THE's Weekly eBlast
May 7, 2017
Principal Message
This week our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will be involved in the STAAR Assessments. We will have closed campus during these days to ensure students have a quiet and secure testing environment. The schedule will be listed below. Thank you for your support and understanding.
As we share with the students, we want you to know that we know they are so much more than a test. Each and every one of our students arrive at school with an abundance of talents. Some are readers, writers, mathematicians, dancers, ball players, gymnasts, singers, etc, and they showcase their skills in a multitude of ways. We love our kids and the leadership they display. The many tests they will take throughout school are good indicators for teachers on their academic strengths and weaknesses, but they certainly don't indicate the whole child that we get to see each and every day. Thank you for helping us make this time of year doable by encouraging and loving our boys and girls for all of their talents.
Thank you for the many gifts, cards, flowers, candies, etc that you gave to our staff. We are incredibly grateful for your support and recognition. We love what we do!
We hope that you had a wonderful weekend.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Library Corner
Upcoming Events
May 8th- 3rd and 4th Grade Math STAAR, 5th Grade Math Re-takes
May 9th- 3rd and 4th grade Reading STAAR, 5th Grade Reading Re-takes
May 10th- 5th Grade Science STAAR
May 11th- Special PTA General Mtg at 9:30a.m.
May 12th- 4th Grade Battle of the Books, Qualifying Round for District Battle
May 17th- Presidential Service Award Ceremony 7a.m.
May 18th- 5th Grade Battle of the Books, 8am-9am
May 19th- Enchanted Evening Father/Daughter, Mother/Son Dance 6:30-9:30pm
May 22nd- 4th Grade DISTRICT Battle of the Books, Redland Elementary, 5pm-8pm
May 25th- 5th Grade Gold's Gym Pool Party Celebration
May 26th- 3rd Grade Battle of the Books, 8am-9am
May 29th- Memorial Day Holiday
June 1st- Last Day of School, No Parties, 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony TBD
STAAR Schedule for this week-
Next week will be the STAAR Assessment Schedule for Grades 3-5; however, the testing does impact schedules for K-2.
Monday, May 8th: CLOSED CAMPUS- An Alternate Schedule (specials, recess, and some lunches) for MOST grade levels, so your teacher will have specific information.
3rd Grade Math STAAR
4th Grade Math STAAR
5th Grade Re-take Math STAAR
Tuesday, May 9th: CLOSED CAMPUS- An Alternate Schedule (specials, recess, and some lunches) for MOST grade levels, so your teacher will have specific information.
3rd Grade Reading STAAR
4th Grade Reading STAAR
5th Grade Re-take Reading STAAR
Wednesday, May 10th: CLOSED CAMPUS- There will not be an alternate schedule.
5th Grade Science STAAR
Thursday, May 11th: STAAR Make-ups, Not a Closed Campus
PTA News
Special General PTA Meeting – Thursday, May 11th at 9:30 a.m.
We will have a special meeting held in THE PTA room 222. This meeting is to address budget amendments as we near the end of the 2016-2017 PTA fiscal year. All PTA members are welcome to attend.
Presidential Volunteer Service Awards- Wednesday, May 17th at 7am
Invitations for qualifying students were sent home in their backpacks last Friday. Please join us to celebrate your leader!
Eat For A Cause – Jet’s Pizza
Thank you to all THE families that ate Jet’s Pizza last Wednesday. Together we raised $175! Thank you, Jet’s Pizza!
Save the date- Friday, May 19th- 6:30pm-9:30pm - An Enchanted Evening, school dance. More details to come.
The 5th Grade Pool Party is coming soon! It will be held on Thurs., May 25th at the Gold’s Gym Rogers Ranch (2711 Treble Creek) swimming pool. In order for your child to go, you must complete 2 forms for the PTA (in addition to the forms sent to you already by the teachers.) The forms were sent home in backpacks this past week, but are also available on the PTA website at this link: ***Please return the "Rules and Regulations Acceptance Form" and the "Gold’s Waiver" (front and back) to your child’s teacher by Monday, May 8th!!! The website also contains instructions on volunteering for the party or just attending. :-)
School Supplies for 2017-18: Save Time & Money by ordering your child's 2017-2018 school supplies through EPI. You can start ordering now through July 10, 2017. Supplies will be delivered to your child's classroom at our Meet the Teacher Nights in August.
Click on the link below and when prompted enter the code below for our school.
enter the TUS005
Want to get involved? With the election of our new PTA officers, we are filling PTA board chair positions for 2017-18. If you would like more information or have any questions about any of the volunteer opportunities, please don’t hesitate to ask. Alana Harris, our incoming president, or I would be happy to visit with you.
Mandy Howland, PTA President
Warmer weather = Overflowing Lost and Found
Parents, as the weather warms up we find lots of sweaters and jackets around the school with no name on them – they end up in lost and found and it is OVERflowing! Help us out by checking closets and then sending your students on a mission to find what is lost and bring it home! ALL items will be donated to the NEISD Clothes Closet at the end of the semester.
5th grade students – 5th grade spirit is popping up all over campus. Don’t forget to show off your 5th grade spirit shirt on WILD Wednesday!
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website
Run for the Heights Website
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link
Hyperlinks Below
Our Kindergarten Classes traveled to the San Antonio Zoo
Sign up for the Reagan Cheer Youth Summer Camp
July 19th – 21st 9:00am – 3:00pm
What do you get at Camp?
Learn Reagan Cheers and Dances
Practice tumbling and jumping with the Reagan Cheerleaders
A keepsake T-shirt from the Reagan Cheer Program
Lunch all three days
An opportunity to join the Reagan Cheerleaders at Hero’s Stadium for the Reagan game vs. United
Registration in limited to 75 slots!!!
See attached flyer for registration information
Summer Camps
North East Independent School District wants to invite you to register your middle and high school students to our STEM, Career and Technical Education Summer Camps.
All middle school students can register for the following camp:
- June 5th-9th, 2017 from either 9am to 12pm or 1pm to 4pm each day for current 6th and 7th grade students
All high school students can register for the following camps:
- Fashion/Interior Design Camp:
- June 6-8th, 2017 from 9am to 12pm each day for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors
- Healthcare Professionals Camp:
- June 12-16, 2017 from 9am to 2pm Monday thru Thursday and Friday from 9am to 3pm for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors
- The Jefferson Bank Investor Challenge Camp:
- June 12-16, 2017 from 9am to 1pm for rising juniors and seniors
- Leadership in Law Camp:
- July 24-28, 2017 from 9am to 3pm for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors.
Tejeda Middle School
Summer Recreation Camp 2017
When: June 5- June 30 (Monday-Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. May be dropped off at 7:30 if needed/ pick up by 12:10 at latest – please)
Where: Tejeda Middle School (Drop off/ Pick up in the gym area)
Who: Boys and Girls entering 6th - 8th grades
What: Games of all sorts, individual and team sports, open gym time, a variety every day!
Why: Play with your friends and stay active. It is really fun!!!! Get out of the house!!!
Cost: $95.00 - cash or check made payable to Tejeda Middle School
FYI: Concessions available $1.00 each
If you have questions please contact Dana Dutson ( 210-356-5600 ext 65654)
Name:_______________ Phone: _______________
Grade Level for 2017-18: _______