Marauder Update

Second Semester Has Begun!
News from Class Meetings
Over the last two days, we met with all grade levels (9-12) to go over some important reminders and updates. Here’s what you need to know:
📱 Cell Phone Policy – Phones should be put away during class time unless permitted by your teacher. Stay focused, stay engaged, and save the scrolling for lunch and passing periods!
⏰ Tardy & Attendance – Being on time matters! Make sure you’re getting to class before the bell rings—every tardy adds up. Attendance is key to success, so be here and be ready to learn!
🚗 Parking Rules – If you drive to school, make sure you have the proper permit and are parking in designated student areas. Follow all traffic rules on campus to keep everyone safe!
🛑 New Safety & Security Protocols – Safety is our top priority. Be sure to follow all updated security procedures, following check-in/check-out processes, and reporting any concerns.
🏅 Athletic Eligibility – Want to stay in the game? Keep your grades up, follow school behavior expectations, and meet all required deadlines to stay eligible for sports and extracurricular activities.
💻 LVS Expectations – Whether you're using LVS for coursework or credit recovery, it’s important to stay on top of your assignments, meet deadlines, and communicate with your teachers. Remember designated areas for periods 1-3 and 5 are at LVS. Period 4 is Mrs. Fenech and Period 6 is Mrs. Kershaw
Got questions? Let us know! Let’s work together to make this a great semester! 🎉
Student Engagement Highlights from Semester 1
First semester, our teachers worked really hard to create innovative lessons to drive student engagement. Some examples from the year so far include the following awesome learning experiences:
A Science Lab in Which Students Extract DNA
- Students worked in small groups to extract DNA from a strawberry.
- This was a hands-on experiment that used coffee filters and alcohol to observe DNA separation.
Hero’s Journey Storyboard Assignment
- Students learned about Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey.
- They mapped out Odysseus’s journey using digital tools or drawings.
- They applied literary concepts like figurative language and word choice.
An Annotation War
- Teams selected and annotated important literary passages.
- Other teams challenged annotations by adding missing elements to earn points.
GPA Calculations with 9th Graders
- Students learned to calculate GPA using an Excel template.
- They conducted pre- and post-surveys to assess learning.
Jenga Review
- A review game using Jenga blocks with color-coded equations.
- Students answered equations when pulling blocks, in order to keep playing.
6 Steps of the Selling Process
- Students researched and developed a sales plan.
- They answered guided questions and analyzed real-world business strategies.
Soap Box Derby Cars Made of Noodles
- Students learned about the engineering design process.
- Students used raw noodles to design a car that can travel the fastest and farthest.
- WWI Comic Strip with Pixton
- Students created digital comics about different aspects of WWI.
- They highlighted key historical events or themes.
Semester 1 CHS Goal Update
I'm so proud of our staff and students as they have worked on our goals during semester 1. See below for all of the amazing progress that has been made!
Carlson Athletics Getting It Done Once Again in the Winter Season!
Girls Basketball
- 10-4 overall record, 6-2 in the Downriver League
- Had some dominant victories, including a 55-26 win over Riverview Gabriel Richard
- Standout performances from Brooklyn Kemokai, Addison Wallace, and Riley Ivy
Boys Basketball
- JV team showing promise with wins against Inter-City (61-35) and a tie against Trenton
- Varsity displaying competitive spirit in close games
- Matthew MacBride and Austin Saavedra consistently leading in scoring
- Impressive 5-0 performance at their home tournament
- Strong showings in Downriver jamborees, beating Wyandotte and Trenton
- Multiple wrestlers achieving 2-0 records in individual matches each outing.
Boys Swimming
- Sixth place finish out of twelve teams at the Downriver Classic with 19 PR times
- Owen Keith continues to improve on his state cut times
- Jace Starll breaking pool records in diving
- Multiple personal records and event wins throughout the season
Unified Basketball
- Victories against Woodhaven (48-20) and Lincoln Park (48-26)
- Featured on State Champs for their team effort
- Girls team in 2nd place overall in the league after a 21-9 win against Taylor
- Boys team holding 3rd place in the league standings
- Won their home invite, defeating a dominant D1 Rochester team.
- Currently ranked #1 in division 2.
- Hold the highest scores for overall, average score, round one, round two, and round three across all divisions in the state.
- Broke the school record in the following this season:
- Round 1: 239.3
- Round 2: 233.86
- Overall: 795.26
- Currently 10-8-2
- Competed in the MIHL and Chelsea Showcase
- Huge OT win versus Detroit Country Day
Counseling Update
2025 - 2026 Scheduling is Coming
At the end of February counselors will be visiting English classes to discuss scheduling for next year. Now is a great time for students to start thinking about electives or programs that they are interested in. It is extremely important for students to identify what electives they want and alternate choices since these can fill up quickly. More importantly, if students don't choose, then counselors choose for them and students may end up in a class that is not interesting to them.
DCTC Programs & Applications
Applications for Career Tech Programs (DCTC) are now open for 10th and 11th grade students. The application window will be open until April 10th. Students can always apply after that date, however many programs will have waitlists by then.
The application DOES NOT GUARANTEE placement. To apply for a program simply complete this google form. Only one application is needed per student. You have the option to select an alternative program if your first choice becomes full.
Some programs require a more extensive application. These programs and their applications can be found on the DCTC website. Please return completed applications to Mr. Duperon in the counseling office no later than April 10th.
Varsity Tutors
Does your child need a tutor? If so, we are thrilled to announce our new partnership with a platform called Varsity Tutors. Varsity Tutors offers live, chat-based online tutoring across various subjects for all grade levels. The platform is flexible and designed to meet students’ individual needs, whether they require extra help, wish to deepen their understanding, or need assistance with a specific math problem.
The best part is that this service is completely free for students. Varsity Tutors provides additional support when students need it, especially when outside of the school day. Our teachers do not have the ability to monitor student usage on Varsity Tutors. Students will have to log in independently whenever they need assistance and can access it through their ClassLink dashboard. Additionally, student privacy is always protected; tutors cannot access students' full names, locations, emails, or any videos/photos.
Below is their FAQ document that provides basic information about this program. As mentioned, the Varsity Tutors icon is already available on each student's Classlink Dashboard, which is the only way students can access the Varsity Tutor platform.
AP Testing
Payment for AP exams will be collected starting March 1st through April 30th. Each exam is $99. If you qualify for Free/Reduced Lunch each exam is $5. If you decide you no longer wish to take the exam there is a $40 cancellation fee from the College Board. Payments can be made with cash or check (payable to Gibraltar School District). Please note, checks will not be cashed until May.
This link has the test schedule for the Spring. If you have two tests at the same time, you will take one during the late testing period. Please reach out to Mr. Duperon with any questions.
Senior Scholarship Opportunities
Do you want free money for college? If so, seniors should take a look at the scholarship spreadsheet in their graduation class Schoology group. This sheet is continuously updated with new opportunities as they arise.
Counselor Contacts
Ms. Palazzolo - last names A - G - palazzm@gibdist.net
Ms. Trush - last names H - O - trushj@gibdist.net
Mr. Duperon - last names P - Z - duperod@gibdist.net
Attendance Matters
We know that there was more flexibility created during COVID because of necessity, but are recognizing that attendance is playing a significant role for our students in their learning. When you are making family decisions about appointments and vacations, please be mindful of our calendar whenever possible (I know some things are just unavoidable). If you are scheduling early, here are some dates to think about as good dates to schedule appointments:
Half Days (after 11 am)
No School
2/14 - 2/17
3/24 - 3/28
4/17 - 4/18
Virtual Days (State Testing) - Virtual days allow for greater flexibility with learning because they do not require students to be in school as long they complete the learning assigned for that day
9th, 10th, 12th grade - virtual learning, no report
11th grade - report for testing (dismissal after testing with virtual learning scheduled for remainder)
10th, 12th grade - virtual learning, no report
9th, 11th grade - report for testing (dismissal after testing with virtual learning scheduled for remainder)
9th, 12th grade - virtual learning, no report
10th, 11th grade - report for testing (dismissal after testing with virtual learning scheduled for remainder)