Emma L. Miller Friday Family Focus
Be Kind, Be Awesome, Be Well!
Friday, 5/31
Good Morning E.L.M. Families,
Happy Friday! We have a super, fun week planned for next week. Please take a read below for all of the details.
>>>Photo of the Week: A Ray of Sunshine!
Next Week at a Glance:
Mon. - 6/3 - PTG @ 5:00pm, School Committee 6:00pm
Tues. - 6/4 -
Wed. - 6/5 - Field Trip - Forest Park Zoo
Thurs. 6/6 - Camp Read-A-Thon 2024!
Fri. 6/7 - Field Day 2024!
News, Updates & Reminders:
* Library books are due on Monday. We appreciate your efforts in looking under beds, in toy boxes and in back seats for those lost books. Thank you!
* The June menus and calendar are attached below. A paper copy will also be sent home.
* Please join us for the PTG Mtg. at 5:00pm and the School Committee Mtg. at 6:00pm on Monday afternoon. The agenda is attached below.
* Forest Park Field Trip - Wednesday, June 5th. Students will need to pack a water bottle, lunch, drink and snack. We will leave school at approximately 9:00am and return for dismissal. Students should also wear shoes that are appropriate for a lot of walking and playing.
* Camp Read-A-Thon 2024! On Thursday each of the classrooms will be decorated with a camping theme and we will spend the day reading, reading, and more reading! Each classroom will be engaged in a variety of reading activities and the PreK/K will visit each classroom to read with an older buddy. Students are welcome to come to school dressed in their pajamas and they may bring a small pillow, stuffed animal and/or blanket for lounging out on the floor. They will have PE, so safe shoes are needed as well. Check out the Thrillshare App, Facebook, or the school's website for photos throughout the day.
* Field Day 2024! On Friday we will have our field day activities, and the Savoy Fire Dept. will be joining us for another fun-filled day. Students should dress for being outside and wear their safe shoes for running and playing. Sunblock & bug spray are also encouraged. It appears that our friends from the Savoy FD are planning on getting us wet, so a change of clothes is also recommended. We will be serving hamburgers and hotdogs for lunch followed by and ice cream treat in the afternoon.
Planning Ahead:
* Our last day of school is Tuesday, June 18th with dismissal at 11:30am. We will not be serving lunch on the last day.
PTG Updates & Reminders:
* The PTG is in need of new members. Elections for open position will also take place during Monday's meeting.
Health & Safety:
* Nothing new for today.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Tierney
Contact Information
Email: ttierney@savoyelementary.com
Website: www.savoyelementary.com
Location: 26 Chapel Rd, Savoy, MA, USA
Phone: 413-743-1992
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100074472651098