Kelly Community Newsletter
November 15th, 2024

Coming up...
- 11/20 - Early Release, School Out at 11:50 AM
- 11/23 - PTA Popcorn Friday
- 11/25 - 11/26 - Parent Teacher Conferences, 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM (NO SCHOOL)
- 11/27 - 11/29 - NO SCHOOL
- EKT Reunion has been rescheduled. Stay tuned for additional information coming soon.
2024-2025 Early Release Schedule
Students will be dismissed at 11:50 on the following eight Wednesdays for staff development:
- November 20 ( NEXT WEEK! )
- December 18
- February 26
- March 19
- April 23
- May 21
From Jeff Waters, Principal
Dear Kelly Families,
On Wednesday, Kelly Elementary School had the honor of hosting School Board Chair Eddie Wang at Kelly for our Slavic Tea event. Thank you to Ms. Larisa, our IRCO Community Agent, for hosting the event, and thank you to Ms. Katia and Ms. Nazgul for helping organize families and welcoming Director Wang to our community.
We visited Russian Immersion classrooms, learned about the history of Russian Immersion at Kelly, and heard testimony from families about how our program provides an essential cultural and language resource for Slavic families and is an important point of cultural exchange for students and families from all over the world. Thank you, Mr. Wang, for your commitment to immersion programming in Portland Public Schools.
Kelly Elementary School is remarkably diverse - there are 24 home languages spoken in our school community, Russian being the most spoken non-English home language - and our school is a testament to the power we have when we come together to work for the future of our children.
Read on below for important and timely information about:
- Fall Garden Clean Up - Tomorrow!
- How to access the Successful Schools Survey - Window open now!
- Middle School Transition
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- PTA Bottle Drop Fundraiser
- Kelly Winter SUN Support
And more!!
In the service of students and families,
Jeff Waters
Fall Garden Clean-Up Tomorrow
Join Kelly Elementary and PTA this Saturday from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM for our Fall garden clean-up. We will rake the leaves, pull some weeds, cut some plants, and help get our campus ready for winter. Coffee and doughnuts will be provided by PTA. Thanks, Tammy!
Successful Schools Survey Now Open!
Please take a few minutes to give our school some feedback for what we are doing well and how we can improve!
5th Grade Transition to Middle School
It's never too soon to start thinking about your student's transition to middle school. A couple weeks ago, we held a 5th Grade Middle School Information Night for families. If you missed it or want to know more, information shared at that event can be found HERE.
Also - Da Vinci School of the Arts is holding a family information night Dec 4th, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM. Information below.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conferences are scheduled for the week of fall break on November 25-26. Conferences can be virtual or in person. Our goal is that all families sign up for a parent-teacher conference. If you have not already scheduled a conference, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.
How to schedule a parent-teacher conference:
E-mail the teacher
Remind App (send a message to the teacher)
Call the school (503-916-6350)
Connect with the teacher after school
PTA Bottle Drop Fundraiser Now Open!
From now until 12/2/2024, Kelly PTA will receive 20% extra on all recyclable returned using one of the blue bags we sent home last Friday. You can drop full bags at Bottle Drop OR you can bring them to school on 11/22 and 12/2. PTA will be out front collecting at drop off in the morning and pick-up in the afternoon. The grade who turns in the most cans will get a popcorn party!
SUN Update - Kelly SUN Winter Support Event
Message from the Health Office
Families, It’s a great time to get caught up on immunizations. The school exclusion date approaches fast each year. This year if your child isn’t caught up by February 19th they will be excluded from school until they are caught up.
How can you get free Immunizations? Student Health Centers- such as Franklin, McDaniel and Cleveland and more- offer free health clinic services, including Immunizations. Just call them to make an appointment, or check in with your SHA- Jana, and she can help you make an appointment. Multnomah County also offers free immunization clinics- please see the attached flyers.
Here are a few places to obtain more information about immunizations and exemptions.
Non-Medical and Medical exemptions:
English Language Arts Curriculum and Resources
Our adopted English language arts curriculum is Wit and Wisdom. It focuses on integrating content learning with reading and writing. Below you’ll find the topics each grade level has been studying, essential questions, and family tip sheets in multiple languages to provide an overview of what is happening at your child’s grade level. The family tip sheet also includes a list of texts you can read at home to support your child with deepening the learning that is happening at school. Not all Russian immersion classrooms use Wit and Wisdom because of the allocation of minutes dedicated to teaching English. At this time, Wit and Wisdom is used in grades 4 and 5.
Wit and Wisdom Topics, Essential Questions, and Family Tip Sheets:
Kinder: The Five Senses
Essential Question: How do our senses help us learn?
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Arabic
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
Kinder Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
1st Grade: A World of Books
Essential Question: How do books change lives around the world?
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
1st GradeFamily Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
1st Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
2nd Grade: A Season of Change
Essential Question: How does change impact people and nature?
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
2nd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
3rd Grade: The Sea
Essential Question: Why do people explore the sea?
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
3rd Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
4th Grade: A Great Heart
Essential Question: What does it mean to have a great heart, literally and figuratively?
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Spanish
4th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Vietnamese
5th Grade: Cultures in Conflict
Essential Question: How do cultural beliefs and values guide people?
5th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (simplified)
5th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Chinese (traditional)
5th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_English
5th Grade Family Tip Sheet_Module 1_Russian
Lost and Found - Come Check it Out
Recognize any of these clothing items? If you have noticed that something is missing, it might be in our Lost and Found. Check in at the office and let us know that you are hoping to take a look at the Lost and Found and we will help get you set up.
The school will donate lost items to Goodwill 2x per year (once in December and once in June).
Prepare for Fall Weather
The weather has been pretty nice so far this Fall, but we know that rain is right around the corner. We will only let students play outside when it is safe and they have a choice to be under the covered shelter AND we want to give students that opportunity to play outside - even if it's raining.
Please send your student to school prepared with a rain jacket and / or umbrella. If you need assistance getting your child winter clothing, please reach out to our Counselor, Ms. Kangas at mkangas@pps.net.
Kelly Spirit Wear sales are back! Check out our online store to purchase Kelly sweatshirts, tees, and bags. Two logo choices are available in a variety of shirt styles. https://www.bonfire.com/kelly-elementary-shirt-sales/