Board Newsletter
Quarterly Newsletter from the CBSD Board of Directors
Volume 1 Issue 4
Board Goals 2021-2022 School Year
- The Columbia Borough School District School Board will establish clear and effective communication protocols with the community, administration, and among the board.
- The Columbia Borough School District School Board will regularly evaluate the performance of the superintendent and board and will monitor progress toward district goals.
- The Columbia Borough School District School Board will advocate by engaging members of local and state legislative bodies in understanding the needs and challenges facing our district.
Quarterly Updates
On a routine basis, the board approves personnel as well as financial reports and disbursements. Notable actions of a non-routine nature that were taken during the last quarter are shared below.
- The board appreciated the selections shared by students from the Hill Campus Music Department as well as the portraits and other paintings gifted to us from student artists
- Approved plans for upgrades to the baseball field with work to begin in summer
Approved an agreement with Franklin & Marshall for the Pennsylvania College Advising Corps program beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2024
Approved newly created K-8 music curriculum
- Approved CHS Course Selection guide for the 2022-2023 school year
- Reviewed proposed budget for 2022-23 with a 0% tax increase
- Welcomed Assistant Principal Mark Simms at CHS following a period as interim Assistant Principal
2022 Board Meeting Dates
- January 20
- February 17
- March 17
- April 21
- May 19
- June 16
- July 21 (if needed)
- August 25
- September 15
- October 20
- November 17
- December 15
Extra-Curricular, Curriculum & Instruction, Policy, Property, and Finance Committees
- January 4
- February 1
- March 1
- April 5
- May 3
- June 7
- July 5 (if needed)
- August 2
- September 6
- October 4
- November 1
- December 6
Board of Directors
Charles Leader
Lauren Vonstetten
Sandy Duncan
Personnel Chair
Sonya Duncan
Devon Fisher
Kathleen Hohenadel
Finance Chair
Ryan Sexton
Matthew Wardecker
Property Chair