Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ September 3, 2019
Chess Club
The game of chess is exciting, dynamic and fun. Chess-Ed will be providing the professional instruction again this year. The class will be held on Wednesday afternoons from 3:30-4:30. We are beginning the Fall Chess Enrichment Session on September 11th. Session 1 will run 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, 10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13/2019 for a 10-week session. Instruction will include the fundamentals and basic tactics for the beginning player. They will learn new vocabulary, higher math skills and more, all pertaining to the “Sport of the Mind”, Chess. Opening game theory, including a variety of specific openings, middle game combinations and ideas, plus endgame patterns will be provided for the continuing and advanced player. Beginners are always welcome. This is a special enrichment program -- parent paid fee-based.
Register TODAY at: www.2019-2020ogchess.eventbee.com
Engineering for Kids
Engineering For Kids® Lake County is pleased to partner with Oak Grove School to provide an extra-curricular after school activity for Oak Grove students.
About Us
Engineering For Kids® brings the wonder and excitement of STEM education (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) to children ages 4-14 through a variety of hands-on learning experiences. Below is a list of classes offered at Oak Grove School. Please check the Virtual Backpack for more information, or visit: https://www.amilia.com/store/en/engineering-for-kids-lake-county/shop/programs
Session 1
Junior LEGO WeDo Robotics Engineering: Space Exploration (Grades K – 2ND)
Apprentice Taking Fight with UAV Drones (Grades 3rd – 5th)
Master VEX Robotics Team Challenge (Grades 6th – 8th)
Session 2
Junior Engineering Cub (Grades K – 2ND)
Apprentice App Development (Grades 3rd – 5th)
Master Design of the Future (Grades 6th – 8th)
Register and Pay Online Today!
Please register for the waitlist if the class if full, so we can contact you if a spot becomes available.
"Pie in the Face" Summer Reading Challenge
On Friday August 30th, Oak Grove school held the culmination of their Summer Reading Challenge program. Students set a personal goal for weekly reading during the summer months. The students who achieved their weekly reading goals got the chance to throw a pie in the face of one of their school administrators. Dr. Lemon and Mr. Murray each had seven pies thrown in their face. Mr. Heckel had five pies smashed in his face and Mrs. Melamed only had four pies thrown in her face. A great time was had by all!
First grade pie throwers: Mrs. Brown, McKinley, John, Sehaj, and Sophia. Second grade pie throwers: Mrs. Sale, Emma, Omar, Harper, and Charlie. Third grade pie throwers: Ms. Dugan, Ararat, Divine, Maggie, and Mustafa. Fourth grade pie throwers: Mrs. Dunn, Ms. Sonshine, Eleanor, Matt, Talia, and Weitao. Keep reading!
There will be a fun filled Parent/2nd Grade Child Math Night on Tuesday, September 10 from 6:30p.m. - 7:30 pm. We will meet in the Elementary Cafeteria. Be on the lookout for a flyer coming home this week!
From our Librarians
Welcome Back!
We hope everyone had a great summer and made time to read! We have some great lessons and activities planned for this school year for your child. Each week students will have a chance to visit the library and check out books. We have added hundreds of new books this summer that we are excited to share.
General News
Did you know that September is Library Card Sign Up Month?
If you don’t have a library card... head to your local library and sign your Oak Grove student up for a free library card!
Among the benefits of having a library card are:
- 24/7 access to the public library databases for homework help and research
- Audiobook checkout from personal devices, and of course
- All the books you could ever read!
News from the Elementary Library:
Maya Angelou wrote that “Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his or her deep and continuing needs, is good for them.” Two exciting changes to the Elementary Library will enhance the reading habit – and that is good.
First, Library class is 40 minutes. With the added time, students enjoy longer reading time in The Silo. And more!
Second, the Elementary Library boasts a new reading circle – complete with chairs and pillows, where students can curl up with a book and read more; where reading can become a wonderful habit; one where the magic of the world unfolds.
Contact Mrs. Rappaport at rappaport@ogschool.org
News from the Junior High Library:
It is a dream come true being the full-time teacher librarian in the Junior High Library this year. During the first 2 weeks of school almost every 4th -8th grader has come in for a lesson, and over 1,000 books have already been checked out!
I’m slowly beginning to add a makerspace into my library programming, and I could use your help!
Do you have any extra Legos or puzzles (500 pieces or more) lying around your house that no one is using? Please consider donating them to the Junior High Library’s growing makerspace. There will be a donation box in the main office.
Contact Mrs. Sherman at sherman@ogschool.org
Look for information about this year's Battle of the Books coming soon! Happy reading!
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
As part of our Talented And Gifted (TAG) placement procedures, we will be holding our fall session of Advisory Council. During the fall Advisory Council meeting, the committee will review placement appeals. Parents have the right to request an additional review of student placement into Oak Grove’s TAG program, through a placement appeal which would be reviewed by the Advisory Council. This process is discussed on pages 11 and 12 of the TAG Handbook.
In addition, please see the TAG Handbook for the matrix used to make placement decisions (p. 10) as well as the placement flow chart (p. 13) for additional information.
Parents requesting participation in the appeal process are required to complete the Parent Inquiry Form beginning on page 22 of the TAG Handbook. The Parent Inquiry Form, located on the OG website- click on Parent Inquiry Form, must be completed and emailed to Sarah Cacciatore at cacciatore@ogschool.org no later than Friday, Sept. 20th for consideration at the fall Advisory Council meeting. Parents will be notified via email regarding the final committee decisions.
*Please note, appeal process may only be utilized once a calendar year.
PTO News
PTO Meeting
Please join us for the first PTO meeting of the year, this Wednesday, September 4th at 9am in the Junior High cafeteria. Come early this month for coffee and meet the new PTO Board and other parents 8:30-9:00am. All are welcome!
Last Call for Spirit Wear Orders
Be ready for spirit wear Fridays! Orders are due by September 6th, and will be delivered to school in about 4 weeks. Please see the flyer in the virtual backpack for more details. https://www.headsupapparel.com/collections/oak-grove-2019
Box Tops
A big thank you to all of you who clipped Box Tops and sent them to school last year! Your efforts raised over $1,000.00 for our PTO!
This year the Box Tops program is changing a bit. Box Tops is moving to an app-based program. To participate, you will need to download the Box Tops app to your phone, select Oak Grove School in Libertyville as the school to receive your earnings, and then scan your receipts when you buy participating products. You can still cut the Box Tops off various products like General Mills cereals and Annie's products and send them to your child's classroom teacher as in years past. However, the addition of the new app-based program gives us a chance to earn twice as much from Box Tops. For example, if you buy a box of Cheerios with a Box Top on it our school can get credit for the physical Box Top you send in and the Box Top you get credit for when you scan your receipt. Box Top receipts are only good for 14 days, so please scan your receipts right away!
Our first submission of physical Box Tops is due by November 1st, so please send in any Box Tops you've been saving to your classroom teachers.
Heinen’s Grocery Store
When you use your Heinen’s Tasteful Rewards card throughout the school year, Heinen’s will donate up to 1% of your purchase to a school of your choice. Please be sure to reselect your school each year.
Ways to sign up:
- Online at heinens.com/schools
- In-store at the Customer Service Desk
- Call Customer Relations at 1-855-475-2300 x2337
Amazon Smile
You can support the Oak Grove PTO when you shop on Amazon! Just go to Smile.Amazon.com and select OAK GROVE SCHOOL DISTRICT PTO, INC as your charity of choice. Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to the Oak Grove PTO at no cost to you.
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120