October 2024
Little School Newsletter
A note from our director...
Happy Fall! Although as I write this, the temperature is a warm 85 degrees and climbing—let's hope those cooler autumn days arrive soon!
We thoroughly enjoyed our "Lunch with Loved Ones" events and were delighted to see so many parents and guardians at school. This year, we expanded from our traditional “Muffins with Mom” to include any special adult who wanted to join their Little Schooler for lunch. We were truly humbled by the turnout! We will host a similar event in the spring. As I mentioned at Back to School Night, the more events you can attend, the better! Research shows that when parents engage in school activities, students tend to show greater interest, leading to improved grades, social skills, and attendance over the years. That said, if you can’t make it to an event, please don’t feel guilty. We all miss events from time to time—there are simply so many! We hope to see you at some of our upcoming activities this year.
A quick note on safety: To keep everyone safe, we discourage letting children play on the rocks behind the stage or on the stage itself. This time of year we do not know what little critters may be hanging out in the rocks and nearby.
October is one of the most exciting months of the year! The St. Luke's United Methodist Church Youth Group’s pumpkin patch has arrived! Please see the times below. We kindly ask that children do not pick up, sit on, or stand on the pumpkins, as the funds raised from the pumpkin patch support the summer youth mission trips. Damaged pumpkins can impact their fundraising efforts. If you’re looking for a fun volunteer opportunity, there’s a sign-up link below to help run the pumpkin patch for a few hours.
For Halloween this year, we will be providing pizzas for the classes and enjoying Halloween/Harvest parties. Your teachers will share more details about their plans this month. Our Halloween parade is also coming up! The children will walk along the sidewalks around the church, so please line up in the parking lot and grassy areas while keeping the sidewalks clear. If the weather is inclement, we will move the parade indoors and provide updates as necessary.
I've had some of the most wonderful conversations with both children and parents during this first month of school. The love and support you show for your children is truly heartwarming. I wish you all a fantastic October and a relaxing fall break!
Kelly Amadeo
Director and Principal
Upcoming Events
October 1st-3rd: Individual School Photos
October 9th and 10th: 2.5-year-olds, and 3-year-olds obstacle course
October 9th and 10th: Chapel with Ms. Nancy and Ms. Kelly
October 14th-18th: No School-Fall Break
October 22nd and 23rd: Free Hearing Screenings
October 24th and 25th: 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds obstacle course
October 30th and 31st: Halloween Parade 9:15am/Class Pizza Parties
Parking Lot and Building Usage
As an active church building, infrequently, the church hosts event during the week. They usually avoid our open hours, but sometimes that is not possible. Safety protocols are put into place when these events occur to ensure we do not have anyone unknown entering our school or near the places our children frequent in the building.
On October 22nd, a small funeral will be occurring in the sanctuary at 11:00am followed by a lunch. This will only affect those of you who park in the front of the building, as the parking lot may be a bit more busy than usual at pick-up time. Thank you for your flexibility during these events.
Music Class News!
As we bid farewell to September and its delightful fall melodies and poems, we eagerly step into the month of October with a musical adventure filled with an introduction to music theory and spooky songs. Our chapel theme for this month includes Joseph’s coat of many colors. The children will be learning and singing “Joseph’s Coat and Colors Medley” for this chapel lesson.
For our theory unit, we will learn to keep a beat and how to read quarter notes and quarter rests. Ask your children to share the cute dirty face quarter note and quarter rest story with you. This will also include music dynamics such as loud and soft and how to follow a musical director. This will help the children prepare for the much anticipated Christmas program.
To embrace the Halloween spirit, we will sing eerie songs and poems that we adore, such as "Sing a Song for Halloween," "Little ghost," and "Pass the Pumpkin". We also cannot forget the all-time favorite of our little ones, "The Bat Song!"
Wishing you all a blessed October filled with the joys of this beautiful season!
Ms Laura, Ms Sheri, and Ms Jana
St. Luke's United Methodist Church Happenings!
Rev. Calob, Rev. Liza, and Rev. Sallie along with the St. Luke's staff invite you and your families to join us on Sundays for worship at 9:30am (with Sunday school enrichment for children 2 - 7 years of age) or at 11:00am. Each week we offer impactful messages, moving music with our choir and worship band, and as always, a warm cup of coffee and donuts!
Other events happening in and around St. Luke's:
September 29th-October 31st: The Pumpkin Patch is Open! The St. Luke’s UMC pumpkin patch is run by the Teen Youth Group and supports their mission trips. The patch will be open from 12:00pm-6:30pm Monday-Friday so you can pick out pumpkins after school. It will be open from 10:30am - 6:30pm on Sundays. We can always use volunteers to work in the pumpkin patch please consider signing up or visit to take pictures and support our ministries.
October 4th-6th: Feeding of the 5000 Food Drive. Please consider donating nonperishable items to help feed hungry families in the Denver metro area. Grab a bag from the church to leave your donated items in. You may also bring your items to the food collections trucks in the church parking lot. Click here for truck hours and food needed: https://feedingofthe5000.us/
October 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th: The Secret Garden performances presented by The Wesley Players. Visit https://wesleyplayers.org/ for tickets to this wonderful theatre performance!
October 12th: Parent’s Morning Out! Need a quick break to get something done without your little ones? Want a few hours to yourself? Feel free to bring your children to Parent’s Morning Out from 9:00am-12:00pm. The cost is $30 per family. Contact sam@stlukeshr.com to sign up or ask more questions.
October 14th-16th: Fall Break Wacky Days Camp at St. Luke’s UMC! Join Ms. Sam from 9:00am-12:00pm the first few days of Fall Break. This camp is a great way to keep your little ones entertained during Fall Break. Children must be potty-trained and ages three-years-old through six-years-old. Sign up here: https://stlukeshr.com/res/wacky3/
Contact sam@stlukeshr.com for more questions.
October 26th: FALL FESTIVAL from 11:00am-1:00pm Join us for this fun fall family event with games, food, crafts, trunk or treat and so much more!
October 26th: Craft Fair 9:00am-3:00pm. Join us upstairs in the church to visit some wonderful craft vendors.