BSE Back To School Curriculum Night
September 5, 2024
Meet Anh Nguyen-Johnson, Assistant Principal
Questions About School Procedures?
If you are wondering about volunteering, arrival and dismissal, lunch time, or how students celebrate birthdays, please scroll down to the bottom and check out our family handbook. It will have the answers to most of your questions. If the answer is not in there, please come see us at Back to School Night or call the office.
Back to School Night Classroom Presentation Schedule
6-6:25: 2nd/3rd in classrooms
6:30-6:55: 4th Cafeteria/5th Library
7:00-7:25: K/1st in classrooms
Music is an irreplaceable part of a balanced education and plays a vital role in the development of the whole child. Bonny Slope children will learn about music through singing, playing instruments, listening, improvising, composing and dancing. Over time, children will learn to read music at a basic level, use musical terminology, understand music in relation to history and culture, perform music, drama and dance artistically, analyze music, evaluate musical performance, and interpret text for comprehension. Not only does participation in music help a child’s overall intellectual development, but music also teaches a child how to think critically and to problem-solve. Moreover, it promotes self-discipline, self-esteem and self-expression. Our approach with children is eclectic, but hands-on and as kinesthetic as possible. Experience is key. The result? Hopefully, Bonny Slope students will learn to love a variety of musical styles and understand how those styles relate to cultures and traditions around the globe. We also hope they will grow to appreciate the effort it takes to become a musician, and enjoy the process of creative music-making alone, and in groups.
Music Teachers: Clare Bourquein - grades K, 3, 4, & 5 / Carson Beguelin - grades 1 & 2
Physical Education
Please visit the PE website link for curriculum information.
PE Teachers: Jacob Whitehead- Grades K, 3, 4, & 5 / Dan Santos - Grades 1 & 2
My name is Mrs. Simantel and I am excited to be back teaching Technology here at Bonny Slope. We will focus through the year on many aspects of learning how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. Using the district scope and sequence as well as the ISTE standards, we have planned activities that will be engaging and challenging for our students. We will begin the year focusing on digital citizenship at all grades. For a more in detail look at the digital citizenship lessons we will be teaching, please visit our website linked below. We will also work on coding, programming robots, learning and making circuits, applying principles of engineering and STEAM to projects, typing skills, filmmaking techniques and media production such as stop motion animation, CAD design and 3D printing (5th grade only this year), and much more! I am looking forward to a fun year here at Bonny Slope! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Michele Simantel: michele_simantel@beaverton.k12.or.us
Library Media Center
Hello! I am Shannon Bekins, the Library Media Assistant.
I have the wonderful job of sharing books with students here at Bonny Slope. During library time, students will work on a variety of skills including how to find their way around a library and how to select books that are appropriate for their age and reading level. We will discuss books, explore a variety of book genres and make sure everyone handles library materials appropriately. Checkout will be on a rotating schedule and will happen as often as possible. My hope is to foster a love of reading (and libraries) that lasts throughout their life.
I welcome parent volunteers and have a variety of interesting projects for anyone who wants to help. Come spend an hour or two in the beautiful Bonny Slope library.
Hello Everyone! My name is Jessica Bascom and I'm thrilled to be joining the Bonny Slope community as School Counselor. I work towards supporting all students' academic, personal/social and college/career growth through many avenues. Some ways you can expect me to work with students are through regular classroom lessons, small group skill building and individual counseling/skill building sessions. I welcome family partnership and collaboration and cannot wait to get to know the Bonny Slope Community further. My email address is jessica_a_bascom@beaverton.k12.or.us.
Please note that my email is slightly different than most (there is another Jessica Bascom in the district.
Go Bobcats!
Student Success Coach
Welcome to a new school year! My name is Lindsey Williamson and I am the Student Success Coach. I’ve been lucky enough to have been at Bonny Slope since its opening in 2008 and have held various positions over the years. As the Student Success Coach, I support the staff and students in achieving a positive school climate and sustaining high levels of student achievement. I work to cultivate and promote a safe, learning-centered school environment. This is accomplished by aligning positive student and teacher behaviors using an equitable multi-tiered system of support, positive behavior interventions and supports, classroom circles, and restorative conferences. As the Student Success Coach I also support classroom teachers in student behavior management as well as social emotional instruction. It is a pleasure to work alongside our incredible educators and fantastic students. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. lindsey_williamson@beaverton.k12.or.us
Academic Coach
Greetings, I’m Jennifer Oordt, the Academic Coach here at Bonny Slope. The Elementary Academic Coach primarily supports students and classroom teachers in grades kindergarten through second grade, but may also serve other grade levels after K-2 student needs are met. The Academic Coach provides students with supplemental targeted support matched to student needs in reading. Professional development and training for all teachers in culturally responsive teaching strategies and resources is also part of my responsibilities. This year our school district adopted HMH as a new English Language Arts Curriculum. A major focus for me in my role is facilitating the new learning and new materials with teaching teams. Additionally, I am the staff member who helps guide the teacher through the formal intervention process to ensure a student has been provided with appropriate interventions and corresponding data has been collected to confirm that a student has been provided sufficient opportunity to make growth prior to being referred for special education services. I enjoy collaborating with students, staff and parents to help meet academic goals, so please reach out with any questions, concerns or celebrations!
Social Worker
Hello and welcome to a new school year! My name is Jennifer Cade and I am thrilled to be part of this wonderful team again this year. As a school social worker, I support the academic success and social and emotional growth of our students by partnering with students, families, teachers and staff, and communities to reduce barriers and increase opportunities. Together, we accomplish this through building strong relationships, challenging inequities, connecting families with resources, and believing that families are the experts in their own lives. I look forward to working alongside you as we make this year great! I share my time evenly with another elementary school in the District; you’ll find me at Bonny Slope on Monday mornings and all day Wednesdays and Fridays. Please reach out to me with any questions, wonderings, needs, or celebrations! Warmly, Jennifer
Hello and Welcome! I am Amelia Carnahan and I am the district nurse serving Bonny Slope Elementary School. I act as a health consultant to staff, parents, and students. I develop Health Management Plans to support students who need additional health support at school. Helpful information about keeping your student home when ill, immunization requirements and resources, head lice information, and medication policy information can be found on the BSD internet page. Feel free to reach out to me directly if I can support your student’s health in any way. amelia_carnahan@beaverton.k12.or.us
School Psychologist
Our School Psychologist, Jennifer Holloway administers assessments for students referred to the Special Education Team for consideration of an evaluation. Additionally, she provides counseling to some of our special education students and consultation to teachers and parents on a variety of issues affecting social, emotional, and behavioral health. Jennifer is at Bonny Slope on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP)
The SLP serves children identified with communication disorders. Through an individualized educational program (IEP), children are given individual or small group instruction in speech articulation, stuttering, voice disorders, receptive and expressive language, or social communication. Students are evaluated by the SLP for these services after a referral and meeting with parents and teachers to identify specific concerns. Bonny Slope’s SLP is Tara McGuill. She will be at Bonny Slope Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the 2024-2025 school year.
English as a Second Language/English Language Development
Welcome! We are Varsha Banerjee and Sarah Grimes, the ESL/ELD teachers at Bonny Slope. We work with students who are learning the English language. We will be supporting students in their classrooms, mostly during writing time. We look forward to collaborating with you and your child’s teacher this year.
Resource Room and Special Education Team Video
Watch the video below to meet Carey Rodriguez, resource room teacher, and the rest of our Special Education Team (Tara McGuill, Speech-Language Pathologist and Jennifer Holloway, School Psychologist).
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Betty Skundrick
Assistant Principal: Anh Nguyen-Johnson
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Fax: 503.356.2045
Attendance: 503.356.2040 Press 1 for Attendance
Attendance email: