Winter Weather Reminders
Martinsville District Inclement Weather Announcement
Rationale for Utilizing REAL TIME learning:
It is occurring at the same time and will include opportunities for live instruction and immediate feedback to students.
It allows our students to work from home, avoiding potentially dangerous commutes, and allows them to work in a safe, warm environment when the weather is unforgiving.
It is intended to counter the loss of curriculum momentum resulting from school cancellations due to Indiana’s winter weather or another school building issue.
It does not replace the in person time students have with their teachers, but can provide structure and continuity when school is interrupted.
It can also negate the need for makeup school days during breaks or in June, helping families more effectively plan summer activities.
Announcing and Facilitating REAL TIME learning:
Families of students will receive notification of the impending transition to REAL TIME learning.
Devices and chargers will be sent home.
Teachers will communicate learning activities for the students in the courses that would have met that day.
Teachers will be online and accessible by phone during regular school hours to provide support for student learning.
Accommodations will be made for students with special needs and for students who do not have access to the internet.
REAL TIME learning Expectations Different by Grade Level:
Students build academic stamina and persistence with practice as they mature, and expectations for students to complete activities in an independent context will increase as they grow older.
The Indiana General Assembly enacted House Enrolled Act 1093. It requires that schools shall deliver (1) teacher directed synchronous (REAL time) instruction; or (2) a hybrid of: (A) teacher directed synchronous (REAL time) instruction for at least fifty percent (50%) of the particular instructional day; and (B) asynchronous (elearning); during the instructional time of a virtual (REAL time) student instructional day.
Based on that requirement, the synchronous (REAL time) grade level minimum time recommendations are as follows:
Indiana Department of Education recommended guidelines for minimum student commitment each day are as follows:
Pre-K: no state minimum
Grades 1-6: 2.5 hours
Student Expectations During REAL TIME learning Days:
Students will need to attend all Zooms scheduled by the classroom teachers, per the building schedule that has been communicated. Links to those Zoom sessions will be posted in SeeSaw or Google Classroom.
Students are expected to login to their Seesaw or Google Classroom accounts.
Students are expected to complete assignments. Students will be given regular feedback on their assignments. Assignments will count towards the students’ cumulative grade.
Students are expected to engage in their learning and students/parents are expected to reach out to the teacher and/or school if help is needed.
Student attendance will be documented by attending live Zoom sessions/work completion.
Family Support of REAL TIME learning Days:
We will work with parents and families to determine how we can best support you. If your student is unable to meet the given expectations, please reach out to your child’s teacher or school principal to make arrangements to ensure your student is successful during REAL TIME learning.
General tips that parents and families can consider:
Create a routine so your student always knows when it will be time to focus on learning. Designate a quiet space that can be his or her at-home desk.
Ensure your students are receiving adequate sleep and are well-rested when they begin their learning.
During breaks and evening hours, encourage activities that do not involve screens.
Provide your student with frequent encouragement and reminders as needed.
Be patient and flexible with yourself and your child. Focus on ensuring that your child remains academically engaged and connected to his or her school community.
Check grade and attendance updates in Skyward.
General Reminders
- Students will access assignments and information via Seesaw (Grades K-1) or Google Classroom (Grades 2-4). All assignments, links, and lessons will be uploaded to these platforms by 9AM.
- Students will join Zoom during the real time instructional times. The Zoom link will be posted in Seesaw or Google Classroom. Students will follow the online, REAL TIME Learning schedule. When not on Zoom, teachers will be available to answer questions via email, dojo, or phone.
- Students have been practicing accessing assignments and information via Seesaw or Google Classroom. They have been practicing Zoom.
- Attendance for students on REAL TIME learning days will be counted for those who attend live class platform sessions/turn in work from Google Classroom or Seesaw.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. What if our family does not have internet access?
Wi-Fi ACCESS POINTS: The district has added outdoor access points to each school (and the Central Education Center/389 E. Jackson Street) to provide Wi-Fi for district devices. Families can park in the parking lot of each school or at the Central Education Center and download homework from their teachers, then complete the assignment offline while at home. Students will be able to upload assignments once finished and back on the district’s Wi-Fi. Every school in the district has at least one outdoor access point.
For an extended weather break, please contact your child’s teacher to arrange an alternate plan as needed.
2. Does the work assigned during REAL TIME days count?
Yes; work assigned during the REAL TIME days will count towards the students’ cumulative course grades.
3. How can someone get technology support?
Please contact the district’s Tech Helpdesk with chromebook/device questions during REAL TIME learning at 765-342-6641, extension 1071 or by email, helpdesk@msdmartinsville.org.
Students can email their teachers directly for guidance.
4. If my child is a Kindergartner or 1st grade student, will my student be able to take a device home?
Teachers will be sending home devices and chargers for Kindergartners and 1st graders.
eLearning Day Plan ASYNCHRONOUS (not Real Time Live Instruction)
Rationale for utilizing eLearning Days:
eLearning Days are intended to counter the loss of curriculum momentum resulting from school cancellations.
eLearning Days do not replace the face-to-face time students have with their teachers, but they can provide better continuity when school is interrupted.
eLearning Days can also negate the need for extending the school calendar into June, helping families more effectively plan summer activities.
eLearning Days for short-term closures are asynchronous (learning not existing or happening at the same time) to provide flexibility to families. For an extended closure, the district will communicate a synchronous (occurring at the same time) virtual learning plan that will include opportunities for live instruction.
Announcing and Facilitating eLearning Days:
Families of students will receive notification of the impending eLearning day, along with typical announcements.
Devices and chargers will be sent home if the closure is predictable.
Teachers will communicate learning activities for the students in the courses that would have met that day.
Teachers will be online and accessible by phone during regular school hours to provide support for student learning.
Accommodations will be made for students with special needs and for students who do not have access to the internet.
eLearning Expectations Different by Grade Level:
Students build academic stamina and persistence with practice as they mature, and expectations for students to complete activities in an independent context will increase as they grow older. A positive outcome of an eLearning day is student practice with self-direction.
Grade Levels Minimum Time Recommendations
Indiana Department of Education recommended guidelines for minimum student commitment each day are as follows:
Pre-K: no state minimum
Grades 1-6: 2.5 hours
- The doors will open at 10:25AM.
- There will be no breakfast on 2-Hour Delay Days.
Students have been bringing home their Chromebooks each night. It is imperative that you continue to make sure they are charged each night and ready for the next day's learning. If we have a Real Time Learning Day, Chromebooks should be used to complete the lessons and attend the Zoom sessions with the classroom teachers.
Stay Connected: See What's Happening!
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Website: https://msdofmartinsville.org/south-elementary/
Location: 500 Artesian Ave, Martinsville, IN, USA
Phone: 7653491486
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SouthElementarySchool
Twitter: @southdolphins1