Update: Social media threats

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Update: Social media threats to schools
Dear Westwood families,
Some students and families have asked about social media posts threatening schools. We’ve been working with local law enforcement and have not confirmed any threats to any of our Spring Lake Park Schools.
Yesterday, one of our students took a screenshot of a Snapchat from a person they follow in Florida that included a vague threat not specific to our schools. We worked with our liason officer to report the account and incident to federal authorities.
Many of these threats come from "challenges" on social media apps like TikTok and Snapchat. While these threats are fake, they must still be taken seriously. This is a good time to reinforce social media responsibly. There are significant consequences for any involvement with social media “challenges” like these at school, and potentially getting arrested by law enforcement. Local arrests have been made for activity like this.
We are continuing to monitor and work with our law enforcement partners to support actions that keep our community safe.
Thanks for your support.
Tom Larson
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