Hornet Herald
News and notes for the week of 9/20/2021
Principal's Message to Hornet Families for the week of September 20th, 2021
Great afternoon fantastic families,
9/19 Message
Great evening fantastic families,
It is hard to believe that 6 weeks have passed already and we are almost done with the first term. It is often said that time flies when you are having fun and it has been a blast from the ups of seeing students reacclimate themselves to in person learning and building community in the classroom to the lows of pranks that took place as a result of the tic tok bathroom challenge. Our scholars were vigilant in helping us discover the students causing damage to our restrooms. Those students have been addressed and will also complete a restorative component as a consequence this week as we continue to strive to create G.R.E.A.T citizens who will undoubtedly impact this world in a positive way. We will open restrooms again this week and if your scholars see anything on social media and our students are participating please let us know.
This week we will have our Virtual Title I Parent Meeting Monday night. We will talk about what Title I funding is and how we have allocated to use our title I funds this year. On Friday we also sent home income verification forms with students. It is very important we have this information on file as it impacts the funding our school receives so please take a moment to complete the form. Students have a physical copy received in their Science classes. Please complete and have students return the forms prior to Wednesday 9/22/2021 . Thank you all for choosing to "Have it all" in Austin ISD and for choosing the GREAT learning experience at Kealing Middle School.
- Help maintain campus demographic information used for funding
Tina Castillo (bilingual) 512-414-0257
Edgar Larrea (bilingual) 512-414-0308
Each school district that is required to offer a bilingual education and special language program shall establish a language proficiency assessment committee.
2021-2022 Initiatives and Goals
1.) Daily Formative Assessment
2.) Literacy in Every Classroom
3.) Standards Aligned Instruction
4.) Progress Monitoring
Academic Goal
Utilizing an array of assessments (MAP- Measure of Academic Progress, SCA - AISD Short Course Assessment, and STAAR - State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness), the percentage of each demographic/special group of students performing at the meets level in Math & English will increase by at least 5% - 10% from August 17th, 2021 to May 27th,2022.
Social Goal
- TBA (we are still working on this but planning to look at the types of counseling visits our students are requesting)
KMS Safety Protocols as of 9/20/2021
All Day
Mask wearing is mandatory
Before School
All staff, students, and visitors are encouraged to self screen for COVID 19 symptoms before entering into a campus or other Austin ISD Facilities each day
- We will maintain outdoor markers to social distance
- we will encourage moving halls where students are encourage to not stop while transitioning to classes
- We are space seating/desks at least 3 feet apart when feasible
- Each classroom will have a HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filtration unit
- Personal Protective Equipment will be available in each room
Breakfast & Lunch
- students are allowed to eat lunch both inside the cafeteria and outside in the courtyard
- we will have staggered dismissal where scholars will be dismissed by areas of the building to reduce traffic.
Upcoming Dates
Monday - September 20th - B Day
Title 1 Parent & Family Meeting (Virtual)
Tuesday - September 21st - A Day
Hornet Football vs Bedichek @ House Park 7:30pm
Wednesday - September 22nd - B Day
Thursday - September 23rd - A Day
Lady Hornet Volleyball vs Burnet M.S. @6p, 8th grade will be at Burnet, 7th grade will be at Kealing Middle School
Friday - September 24th- B Day
Saturday - September 25th
Virtual Title I Parent Meeting - 9/20/2021
When: 9/20 @ 6p - 7p
Where: Virtual, link will be posted
Purpose: Share Title I information with families
KMS Spirit Wear!
Ultimate Frisbee!!
Fun Ultimate scrimmages and practices!
All grades, all genders, all programs!
Thursdays, 3:00-4:45pm, September 30th - October 28th
*Limited to 40 players each week in the fall
First, view this document and fill out our online waiver linked inside! [Parent/Guardian required!] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QUkPMw17BwK51QCUjuI0jt9MKLd7Zj8l/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=117244494751661991340&rtpof=true&sd=true
Second, sign up outside Room 235 (Mr. Natenberg’s Room) each week -- the list will be posted on Monday mornings.
Ultimate is like soccer, football, and basketball combined...with frisbees! Join us!
Contact any of the coaches:
Cara Crouch -- cara.crouch@austinisd.org
Colleen Kepner -- colleen.kepner@austinisd.org
Michael Natenberg -- michael.natenberg@austinisd.org
Our official season is in the spring. We’ll have a full informational meeting in January / February to share more information.
Esperanza: A Celebration of Hispanic Heritage and Hope
This online event for kids aged 8–12 and their families will focus on Sylvia & Aki, an inspiring book based on a true story about the school desegregation court case Mendez v. Westminster School District and Japanese Internment during World War II. The program will feature civil-rights activist and title character Sylvia Mendez, and acclaimed author Winifred Conkling.
This a great way for all families to learn more about Hispanic Heritage Month. We will be showcasing various activities, fun facts and talking points for all Kealing families to enjoy.
Gifted and Talented at Kealing Middle School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Our school is pleased to announce that nominations for gifted and talented (GT) students are being accepted until September 25th. Please visit our Kealing GT website for more information.
You can learn more about nomination process on the Kealing GT website. Interested parents and guardians may also contact Jenna Martin, at jenna.martin@austinisd.org for additional information. Please note the following before contacting Ms. Martin:
If your student was tested for GT at another AISD campus AND was identified, you DO NOT need to have your child tested again. The records accompany your child during his/her/their AISD career.
If your student was tested for GT on a campus outside of Austin Independent School District AND was identified GT, you need to email that campus to get your student's GT records transferred to Linda Rivera at linda.rivera@austinisd.org.
Being identified as GT is NOT part of the LASA application requirement or process. However, being identified as GT, does ensure proper placement in advanced courses as your student matriculates to high school at an AISD campus.
In order to nominate your child, please fill out this NOMINATION FORM.
GT screening and testing requires parent/guardian permission by the campus deadline, September 25th. A variety of measures are used for screening and testing including assessments for bilingual students.
For more information about the Austin ISD gifted program, please visit the Austin ISD tinyurl.com/AISDadvanced.
Facility Assessment and Ed Specs Update Feedback Form
Help us envision our AISD future! The district’s draft facility assessment reports and Educational Specification updates are ready for your feedback!
Check out our school’s reports by visiting www.austinisdplanningtogether.com and fill out the feedback form no later than Sunday, Sept. 26
Visit https://bit.ly/3DntgJ2 to learn more about how these documents fit into the district’s long-range planning process—which will help determine which improvements and new facilities are included in our next bond!
The above message is also available in Spanish.
Please direct any questions to Karla Rivera and Ali Ghilarducci at karla.rivera-figueroa@austinisd.org and alison.ghilarducci@austinisd.org.
This Past Week on Campus
Back to School Night
Hornet Athletics were on full display with victories over Dobie (football) and Lamar(8th grade A Team Volleyball)
Great things around campus
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Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/KealingMS/
Hornet Herald - http://www.kealingmiddleschool.org/parents/hornet-herald
Twitter - @KTXHornets
Webpage - https://kealing.austinschools.org/