Mora Elementary Newsletter
May 30, 2024
We have enjoyed working with your child at Mora Elementary! It is hard to believe the end of the school year is already upon us. During the summer, remember to have your child:
Enjoy the great outdoors and what Mother Nature has to offer us.
Go camping!
Go to state parks!
Go fishing!
Enjoy sports. Don’t forget to play the games with your kids!
Toss the ball around!
Go biking!
Go for a hike!
Reading just 15 minutes a day stops the summer slide from happening.
Go to the public library 2-3 times during the summer and enjoy a few good books.
Travel. It doesn’t have to be far. Minnesota is an amazing state.
If you can’t travel, read about the wonderful places in the state, country, and world!
Journal about your summer excitement.
Write a poem!
Create a play!
When you or your child are ready, you may want some resources for continued learning in the summer. The back page has some common grade-level strategies and links to online resources that may help prevent the “summer slide” that can happen when students are not engaged in reading over the summer.
Helpful links for summer learning
IXL.com-Have your child login with their school login information. Go to “learning,” then click on “skills,” and scroll down to see “summer boost.” You can choose this and get new review problems or work on grade-level materials for the next grade level.
Reflex Math. Go to https://apps.explorelearning.com/account/reflex/login/student and work to improve fact fluency with adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing.
Links to Library Reading Sites from the MES Media Center
SORA: soraapp.com/welcome/login/200264 (5th through 12th grade) login using your school google account choose Mora High School as your school.
Storyline Online.net: Watch famous actors and actresses read picture books aloud.
Epic ebooks https://www.getepic.com/sign-in/educator An online collection of ebooks
Library code for student log in: AKZ 5767
An online collection of ebooks
Username: mora
password: reads
4th grade had fun bowling at Victory Lanes for an MCA reward.
Movie Theater!
Kindergarten went to the Cambridge Movie Theater as a fun run reward. They were all smiles!
Movie Theater!
1st graders had fun at the Cambridge Movie Theater today as a fun run reward!
The 6th graders enjoyed an afternoon at the park. They explored, fished, and played; all while enjoying the beautiful weather.
Last day of school!
Some of our DCD students got to enjoy the beautiful sunshine and some furry animals today!
That's a wrap!
Ms. Hambly's class is giving one final group hug on the last day of school.
Tie Dye
4th grade did their annual tie dyeing of t-shirts. They turned out awesome!
Yearbooks are available in the Mora Elementary Main Office. They are on a first come, first serve basis until they are gone.
Hello valued colleagues and community members!
I am excited to announce an opportunity for parents, grandparents, foster providers, child care professionals, educators, and more;
Raising Healthy Kids is a series of three caregiver courses - attendees will learn about brain and nervous system structure, child development milestones, caregiver-child interactions, and how to support children and ourselves through emotional challenges.
You can learn more about each course and find registration info here: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/lighthouse-child-family-services-83019979153
Summer EBT Program
Mora Schools will be participating in the new Summer EBT (S-EBT) program, which will help reduce child hunger by providing benefits to families with eligible school-age children for groceries throughout the summer.
Beginning this summer, the state of MN will provide grocery benefits to help families with eligible school-age children buy groceries during the summer. Learn more about this new program: http://www.fns.usda.gov/sebt/household.
Families who have received an approval letter or notice this past fall for income-eligible students (direct certified or categorically eligible) in school year 2023-2024 for free or reduced price (FRP) school meals are automatically eligible for S-EBT and no further action is needed.
Families who have not received an approval letter or notice in school year 2023-2024 may complete an Application for Educational Benefits if they suspect they qualify. The school will verify eligibility and contact households with an approval or denial letter.
Applications for Educational Benefits my be found on our webpage at: https://www.moraschools.org/page/nutritiondepartment.
Contact MN DHS with questions or concerns.
Please see the attached for more information.
Summer Food Program
Ogilvie Schools will be a Summer Food Program site this summer. All children ages 1-18 are eligible for the program. Living in Ogilvie or attending Ogilvie Schools is not a requirement. Families who enroll will be able to pick up food for one week each Wednesday throughout the summer.
- First pickup day: May 29th and continues through summer on each Wednesday.
- Please fill out the questionnaire using the link below to enroll.
- It will include 7 days of breakfast and 7 days of lunch.
- 1 gallon of milk per child per weekly pickup.
- The online form will request special diet information, if required.
Use link to register.
Summer Food Service Program
Summer is right around the corner...
We wanted to share a share an important resource that could benefit many families during the summer break—the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).
The SFSP is dedicated to ensuring that children in our community and surrounding areas have access to nutritious meals even when school is not in session. This program is a fantastic opportunity for children to continue receiving healthy meals throughout the summer at no cost.
You can find locations where meals are served by visiting the USDA Summer Meals Site Finder. Just click on the following link: USDA Summer Meals Site Finder.
This tool is easy to use and can help you locate the nearest meal service sites based on your address. The sites are set up in local and surrounding communities, ensuring that help is never too far away.
Please feel free to share this information with others who might benefit from knowing about the availability of free meals during the summer. It’s essential that we spread the word to ensure that no child goes hungry during the school break.
Tatum Reitter Jackelyn Bekius
Grades K-2 Grades 3-6
320-679-6200 X4307 320-679-6200 X4313
Contact Us
Email: kleach@moraschools.org
Website: Moraschools.org
Location: 200 9th Street, Mora, MN, USA
Phone: (320)679-6200
Facebook: facebook.com/MoraElem