St. Teresa Tidbits
September 2nd, 2024
Grandparents' Mass September 11 at 9:00 St. Francis DeSales Church
We invite you to join us for Grandparent’s Day on September 11. Our special guests are welcome to meet us at St. Francis DeSales Church for Mass at 9:00 AM. Please be seated by 8:45 AM so teachers can bring your grandchild(ren) to you. After Mass, all guests are invited to the school gym for muffins, milk, juice, and coffee. Students will also have a special activity to complete with their guests' help.
St. Teresa of Calcutta's Feast Day
St. Teresa of Calcutta's Feast Day is September 5th. Mother Teresa was dedicated to practicing the corporal works of mercy throughout her life. To honor her work, we are conducting a service project the first two weeks of school around one of the corporal works of mercy: clothe the naked. We hope that students can bring in a clothing item to donate.
Here are other ways we also plan to celebrate her feast day:
- Wear St. Teresa clothing on Thursday, September 5th
- Students will be reading books and watching videos about her life
- Students will be reflecting on one of her quotes and making a crafts
- Donate a clothing item by Friday, September 6th
Did you know...
Did you know that St. Teresa teachers participate in religious professional development? At the start of the school year, educators from nearby Catholic schools come together for worship at Our Lady of Seven Dolors in Festina. After Mass, the teachers gather at the community center to deepen their understanding of their faith.
Bathroom Remodel
We are incredibly grateful for the volunteers and donations that made the boys’ bathroom remodel possible. A special thank you to the Schmelzer family for the demolition work, Reid Hageman’s crew for the construction, and Graham Goltz and James Rothmeyer for the tiling. We also appreciate Fashion Floors, Becker Hardware, and everyone who contributed time or money to this project.
Upcoming events:
Sept. 3 PS begins
Sept. 3 6-8 Band Lessons Start
Sept. 4 8:30 Mass- 8th
Sept. 5 Mother Teresa Feast Day- Service Project
Sept. 5 8:45 Mass- 3rd
Sept. 9 Intruder videos for 4th-8th in Guidance class in Ossian
Sept. 10 5:30 CCC Advisory Meeting
Sept. 11 9:00 ALL SCHOOL MASS- Grandparents Mass (Ossian)
Sept. 12 8:45 Mass- 2nd
Sept. 17 1st Grade to Bildens Apple Orchard
Sept. 17 7:00 Board of Education meeting
Sept. 18 8:30 Mass- 7th
Sept. 19 Mass- 2nd grade
Sept. 19 4-8 Pep rally at SW
Sept. 20 South Winn Homecoming
Sept. 25 Ossian/Calmar picture day
8:30 6th grade prayer service
Sept 25 2nd Grade to Osborne 8:30-2:45
Sept. 26 8:45 Mass- 2-2 prayer service
Sept. 26 Spillville Picture Day
Sept. 27 5th & 6th Grade Field Trip - Rendezvous School Day 9:10-2:20
Sept. 30 No School- Professional Development