Brockett Bulletin
Superintendent Communication: December 20, 2024
Pathway Bazaar
This week, Mac High pathway students hosted an arts show and craft sales event just before the music department’s holiday concerts.
Students sold welded art and functional items like firepits, wood cutting boards, crocheted items, painted wood ornaments, ceramics, jewelry, t-shirts and dish towels and more. Check out more photos on the MSD Instagram feed.
Raising Resilience
The district has been working with some local groups in an initiative dubbed “Raising Resilience” based on the findings of the book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.
Mark your calendar for a meeting Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025, to hear about and discuss this topic. (Stay tuned for more details after Winter Break.) Until then, here are some related resources that could be helpful if you are interested in learning more.
Snowy Craft Party
Yesterday, Memorial second graders celebrated the coming Winter Break with a Snowball Extravaganza! Students created snowman and snowball crafts, "ice skated" and had some themed treats.
Happy holidays! (See more photos on the MSD Facebook page.)
Holiday Food Boxes
Retired school board member Carson Benner continued the tradition of organizing food boxes for MSD families just before Winter Break. Working with local partners, Carson spearheaded the food collection, the individual box assembly and delivery to schools and the Family Resource Center.
The boxes were added to the high school’s holiday box project and led to 60 boxes delivered today to high school families in need. Thank you!
Assistance for Families over the Break
Winter Break is a time of joy for many families, but for some, the holidays can be overwhelming and stressful.
If you are struggling with last-minute child care arrangements, you can reach out via phone, text or email to 211 for referrals to child care, camps and enrichment programs for children of all ages. Families looking for holiday assistance such as food baskets, toys, clothing or rent can also contact 211.
The Yamhill County Community Care resource guide also has a wealth of support possibilities for families. Resources range from crisis intervention to ongoing mental health support to legal assistance.
Assistance for Students Over the Break
Not having access to the supports available at school can be difficult for students during breaks. If your student is struggling, there are several resources you can access, including:
- YouthLine (For older elementary, middle or high school students) Support 24/7 with peer, teen-to-teen help from 4 - 10 p.m.
- Safe + Strong for students and families in English and Spanish
- Dial 988 for Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 24/7 support in English and Spanish
Middle School Top Five Readers
Three times a year, the middle school librarian, Heidi Sumner, runs a report to show which students have checked out the most books and then rewards their reading habits with recognition, certificates, book marks, pencils, and water bottle stickers. Here’s this year’s first groups of top readers!
Patton (above, from left): Brysin Decker, Oose Perez-Beal, Andria "Stitch" Burton, Jeshua Ruiz and Athziri Diaz Hernandez.
Duniway (below from left): Madelyn Butler, Aurora Sanchez, Jase Schroeder, Franky Nolazco and (not pictured) Florencio Carrillo.
Wascher Receives Ball Donation
This week, Wascher got eight new soccer balls for the playground donated by the Traveling Light Foundation (thank you)! The balls were delivered by foundation members, including Erin O’Connor (right), who is also a Traveling Light board member and MSD employee, and received by Wascher staff Jenny Zook and principal Scott Murphy.
Pathway Students Get Hardware Demo
Students in the Criminal Justice Pathway got a visit this week from the Newberg-Dundee Police Department. The visitors showed how they use drones in police work and also displayed their MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicle that can be used in rescues.
Long Overdue Book Returned to Willamette
A copy of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory checked out in 1972 was returned this week by former MSD student Mark Ullrich. Ullrich brought the book from Thailand, where he currently lives, and returned it to the Willamette library assistant, Rhonda DeHart.
Look for Starla Pointer’s story about it in the News-Register!
New Year’s Eve Party!
The City of McMinnville invites you to a New Year’s Eve party on Dec. 31, 2024 from 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at the Community Center. Find more details under the Peachjar button.
See You Next Year!
School resumes Monday, Jan. 6, 2025. We look forward to seeing your students in the new year! The Brockett Bulletin returns Jan. 10.