PaySchools
Before your Wildcat’s first athletic contest, it is essential that all Pay-to-Participate fees are paid in full or a payment plan is established. These fees, which can be found on PowerSchool or on PaySchools, help cover the costs of equipment, coaching, facilities, and other essential expenses that make our sports program possible. We understand that financial circumstances can vary, and we are here to work with you to ensure that every student who wishes to participate has the opportunity to do so. Please reach out to our athletic department or the school office if you have any questions or need assistance in setting up a payment plan.
Please note, fees cannot be paid on the PowerSchool app. Instead, you must login to PaySchools.
First sport: $150
Second sport: $125
Third+ sport: $75
Keystone Middle School
Email: gina.gibson@keystoneschools.org
Website: keystoneschools.org
Location: 501 Opportunity Way
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keystonelocalschools
Twitter: @MrsGibson_KMS