ARI's Spring Break Literacy Fun
Family Literacy Activities
Our Mission
Spring Break Literacy Fun
Literacy Scavenger Hunt
Literacy Scavenger Hunt
Access the activity here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14YU7RmgTmsbhj-Ds8V2WoWWiW7eB_UwR/view?usp=sharing
SHORT Book Recommendations
SHORT's Coloring Pages
You can access SHORT's coloring pages here: ShortColoringPages.pdf (wsimg.com)
SHORT's 2nd Birthday
Eat a Yummy Snack While You Read
Dance Party Time
Additional Resources
Resources - Alabama Partnership for Children
The APC has compiled resources surrounding a FOCUS (Focus On Children Under Six) topic for all organizations that request the information for distribution in local communities. It is our hope that the FOCUS resources will provide more attention to birth-to-five topics statewide.
The following link contains recommended books, videos, articles, and websites that provide information relating to reading and writing, dyslexia, giftedness, ADHD, twice-exceptional, and movement.
The SAG-AFTRA Foundation’s Daytime Emmy®-nominated and award-winning children’s literacy website, Storyline Online®, streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations. Readers include Oprah Winfrey, Chris Pine, Kristen Bell, Rita Moreno, Viola Davis, Jaime Camil, Kevin Costner, Lily Tomlin, Sarah Silverman, Betty White, Wanda Sykes, and dozens more. As you watch the videos, we recommend that you pause the video to discuss what the story is about or respond to the actors' comments.
The Alabama Family Central has been a goal for several years from the creation of the Department of Children’s Affairs in 2001 through the priorities of the Governor’s Children’s Cabinet in recent years. As a single platform for families to access services and programs, its purpose is to help families easily navigate and find links to support their needs. State agency partners include Departments of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention, Early Childhood Education, Education, Human Resources, Medicaid, Mental Health, Public Health, Rehabilitation Services/Early Intervention, with support from the Office of Information Technology.
The information included in this document is done from the perspective of improving LITERACY instruction for students and is only intended to outline support that directly relates to literacy instruction. Please use any resource links with discretion, as their position statements are their own and not necessarily representative of ARI and the ALSDE. Usage of any materials should be with adherence to rules and regulations of the Alabama State Department of Education.