Kohler Elementary Bomber Blast
Happy Holidays to Families December 2024
✨ Holiday Greetings from Ms. Schneider🎅🏼✨
- Happy December to you all! What a beautifully perfect time of the year. As we all prepare to end our 2024 part of the school year, we want to share how engaged we've been to learn. Teachers and students have been continually embracing our "Bomber Pride" and strong work ethics throughout our days. We've finished our first ever Penny War sponsored by our 4th and 5th grade leadership team as part of a PBIS activity of giving back. We heard the work "sabotage" too many times to count from our JK-5th graders, but in the end, the school earned over $1,600 to donate to the Salvation Army. We also enjoyed a day of multi-grade connections and games as a celebration of all our hard work. There was a plethora of games to choose from and kids had a ball. After much practice and hard work, our students just completed three winter concerts and they were amongst the best of the best; our students shined. Amazing work Miss Ellis! I know it's never said enough, but our teachers are such an exemplar of what dedication and love of teaching looks like.
- As you may know by now, our district reached yet another year of excellence for our state report card scores. Our Elementary School scored "Significantly Exceeds Expectation" and in the top 3 of all WI Elementary Schools. Along with our dedicated teachers, you parents, the primary educators for your children, must surely be congratulated as well as your children. Our partnership helps your amazing children stretch and grow each day. Please always remember, however, that there truly are many measures of success and growth beyond test scores of course.
- As we get ready to have a well deserved holiday break filled with family, fun, and some relaxation, please know our staff and myself wish you all a wonderful holiday season and Merry Christmas.
Holiday Dress Up Days
Moments to Celebrate 🙌
Mrs. DeAmico's 1st Grade students at the concert
Ms. Prokash's 3rd Graders with after concert glow
PBIS Game Day, multi grades
Mr. D'Amico's 2nd Grade Class pre-show
Game Day, strategizing with Ms. Prokash!
Congratulations Students, Miss Ellis, and Teachers...Concert Success! 🎄
Hall of Fame Moments
Tree Lighting Event, Essay Contest Winner Adley Steffen, 5th Grade
All ears listen as Adley recounts her special thoughts of the holiday season.
Book Drive
Library News
Kohler Pride.... Stats
The Year's Best Of...2024 🙌
A great place to tout our students' accomplishments!
🤩 97% Average Daily Attendance!
🎓 Report Card Score Significantly Exceeds Expectations, Higher than 98.1% of schools!
📖 6,569 books checked out of the library thus far!
Last, But Not Least...!
Thank You, Families! 🙏
Thank you families for your many contributions, including making sure your children arrive to school on time & ready to learn. Your support for our school, teachers, and learning is like no other!
**Attendance Policy/Absences
If your child will be leaving school for an appointment or will be absent, please send the office a message. Either email Ms. Fischer at: fischere@kohler.k12.wi.us OR call 920.459.2920 and follow prompts.
**Is your child struggling with coming to school, homework frustrations, or other challenges? Here's how we can help:
- Contact the school counselor, Mrs. Multer or her website, classroom teacher/s, and/or Principal Schneider. We all care deeply about the welfare of your child/ren.