Boyden Weekly Update
October 4, 2024
Dear Boyden Families,
Please see the information below.
~Friday, October 11th (Early Release)
~Monday, October 14th (No School)
Cellular Phones/Electronic Devices
Per the Elementary School Handbook - Students may not use cellular phones, smart watches, or other electronic devices during the day. If students need to have one of the above devices for an out of school purpose, the device must be kept turned off and remain in the backpack. If a student is found to have an electronic device in his or her possession, outside of the backpack, it will be kept in the office until a parent is able to pick it up.
Counselor's Corner
CLICK HERE for October's Councelor Corner from Mrs. Audet and Mrs. Lemmler
What are the Students Learning in PE?
K: Kindergarteners have successfully completed their first month of PE classes! Students have started to learn basic locomotor skills that go along with a variety of games we play daily. Each student has also had a chance to learn and work on spatial awareness games throughout the month of September.
1st: First graders also had an opportunity to revisit spatial awareness and locomotor skills that
we learned from last year. Students had opportunities to learn through challenges and games
throughout the month.
2nd: Second grade students started the year off with fitness stations. As we quickly transitioned
over to soccer skills and activities to close out the month. Students are also learning the
importance of sportsmanship.
3rd: Third grade also started the month off with fitness activities that worked on endurance and
stamina. All third grade classes then transition to our soccer unit to work on skills like dribbling,
passing and goalie work.
4th: Fourth grade also started their year with fitness goals and stations. Classes then made the
switch over to our soccer curriculum to work on skills needed to play the game.. Students did an
amazing job working together and learning the value of sportsmanship.
5th: Fifth grade started the month with exercises that focused on endurance and strength.
Students then focus on the game of soccer to work on previous game skills. Then fifth grade
made the switch to soccer to work on situational drills and small game play!
MCAS Scores
This coming week, the Walpole Public Schools will be mailing MCAS results home to families. It is important to understand that the MCAS are one of the many ways we measure student progress across the curriculum. We also use many ongoing assessments in classrooms not only to measure student progress but also to assess the success of our district curriculum. Parent-teacher conferences will be taking place over the next two weeks and this is a great opportunity to hear about specific aspects of the grade-level standards that going well for your child and other areas that may be a challenge.
Picture Day...Smile!
Lifetouch will be taking individual student and class pictures on Wednesday, October 16th. Order envelopes went home this week and you can order online by clicking here and using the Picture Day ID: EVTZ7Z8M4
September's Sportsperson of the Month
The "Sportsperson of the Month" goes to a student at each grade level going above and beyond in Physical Education Class. This includes(but is not limited to) following the rules of the game, being safe, respectful of other students, taking care of the equipment, and playing fair.
K- Macie LaBlue
1st- Carolina Barceloni
2nd- Quinn Alexander
3rd- George Giaroppulos
4th- Grayson Reed
5th- Peyton Moses
Basketball Clinic (Grades 4 and 5)
We are excited to bring back our basketball clinic just in time for basketball tryouts! We will be offering a basketball clinic for 4th and 5th graders October 8th. Session will be $25 per student. Each session is limited to a maximum of 30 students. Session will run after school from 3:25-5pm. Walpole travel basketball tryouts are Monday, October 13th. Tryouts are for boys and girls grades 2nd - 8th. This is a great opportunity for kids who are interested in trying out. The coaches are current and former walpole basketball coaches
Walpole 300th Anniversary Parade
The Walpole's 300th Anniversary Parade is a few short week's away. The Parade will kick off on October 5th at 11am from the Norfolk County Agricultural High School and proceed up Main Street to the Town Common and then turn and proceed up Common Street to Walpole High School which will allow for 2 miles of viewing. Downtown we will have food trucks around the common. Join us as we watch bands and performance groups from around the region celebrate our hometown.
The 300th Committee is also looking for additional floats from Community Groups, as well as antique autos which would like to participate in the parade. Check out Walpole300.com for more information
PAC News
Direct Donations
PAC fundraising supports activities that benefit Boyden students, teachers, and staff throughout the year. Information on how to make a gift can be found here or on the direct donation flyer sent home with students.
Volunteers Opportunity - Docent
Docents are volunteers (parents/guardians, grandparents) who go into classrooms to help teach students about different art and artists. No prior knowledge is needed; the docent program provides all training. New volunteers are welcome in all grades, but especially needed in 1st grade classrooms and Mrs. Folan's 3rd grade class. Email boydendocent@gmail.com if interested.
Sign Up for PAC Events
Boo Bags
Boyden PAC is excited to announce our NEW Halloween event this year.. BOO BAGS!! Visit the link below to register and learn more about it! Please note there is no Trunk or Treat this year
2 weeks left to order!
SEPAC Meeting on October 8, 2024
Important Dates
Ocotober 9th -Boyden School Council (3:30 PM) Boyden PAC Meeting (7:00 PM)
October 11th - Early Release (12:25 Dismissal)
October 14th - No School
October 16th - Picture Day
Click Here for the Walpole Public Schools School Year Calendar
About Us
Email: bdearborn@walpole.k12.ma.us
Website: http://walpolebs.ss5.sharpschool.com/
Location: 1852 Washington Street, South Walpole, MA, USA
Phone: 508-660-7216
Instagram: @BoydenBuzz