Piaget's Stages of Development
Module 4, Day 3
Survey by Matthew Kesler via GoogleForms
Happy Tuesday!
Here is your list of tasks for today:
#1. Begin lesson 2 by reviewing the notes on Piaget’s Cognitive Development. Review the information in the presentation.
#2. Complete the Cognitive Development practice quiz.
Please let me know if you have any questions! Have a great day!
Are You on Track?
In order for you to be on track, by the end of this week, if you are track, you will have completed the following:
- Complete the Biological Development practice quiz.
- Complete the Biological Development assignment.
- Begin lesson 2 by reviewing the notes on Piaget’s Cognitive Development.
- Complete the Cognitive Development practice quiz.
- Complete the Cognitive Development assignment.
- Begin lesson 3 by reviewing the notes on Erikson’s Psychosocial Development.
- Complete the Psychosocial Development practice quiz.
- Complete the Psychosocial Development assignment.
Teacher Talk
In yesterday's activities, you learned about attachment theories and the potential impact these bonds could have over the course of a person's life. Jean Piaget pioneered the study of cognitive development in children. What cognitive milestones occur at different stages? For today's activity you will be tasked with teaching Piaget's Cognitive Theory. To complete this, you can use smore, prezi, power point presentation, or any other tool. You will need to explain the stages and terms associated with the stage:
Sensorimotor (5 pts)
- Object permanence (5 pts)
- Stranger anxiety (5 pts)
- Image of a toy or stage appropriate activity (5 pts)
Preoperational (5 pts)
- Ability to pretend (5 pts)
- Egocentricism (5 pts)
- Image of a toy or stage appropriate activity (5 pts)
Concrete Operational (5 pts)
- Conservation (5 pts)
- Mathematical transformations (5 pts)
- Image of a toy or stage appropriate activity (5 pts)
Formal operational (5 pts)
- Scientific reasoning (5 pts)
- Potential for mature reasoning (5 pts)
- Image of a toy or stage appropriate activity (5 pts)
Be creative and have fun with this activity! ( 10 pts )
Be sure to use proper citation for your work (10 pts)
Be sure to properly cite all images.
To help you with today's task, I have provided several supplemental tools below, including a video, a quizlet, an article, and the Instruct section of today's announcement.
IMAGE SOURCE: By Unidentified (Ensian published by University of Michigan) (1968 Michiganensian, p. 91) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
To help you with today's task, I have provided several supplemental tools below, including a video, a chart, a quizlet, and some notes below this section.
Contact Information and Office Hours
My name is Matthew Kesler and I am a veteran teacher with 16 years of teaching experience. I have taught middle school up through high school, as well as adults seeking their GEDs. I am currently teaching Civics and Economics, American History I, and AP Government and Politics, but I very much enjoy Psychology and have had five years experience teaching it. I earned my degree in Social Science Education (Secondary Education) from Elon College (before it became a university). My hobbies include traveling, hiking, drawing, painting, and reading. It is important that we stay in communication with each other. Please do not hesitate to contact me any time. If I am not immediately available, I will get back to you as soon as I can. I look forward to getting to know you all this semester!
Monday - Friday
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Phone Number:
(336) 937-0603 (cell phone/text)
NCVPS Peer Tutoring Center
Advice on Taking AP Classes by Angelina N
Advice on Taking AP Classes is an infographic containing tips on how many and what AP classes to choose, along with advice on how to distribute AP courses over the four years of high school. I hope you find it to be an informative and helpful read for students!
To visit their site, follow this link:
Culture Café
Paying For College ~ College Foundation of North Carolina
When: October 5th
Time: 7:00 PM
Presenter: Kimberly Loudermilk
To access any of this, and any other AWESOME classes, follow this link: