School of Saint Mary FYI
February 16, 2023
Notes from Mrs. Maricle
1. BKHS Athletics: Sr. Mary Hannah asked that we share her letter to the State of Oklahoma regarding a change in the athletic competition level that will greatly affect our current and future students. As someone that greatly benefited from athletics at Kelley, I am flabbergasted that the State is even considering making this change and would strongly encourage parents to contact Rep. Baker.
The letter is available on the BKHS website here:
2. Hearing Screening results went home with students this week.
School Spirit Week is quickly approaching. Schedule was posted in ParentSquare this week. Please make note that Friday, March 3 will be a FREE pizza day for all K-8 students.
Friday, March 3rd will be the Talent Show and Spirit Assembly. Times are being moved around to accommodate our athletes playing in OKC that evening. Stay tuned....
Upcoming Events
February 16th: Early dismissal day (1pm). After care will be offered. Parent Teacher Conferences from 1-6pm.
February 17th and 20th: No School
February 22nd: Ash Wednesday All School Mass, 9am, Led by 5th grade
February 27th-March 3rd: School Spirit Week
Important School Reminders/Announcements
Monte Carlo Party: There are still tickets left for the Mary Fair Places to Be Party: Casino Night. Flyer with details attached below.
Hallow for Families: Message from our Hallow Rep:
This link will take parents to a landing page where they can sign up for their free three-month trial of Hallow. They'll need to sign up with an email address. Also note free trials are only good once, so if a parent has had a free trial previously, they would not be able to take advantage of it.
Scan the QR code to go to the webpage!
Make a Donation to Make a Difference
Lenten Challenge Coming Soon!
Wellness Update....
Flu and COVID levels are low right now, but please continue to watch your student for illness and keep them home if they are not feeling well.
SOSM Cafeteria
The portal is not open through March for student orders!
Ordering Portal Dates:
Portal closes on 2/17 for orders for 2/20-24.
Portal closes on 2/24 for orders for 2/27-3/3.
There will be no orders listed on days that school is closed and when there is a Home and School prepaid pizza day.
I have created a video showing the steps on how to order as it would show on your screen as a parent. Here is the link:
Marian House System
February's house challenge is giving grace. The race is very close this month! We are enjoying our moments of grace!
After School Opportunities
Felkins Volleyball Academy
This is a great opportunity for some of the younger kids to get interested in volleyball. One of our middle school players has worked with Felkin for three years. Flyer attached below.
Clark Theatre: Spring Semester
Clark Theater runs from Tuesday, February 7, through May 9th, 3:30-5:15pm
Clark is super excited to see our St. Mary's friends! Here is an enrollment link!
PS Tippi Toes Program (Note: This is a parent pay program)
918.361.4134 *
MOLTO: String Orchestra After School Program (Note: This is a parent pay program)
We have openings in Piano, Guitar, or Ukulele Private Lessons after school right here at Saint Mary! Please email Kelly at for more information.
Physical Campus Updates
Home and School Notes
Shirts are 100% cotton, midweight, classic fit (unisex adult sizing). Shirts will be sent home with students in May. If you are purchasing more than one shirt, you will need to complete the form multiple times as only one shirt can be ordered on the form at a time.
Please send payment via one of the 3 options by March 10th.
Venmo @Julie-U (last four numbers of cell 5854)
Cash App $JulieUriarte
Send Cash/Check to School Office (Checks payable to Julie Uriarte)
Uniform Cart
Guardian Gift Cards Scrip Program
Scrip is a fundraising program for home and school and our families. We offer a 50/50 split once you have earned $50 on rebates. You can also always opt to donate 100% of your rebates back to the school.
Contact Michelle Walker for more information,
Parish-School News
Save the Date! Vacation Bible School and Middle School Service Week will be June 19-23rd, 2023. For more information, please go to .
**Volunteers Needed! In order to make this VBS and MSSW the best, we need many adult and teen volunteers. Please consider helping. To become a teen or adult volunteer, please contact Christine Hassink at If you volunteer the whole week, your children attend FREE. Nursery available for young children while parent volunteers.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori based approach designed to help a child fall in love with God through scripture and liturgy. Registration is now open for ages 3-12 years old! For more information and how to register, please visit
School of Saint Mary
Location: 1365 East 49th Place, Tulsa, OK, USA
Phone: (918) 749-9361