Waterhouse Church Newsletter
May 2024
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Upcoming Events🗓️
🌸Waterhouse Women's Brunch | May 18 | 10AM🌸
Join us for a time of joy and laughter as we enjoy a brunch and celebrate mother's day!
Click the button below to RSVP.
We are breaking ground!
After the 11 AM Service on May 19th, we will have our official ground-breaking ceremony!
Celebrating our High School Graduates!
We will recognize our graduates during the Sunday morning service on May 26 and we will have a celebration with cake and games on May 29 at 7PM.
Family Service on May 26
This Sunday we will have the kids join us in the sanctuary with their families. We will not offer children's church, nursery, or pre-k this Sunday. This will be a youth led worship service!
Moving on up!
We will recognize each student that will be moving up from Pre-K to kindergarten and from kids to youth during service on May 26.
Help us serve at Center of Hope
If you are able to serve with us at Center of Hope on May 29, text SERVE to 817-803-3131!
Save the Date!
Upcoming June Events
Weekend Service Times are switching!
Starting June 10th
Waterhouse Kids Club and Waterhouse Women will now meet at 6:30 on Monday's instead of Wednesday
Kids and Youth Camp Fundraiser
Looking for the perfect gift for Mom?
Waterhouse Kids and Youth are fundraising to help send them to camp!
Tickets are only $5 and you have 3 trys to win!
You can purchase tickets in the foyer on Sunday or find a kid or youth going to camp!
Kids and Youth Camp
Camp is the best week ever!!
Baptisms are available every Sunday!
Text Baptize to 817-803-3131
or use this link to sign up
Next Steps
Wednesday May 22nd at 6:30 PM
This class is designed to help you take your next step in faith, serving, or church membership.
Sign up for the Next Steps class here
Bridge the Gap Merch
Looking For Some New Waterhouse Merch?
We got some restock on our hoodies and sweaters!
All money raised will go towards the bridge the gap campaign.
Purchase a sweater or hoodie through the church center app
Find a place to connect!
Women's Bible Study
Join us on Wednesday nights at 7PM for our Women's Bible Study meeting in the Kids’ Building.
Child Care is provided.
Email info@waterhousechurch.com for more information.
Children's Ministry
We offer kids church for K-6th grade every Sunday morning in both services. We have nursery, pre-k classes available as well.
We also have Kids Club on Wednesdays at 7PM for ages 5 through 12.
Nursery for younger children is also available on Wednesday nights.
Youth Ministry
Our youth group meets Wednesday nights from 7PM to 8:15PM in the main sanctuary for grades 6th-12th. We offer small groups, worship, games and a lesson.
Email youth@waterhousechurch.com for more information.
Join us every Monday night from 6:30PM to 8PM in the sanctuary for Men's "LAST CALL".
Bible Class
Evangelism and Outreach Team
Want to get involved in outreach events? Join the Evangelism and Outreach Team led by Dallas Reyes. We meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 7 in the Kids building.
Text "Outreach" to 817-803-3131 to get involved
Waterhouse Church
The heart and focus of Waterhouse is to provide an environment where people can encounter God in a significant, life-changing way, and connect with others in authentic friendships.
Email: info@waterhousechurch.com
Website: www.waterhousechurch.com
Location: 1010 South Bowie Drive, Weatherford, TX, USA
Phone: 817-594-5190
Text: 817-803-3131
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/waterhousechurch