Creekside Connections
Creekside Cub News

Creekside Quick Links
Important Dates to Note
Wednesday, August 28
Parent Involvement Meeting - 9 a.m., Creekside Cafe
Monday, September 2
School Holiday
Spirit Wear orders due! Link below....
Tuesday, September 3
Lunch Visitors begin :)
Week of September 3-6
Grandparents Week....stay tuned for more details!
Tuesday, September 17
Fall School Pictures (individuals)
Thursday, October 10
End of 1st 9 Weeks
Friday, October 11-Monday, October 14
District Holiday
Tuesday, October 15
Student Holiday
Tuesday, October 22
Fall Picture Retakes
Get Involved!!!!
Order Spiritwear
Recess & Heat Index
We have had many questions about recess and the heat wave. Please see below for our protocols surrounding recess and the heat index. Grade levels may spend a few minutes outside during their regular recess time reviewing routines, etc. but are not actively playing outside unless it's a yellow or green day.
While our students may not have the time outside to get their energy out, classrooms are routinely doing 'brain breaks' during the day and using those opportunities to move! In addition, students attend PE 3 days per 7 school days.
AM & PM Car Rider at Creekside
We have hundreds of car riders in both AM/PM lines and attention to these details helps us keep things moving and everyone safe. Thank you for reviewing if you utilize this arrival/dismissal method.
AM Drop Off In Car Rider
- Doors are scheduled to open at 7:50. Please keep students in the car until we open the doors and signal students to exit.
- Students need to be able to open their own car door and exit independently.
- Please have your student have their things in hand when you roll to a stop.
- Please stop when the cars in front of you stop, not when you see a staff member or certain door you wish to stop for.
- For the safety of our students and staff, students will need to exit the door on the right passenger side. Please make arrangements in order for this to take place. If you are not able to, we ask that you park and walk your student to the front of the school for drop off.
- Students will need to be able to unbuckle their booster and get out of the vehicle on their own (please do not put car in park and get out to get them out) If you need to stop to unbuckle, please pull up and park, unbuckle your student and walk them to the crosswalk.
- Please practice with your student being able to exit the car quickly so as not to hold up the line.
- Please be ready to pull forward to leave when the door has closed and cars in front of you move.
- Please do not drive around the cars in front of you unless directed to do so.
- The use of cell phones, unless hands free, is prohibited in school zones.
PM Pick Up In Car Rider
- Please have your BLUE car rider tag visible and leave it up until you've left the line.
- hanging from rear view mirror or in windshield on DRIVER side, please.
- Please stop when the cars in front of you stop, not when you see your student.
- If applicable, please have your student's booster seat on the right side of the car. We will not come around to the opposite side, but will let them in on the passenger side and ask that you pull up to park if they need to switch sides.
- Staff members are not permitted to buckle students into their seats or booster, so please pull forward to the parking spaces and park if you will need to buckle your student into a seat or booster.
- Please refrain from conversations with staff members in the line.
- Please do not drive around the cars in front of you unless directed to do so.
- The use of cell phones, unless hands free, is prohibited in school zones.
Thank you so much for your help in making sure our AM/PM car rider lines run smoothly and safely, as the safety of our staff, students and families remains a priority.
We also thank you for your patience as it typically takes 1-2 weeks for everyone to get in the routine of it all. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have.
Away For The Day, No Cell From Bell to Bell
While communication has been shared at the district level, we wanted to be sure to remind Creekside parents that cell phones and other devices that connect to the internet (smartwatch, texting devices, tablets) are to be turned off during the school day.
Students will be allowed to have cell phones on campus. However, they are expected to be “away for the day” in backpacks and turned off to prevent distractions. The cell phone policy update applies to all MISD classrooms, hallways, restrooms, cafeterias, and other school property during the school day.
The more common device we see at the elementary level is a smart watch/Apple watch device. Please note students are not permitted to have these turned on, therefore it is not necessary for them to wear them during the school day.
For more details on MISD's policy, click HERE.
Thank you!!!
New Legislation Regarding Administering OTC Medication at School
New rules went into effect in August 2024 that impact MISD procedures for the administration of medication to students. ALL medications, including over the counter medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and oral or topical medications require a medical provider and parent/guardian signature before the medication may be administered. Please use the Authorization and Permission for Medication Administration form to obtain signatures from your medical provider and return to the school nurse.
We will have hard copies of the forms at Meet The Teacher, however you may download and print below as well.
Free/Reduced Lunch Applications
Montgomery ISD has announced its policy for providing free and reduced-price meals for children served under the current income eligibility guidelines. Each school/site or the central office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by anyone on request.
Starting on July 16, 2024 Montgomery ISD will begin distributing letters to the households of the children in the district about eligibility benefits and any actions households need to take to apply for these benefits. Applications also are available at 20774 Eva St. Montgomery, TX 77356 or at your child’s campus starting the week of July 22, 2024
Click on the link below for direct access to the application.