Wednesday Folder
November 13, 2024
Braggin on a Dragon Recipients for 1st 9 Weeks
The following students were recognized this morning for being great and awesome Dragons. All students who demonstrate Dragon Pride behavior throughout the 9 weeks are submitted for a drawing and one from each class is chosen. These students will enjoy an ice cream party this Friday.
Lego Winners for the first week of November
Congratulations to the following classes for excellent café behavior.
Kinder - Moffett
1st - Munn
2nd Corso
3rd - Haverkamp & Hawbaker
4th - Havener & Cashman
Building Leaders One Dragon at a Time!
Wait Until 8th Pledge
Dragon Families, please read about the Wait Until 8th pledge, known in our community as Dragons Delaying Devices. This parent-led initiative encourages families to hold off on giving children smartphones until at least the end of 8th grade, helping them grow without the distractions and pressures of early smartphone use. To make the pledge active at each school, ten families per grade level are needed to join! See flyer for details.
Lost & Found
As the mornings continue to grow cooler, please be sure to label your child's jackets. We already have many lost jackets and sweaters. : )
Important November Dates
November 24-December 1st - Thanksgiving Break
News From Encore!
Reminder! If your child is absent - PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE!
***Please only use this for attendance reporting! If there is a change in transportation, please call the office and or email your child's teacher if it is before noon.
You can call the office at 817-949-4300 ORAsk the Principal!
Safety and Security
We are excited to inform you that our school has enrolled with STOPit!
STOPit is an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors, consisting of an app and a back-end incident management system for school administrators.
More information and resources can be found online at stopitsolutions.com.
1st - 4th Dragon Pride Outreach Opportunity Through the Holiday Hunger Project
From the CISD Gift Basket Coordinator:
I am getting ready to begin work on our Holiday Hunger Project, which includes Christmas gift baskets for our CISD Staff. Each basket includes one holiday meal and a $25 grocery gift card.
I am hoping your team can assist me with writing generic, Thank You cards for our hourly staff. They are critical to all things CISD and often overlooked. Last year my Altrusa volunteers wrote the cards, this year I would like the kids or even teachers to write them. We need 150 cards by December 6th for assembly.
Junior Belle Clinic
2024 Junior Belle Clinic and Workshop - October 19
Join the Award Winning Emerald Belles on Saturday, October 19th from 1-4p at Carroll Senior High School for the Junior Belle Clinic and Workshop including grades K-8! This will also feature a Performance at Dragon Stadium on October 24th! Dancers receive training, a commemorative photo button and T-shirt for the performance night. Snacks are provided.
K-4 Clinic $55
5-8 Workshop $85
Online registration through 10/11 at www.emeraldbelles.com ; Walk up registration is available day of event for increased fee. (T-shirt size not guaranteed)
Doors open at 12:30p, showoff performance at 3:45p and then performance night at Dragon Stadium on October 24th
Ways to Connect with Carroll Elementary
Email: stacy.wagnon@southlakecarroll.edu
Website: https://www.southlakecarroll.edu/Domain/8
Location: 1705 West Continental Boulevard, Southlake, TX, USA
Phone: 817-949-4300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1569009640030962
Twitter: @CESSouthlake
District & News Information
Make sure to sign up for the Dragon eBlast, a district communication with all of the latest news, updates and announcements! Also follow the district social media accounts to see all the latest happenings within Carroll ISD: