Irvington Weekly Newsletter
September 20, 2024
Fun Run...It's One Week Away!
The Second Annual Irvington Fun Run is next Friday, September 27! Our goal is to have a 100% participation rate in the run - all students run, and fundraising is optional.
Funds raised during the Fun Run will be used for field trips for all students! If you’re fundraising, you have one more week to collect your pledges. Use the paper form sent home last week, or sign up online at https://pledgestar.com/irvington/.
Plan to come cheer on your student next Friday! K/1st grades run from 12:15-12:45pm, 4th/5th grades run 1:00-1:30pm, and 2nd/3rd grades run 1:45-2:15pm. We still need a few more volunteers during the event; sign up to volunteer here. (You must be an approved PPS volunteer.) Find all the details here: https://www.irvingtonschool.com/fun-run/.
The Fall Festival...It's Two Weeks Away!
Get into the fall spirit with another fun community gathering! Join other Irvington families - past and present - the first Friday of October after school for carnival games, bounce house, prizes, free dinner and more! The whole family is welcome to come and enjoy this free community event on Friday, October 4, 3-6pm. Many volunteers will be needed; keep an eye out for the sign up in next Friday’s newsletter!
Lockdown Drill on September 30
Our semi-annual lockdown drill will be Monday, September 30, at 8:30am. This is our opportunity to teach students, in an age-appropriate way, how to stay safe when an unknown adult is in the building. For K-2 students specifically, our counselor Ms Blum leads students through lessons ahead of time so they know what to expect. The goal is never to scare students, but rather to teach them skills. Please reach out to your child's teacher with questions.
First Restaurant Fundraiser Night at Sparky's Pizza
Once or twice a month, the Irvington School PTA teams up with a neighborhood restaurant to hold a fundraiser night. We encourage our school community to dine in or take out from the restaurant on that day, and the restaurant generously donates a portion of the proceeds back to our school - it's a win-win! Each one is a little different, so stay tuned for details each time. Tell your neighbors and bring your friends - the bigger the turnout, the better for everyone! Have an idea or connection to a restaurant that may want to participate? Email fundraising@irvingtonschool.com.
Our first one is next Tuesday, September 24, at Sparky’s Pizza. All hours and all locations count. Use their handy online ordering system to place your order. You can pre-order for a scheduled pick up time or in-house delivery; or call 503-282-3000 to order. 10% of ALL orders from ALL locations will be donated (third party delivery services don’t count). Thank you, Sparky’s!
Grounds Clean Up This Sunday
To prepare our campus for the Fun Run, join the Grounds & Garden group for weeding, trimming, and raking this Sunday, September 22. Bring some gloves and tools if you have them, and come anytime between 9am-12pm. Contact grounds@irvingtonschool.com with questions.
Auction Committee, Assemble!
Please join us on Tuesday, September 24, at 6:30pm at Steeplejack to discuss this year’s school auction! As you may already know, the auction funds the majority of PTA activities throughout the school year - everything from school supplies, to scholarships, to the new community gardening program. It's fun, too!
The more the merrier, so please invite your fellow Irvington School community members. This is an especially great opportunity for folks who haven't had a chance to volunteer at school yet as most meetings and the event itself will be in the evening, and there are a ton of ways to get involved. Spread the word! (Also, save the date for the auction: Saturday, April 26 at Steeplejack!)
October Lunch Sign Ups
Thank you to everyone who has been able to help serve lunch in the cafeteria so far this school year! October sign ups are now open - CLICK HERE to sign up! Interested in helping out? Start by becoming a PPS-approved volunteer here.
Clothing Closet Volunteers Needed Next Week
Irvington’s turn to supply volunteers to the PTA/PPS Clothing Center is next week! We have 6 empty slots to fill! If you have flexibility in your schedule and are interested in helping Thursday, September 26, from 9:30am-1:30pm, click here to learn more and sign up.
Neurodiversity Caregiver Group <DATE CHANGED>
This is a group for parents and caregivers of students who experience neurodiversity. We meet about once per month to network with other parents and caregivers and discuss such things as the different ways our students’ school experiences take shape, or how to navigate the IEP process. Our interpretation of neurodiversity is comprehensive and includes (but is not limited to) anxiety, autism, ADHD, and dyslexia. The first meeting of the year is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1, after drop off (around 8am) in the PTA room 109. (Please note the date change!) If you have questions or would like to know more about this group, email Amy Dachtler at amydachtler@gmail.com.
Upcoming Events
Sunday, September 22: Grounds clean-up, 9am-12pm
Tuesday, September 24: Sparky's Pizza restaurant night
Tuesday, September 24: Auction committee meeting, 6:30pm at Steeplejack
Wednesday, September 25: Early release day (students dismiss at 11:50am)
Thursday, September 26: PTA/PPS clothing closet volunteer day
Thursday, September 26: Back-to-School Night, 5:30-7:00pm
Friday, September 27: Fun Run!
Monday, September 30: Lockdown drill, 8:30am
Tuesday, October 1: Neurodiversity caregiver group, 8am
Friday, October 4: Tea with Mr. G., 8am
Friday, October 4: Fall Festival, 3-6pm
See it all at a glance here: https://www.irvingtonschool.com/