Trebein Tribune
September 2022
Trebein Elementary School
Website: https://www.gocreek.org/apps/pages/Trebein
Location: 1728 Dayton-Xenia Road, Xenia, OH 45385
Phone: 937-458-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beavercreekcityschools
A Note from our Principal, Mrs. Walk
Hello Trebein Families,
We are off to a great start here at school! Everyone is working on getting routines and procedures established and learning about our new friends.
This is Trebein’s 10th year being a school! (It does not feel like we’ve been here that long.) We are very proud of what we have been able to achieve for students, parents, staff, and the community! Building on our strengths and working on areas that need improvement will hopefully help us to become even more successful in our work with children. If you have suggestions or feedback about Trebein, I welcome your input.
A big part of our school’s success is a direct result of our incredible families and the work done from home. Our kids come to school with their needs met, and parents have clearly guided their children to be respectful. Trebein parents seem to instill a sense of responsibility as students put forth their best effort both inside and outside the classroom. Being a parent is not easy! Please know we are always here to support you in any way.
We make an honest effort to reflect on our Trebein mission statement throughout the year. Staff members are well aware of this as we recite it together at every staff meeting and reference it when making big decisions.
The mission of Trebein Elementary School is to serve the community of Beavercreek by creating a safe, happy, fun, and accepting educational environment for all. We will share our passion for learning with students and coworkers by teaching academic skills along with life lessons. We will strive to instill good character in our students and establish the building blocks for their future success as they grow into responsible global citizens.
Thank you for trusting us with your children. They bring us such joy!
Lisa Walk, Principal
Welcome Back - We're Glad You're Here!
Notes from the Main Office
If your child will be absent, arrive late, or needs to be dismissed early, please notify our Main Office staff as early as possible each morning via the following email address:
Please always include your child's teacher on the email as well.
If your child will be absent or arriving late to school, you can also call the absence line (937-458-2300) and choose Option 1. This is a 24-hour line.
Counselor's Corner
Welcome back to another year at Trebein.
Trebein is also fortunate to have a full time School Social Worker this year. Last year we
had to share Jillyan Holman with another Beavercreek Elementary School, and this year we
get her all 5 days at Trebein! In addition to assisting with the services listed below, Mrs.
Holman also helps with the identification of students at risk, early interventions, and
problem solving services to students, parents, school personnel, and community agencies.
As part of Trebein’s school counseling program, we work with all of the students by visiting
each classroom once a month to discuss topics such as developing positive coping skills,
conflict resolution, positive thinking, goal setting, and showing our good character. In the
next few weeks, we will be visiting your child’s classroom to introduce ourselves or remind
students of who we are and how we help here at Trebein.
In addition to classroom lessons, we facilitate small groups for students at Trebein as well
on topics such as building self-esteem, changing families, developing good social skills, and
handling stress/anxiety. Groups last for 30 minutes a week and usually run 4-6 weeks. We
work with the classroom teacher to determine a time for group when students won’t miss
any academic instruction.
Finally, we are also available to work with students individually for short term, solution
focused counseling sessions to help them problem solve, build confidence, and identify
strategies that are helpful to them.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us should you need additional information for your
child or your family.
Jillyan Holman, School Social Worker
(937) 458-2401
Heather Tate, School Counselor
(937) 458-2324
Optional Grade Level Character Education T-SHIRT SALE!
Beavercreek Schools strive to provide students with a well-rounded education that includes not only outstanding academic opportunities but also instruction in a core set of ethical values.
At the core of the program are "pillars of character" that include caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility and trustworthiness. These values are reinforced through curriculum initiatives, activities, and service learning opportunities that allow students to put what they've learned into practice.
Each month a different character trait is highlighted throughout the district. Your child will be asked to wear their grade level character education t-shirt on the trait's kick-off which is the 1st Wednesday of every month. This year the district's focus is Orange and Black on a Mission.
Kindergarten: Orange
1st Grade: Purple
2nd Grade: Green
3rd Grade: Yellow
4th Grade: Blue
5th Grade: Red
Shirts are $14.00 and can be ordered through Tuffy Brooks online. Please visit the following link to order: https://www.tuffybrooks.com/products/trebein-elementary-character-ed-shirts
The shirt sale will run from August 29th - September 9th.
School Safety Updates
The safety of our students and staff is of the utmost importance. Therefore, we have some new processes in place this school year. When you visit Trebein, you now check in with office personnel at the TRANSACTION WINDOW located near the main entrance on the exterior of the building. This is a safety measure that has been put in place to help reduce traffic in and out of our buildings. Transaction windows allow visitors to drop off small items without entering the building. It also allows office staff to prescreen visitors and utilize the Raptor Visitor Management System before entering the building.
If you are volunteering at Trebein, there is a new process for signing in. The district has implemented the Raptor Visitor Management System. This system requires all visitors to present a government-issued ID, which is then screened through a database that checks the visitor's name and date of birth for comparison with a national database of registered sex offenders. Once checked in, all visitors will receive a sticker with his/her picture and a stated location where the volunteering will take place. All visitors are required to sign out in the office before leaving the building.
Free/Reduced-Price Meals
Beavercreek City Schools encourages families to submit an application for free- or reduced-price meal eligibility. The percentage of students qualifying for meals is a data point utilized by the federal government to provide the District with funding for our Title I reading program.
Application Information
Beavercreek City Schools encourages all families who believe they may be eligible to apply. Review these income guidelines to see if you qualify.
There is no application deadline; families may apply at any time. One application must be completed for each household each school year. To minimize in-person contact and to slow the spread of Covid-19, we are strongly recommending that applications be filled out on-line instead of submitting a paper application.
If you require assistance with your application, please email Dawn Kacvinsky, Operations Manager, or call 937-458-2446.
Apply Online
Families may apply online for free/reduced-price meals.
Download a Paper Application
You may also download and complete a paper application or stop in any office in the schools/ Central Office to pick up a paper copy to complete.
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions are answered here.
2022-2023 Trebein Directory -- We're Going Digital!
We are excited to announce that we will be using Membership Toolkit for our Directory and Volunteer Sign-Ups starting with the 2022-2023 school year!
We invite you to visit https://trebeinpto.membershiptoolkit.com/ to register and view our directory in real time, as well as sign up to volunteer, view calendar events, and more!
Here's what you need to do:
- Go to https://trebeinpto.membershiptoolkit.com/
- Click on the Register/Login button
- If you already have an account with another organization that uses Membership Toolkit, you can use the same email and password to login. You can then proceed to the numbered steps below.
- Select "Create Account" and fill in the name, email, and password information.
- Click "Verify My Email" and then check your email for a link to complete the process. The link expires in 2 hours. If you do not receive the email, check your spam or junk folders.
- Once you have verified your email address, log back in and finish the registration process.
- Complete the Parent/Family and Student Information
- Complete the Directory/Publish Preferences
- Once these forms are complete, you will be presented with a form for PTO volunteer opportunities.
Once the Primary Account is set up, the Primary User can "invite" other email addresses to access his/her account. This allows the Secondary User to have their own login information, but still have access to the family account.
Install the free app! After you receive your login information, download the app by searching Membership Toolkit in the iTunes App Store or Google Play. The app allows you to access our directory, manage your family information, and sign up for volunteer activities--all from your phone!
Questions? Please don't hesitate to contact us at trebeinsecretary@gmail.com
Welcome Trebein's Newest Staff
Todd Bandow, Special Ed. Supervisor
Becca Heading, Kindergarten
Dawnette Taylor, Special Needs Assistant
Nichole Erwin, Gifted Intervention Specialist
Trebein PTO's 8th Annual Fun Run
Hi Trebein Families!
I have a few fundraising updates I am eager to share with you! First, the PTO was able to raise $645 with the 1st Day School Supplies fundraiser that concluded over the summer. We are so thankful for your generosity and helping us to raise funds for Trebein! We hope you enjoyed making back-to-school shopping a little easier. We also have our largest fundraiser of the year coming up!
The Trebein PTO Fun Run will kick off mid-September with two weeks to raise funds through an online portal that can be shared with friends and family. Students can earn individual prizes, class prizes, and school-wide prizes for raising funds! At the conclusion of the fundraising period, we will celebrate with a school-wide Fun Run on October 7th! It’s an awesome event with music, popsicles, and obstacles along the track. It’s one of the most loved events of the year, and we are so excited to kick things off. More information will come home with your student in a few weeks.
If you’re interested in volunteering at the Fun Run, I know the event chairs Tory Cope and Kristina Brackenhoff would love your help! Volunteers will be passing out popsicles to students, helping students at obstacle stations, and welcoming students onto the track. A Sign-Up Genius will be distributed for volunteers.
As always, thank you for your time and support. These events are possible because of you!
Jenna Cody
Trebein PTO Fundraising Coordinator
Fall Book Fair Week
The Fall Book Fair will take place September 19th-23rd. Students will attend during their IMC time. Our Family Night will be September 23rd during the Fall Harvest Festival.
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Online Book Fair. All orders ship directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Your online orders will also benefit our school.
Starting with the Fall 2022 Book Fair, Scholastic will be charging sales tax on Book Fair purchases.
Sign up to volunteer at the Book Fair: https://bit.ly/3Tc7orL
Fall Harvest Festival - September 23rd
Did you know as a parent or guardian of a student at Trebein, you are an automatic member of the PTO? The Trebein PTO, consisting of parents and teachers, works to support and enrich all students' school experiences.
PTO Executive Board Members
President: Meghan Morgan - TrebeinPresident@Gmail.com
Vice President: Jenna Stites - TrebeinVicePresident@Gmail.com
Treasurer: Stefanie Bryant - TrebeinTreasurer@Gmail.com
Secretary: Kylie Sobota - TrebeinSecretary@Gmail.com
Historian: Kim Wassmuth - TrebeinHistorian@Gmail.com
Fundraising Coordinator: Jenna Cody - Fundraising4Trebein@Gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator: Handan Kilbourn - Volunteer4Trebein@Gmail.com
Want to stay up to date with PTO happenings at Trebein Elementary? Follow @TrebeinPTO on Facebook and share our page with your Trebein friends!
Volunteer Opportunities
Lunch Time Volunteers - Aug 22 - Sept 9
To volunteer, sign up: https://bit.ly/3wlcok5
Fall Book Fair - Sept 19-23
To volunteer, sign up: https://bit.ly/3Tc7orL
Fall Harvest Festival - Sep 23
To volunteer, sign up: https://bit.ly/3pRTsFT
Exec and Committee Positions
To volunteer, sign up: http://bit.ly/3obyfXh
Thank you Trebein families for your continued support of our events!
If you have any questions, email:
Handan Kilbourn: volunteer4trebein@gmail.com
PTO Purchases
Upcoming Events
September PTO Meeting
*Free childcare available
Tuesday, Sep 13, 2022, 07:00 PM
Trebein IMC
Fall Harvest Festival
The leaves are falling, autumn is calling! Our Fall Harvest Festival will take place on Friday, October 1st.
Friday, Sep 23, 2022, 05:00 PM
Trebein Elementary School, Dayton Xenia Road, Xenia, OH, USA
Orientation Dates for Substitutes
Orientation dates for those who want to get on the district's substitute lists:
8/18 - 8:30 am - 11:30 am (Certified Orientation)
8/23 - 8:30 am - 11:30 am (Classified Orientation)
9/8 - 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm (Certified Orientation)
9/15 - 8:30 am - 11:30 (Classified Orientation)
10/6 - 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm (Certified Orientation)
10/11 - 8:30 am - 11:30 am (Classified Orientation)
10/18 - 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm (Classified Orientation)
10/25 - 8:30 am - 11:30 pm (Certified Orientation)
If you have anything to contribute to the newsletter, please send an email to