Meadowlane Intermediate Happenings
May 13, 2024
Meadowlane Intermediate Mission
Hello Parents and Families,
We hope you had a wonderful weekend and a Happy Monther's Day!
With only ten days left in this school year, we can already feel the excitement for summer in the air! Please help us to reinforce the importance of remaining safe and following school rules while at school.
As always, if you have questions or concerns, you can reach me at barnett.sarah@brevardschools.org or by calling the front office at 321-722-5539.
Every Student, Every Day!
Sarah Barnett
Final PTO Meeting for the 23-24 School Year
We will have a PTO meeting in the Intermediate Media Center on Monday, May 13 at 3pm.
Final RAK Club Meeting - May 13
All RAK Club members:
The last RAK Club meeting of the year is Monday, May 13 from 2:45-3:45. We will have a celebration of all the kind things we have done through the year. We will meet in the Media Center. Be sure to have a ride to pick you up at 3:45.
Lost and Found
Please remind your child to check the Lost and Found! Although we cleared it out at Spring Break, it is very full again! All items will be donated on the last day of school.
Summer Program Link
If you are interested in signing up for one of the summer programs listed above, both the QR code above and this link will take you to the registration page. Registration will open on May 1.
Calendar of Events
May 13
- Activity Day 5
- PTO at 3pm at Intermediate
May 14
- Activity Day 1
- 6th Grade Field Trip
May 15
- Activity Day 2
- 3rd Grade Field Trip
May 16
- Activity Day 3
- 2nd Grade Tour
May 17
- Activity Day 4
- 6th Grade Dance 5:30-7:00
May 20
- Activity Day 5
May 21
- Activity Day 1
- Awards, grades 3-5 - invitations coming home
May 22
- Activity Day 2
- 6th Grade Kickball Game
- Early Release - 1:15pm
May 23
- Activity Day 3
- 6th grade awards ceremonies - info coming home from teachers
- Early Release - 1:15pm
May 24
- Activity Day 4
- Last Day for Students
- Report Cards go home
- Early Release - 1:15pm
SpeakOut 800.423.TIPS
SpeakOut Hotline is designed to help you anonymously report any threatening behavior or situation that endangers you, your friends, family, community, or your school campus. Reporting isn't "snitching,” reporting is when you need to keep yourself or someone you know safe from threats, harmful behaviors, or dangerous situations.
Fortify Florida
About Us
Email: meadowlaneintermediateelementary@brevardschools.org
Website: https://www.brevardschools.org/meadowlaneinterES
Location: 2700 Wingate Boulevard, West Melbourne, FL, USA
Phone: 321-722-5539
Facebook: facebook.com/MeadowlaneIntermediateHappenings