Fall 2024 Raider Review
South Range Local School District
🍎Welcome to the fall 2024 edition of the Raider Review🍏
A message from Dr. Jarred Zapolnik, Superintendent of Schools
Dear South Range Community,
Welcome to October! I have been so impressed during my visits to our schools, seeing students and teachers focused on what matters most—teaching and learning. It’s been amazing to witness our students thriving in their extracurricular activities, as well. To our students: your passion is truly inspiring! We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you and our entire community. Thank you for your continued support!
As we move through the first nine weeks, I am blessed to collaborate with our staff, students, and community in implementing the Raider Way— our district goals and the core values that uphold our district’s rich tradition of being "the community centerpiece building on excellence." Together, we are committed to fostering success and growth for all.
Communication & Collaboration is one main goal of the Raider Way. As such, I invite you to join me for our Fall Forum on Tuesday, November 26, at 5:30 PM in the cafeteria. This will be a fantastic opportunity for community conversations—sharing celebrations, addressing concerns, and collaborating on the future of our schools. Your voice matters, and we’re excited to hear from you!
To support our Communication & Collaboration goal, last year, I implemented a "Listening Tour" to learn more about our community, and I am continuing those efforts this year to discover the rich history and traditions that make our district special. This year, in addition to our Second Cups of Coffee meet-and-greets, the Fall Forum, and other informal communication events, we are forming Raider Ambassadors—a group of key communicators dedicated to keeping our community connected. Look out for information from this group once we organize and implement it.
As always, stay updated by visiting our district’s website for important information: https://www.southrange.k12.oh.us
With great enthusiasm and excitement,
Go Raiders!
Dr. Jarred Zapolnik
A message from Mr. Nero, Treasurer of Schools
July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
Balance Sheet
The Treasurer is fiscally responsible for an annual General Fund budget of approximately $15,100,000. He works closely with the Superintendent to report, monitor, and plan fiscal operations. For additional financial information, please contact Mario A. Nero Jr., Treasurer/CFO at 330-549-5475
Where the Money Comes From
· Local Property Tax (45.54%) – Taxes levied by a school district on the assessed valuation of property located within the district.
· State Funding (41.20%) – State revenue comes from a variety of sources including state education funding, casino, etc.
· State Share of Local Property Taxes (5.28%) – State Government reimbursing for tax break programs. (e.g., Homestead and Rollback Programs)
· All Other Revenue (7.71%) – Includes tuition, fees, interest, rentals, and donations
· Advances and Transfers (0.26%) – Money received by a fund, as a result of an advance from another fund, in anticipation of future revenue. Local funds covering the cost of federal grants until the school district receives money for the grant.
Where the Money is Spent
· Personnel Services (53.32%) – Salaries and wages represent the bulk of school district expenditures.
· Employee Retirement and Insurance Benefits (26.61%) – Amounts paid by the district on behalf of employees and they are part of a school district’s costs for salaries and benefits. Examples include Retirement contributions, Medicare, and all health-related insurances.
· Purchase Services (13.16%) – Amounts paid for services for individuals who are not on payroll and other services the district may purchase.
· Supplies and Materials (4.17%) – General supplies, instructional materials including textbooks, bus fuel, and all other maintenance supplies.
· Capital Outlay (1.03%) – Money spent for the acquisition or improvements to resources, such as equipment, building(s) and grounds, vehicles, etc.
· Other Expenses (1.32%) – Consists of County Auditor/Treasurer Property Tax fees, State of Ohio audit expenses, membership dues and fees, etc.
· Advances and Transfers (0.40%) – Transfers are permanent movement of monies between funds, and advances are temporary movement of monies between Funds
Cash Balance
One of the things the school district monitors is the amount of cash in the bank. Districts have to make sure they have enough money on hand to carry the district through months of deficit spending during the fiscal year. South Range Local Schools currently has a healthy amount of cash on hand (in its savings account). At the end of Fiscal Year 2024, the district had four months’ worth of cash in the bank. The board and administration are continuously looking for operating efficiencies to save money on expenses. The district needs to make sure they have a plan for how the funds they have collected are used, and to ensure schools are taxing residents appropriately and responsibly.
👪The Raider Way: Safety & Resources👪
This past year has brought many challenges to our community, and through it all, we have seen how resilience, unity, and support can help us move forward. In the spirit of community, we are sharing a list of helpful resources that can provide assistance in a range of areas. Whether you or someone yo know is in need os support, we hope these resources will be helpful.
List of resources: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_K0Oqdc9IGNbPutFvd7yCHHIR55Gnru1/view?usp=sharing
💫🌟The Raider Way: Student Performance💫🌟
State Report Card Released: Getting Better Every Day (GBED), it is the Raider Way!
Exciting News! Our district's 2024 Report Card is here, and our students have truly showcased their incredible skills and knowledge in the recent state testing. The results? Nothing short of impressive!
The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce has released the 2023-2024 School District Report Cards, and once again, South Range Local School District has earned 4.5 stars! This rating is based on six key components:
* Achievement
* Progress
* Early Literacy
* Gap Closing
* Graduation
* College, Career, Workforce, and Military Readiness
While fluctuations are natural, we’ve seen positive growth over the past five years, and that’s worth celebrating! As we reflect on these results, let’s remember:
* There's always a story behind every number.
* Data encourages us to ask questions and dig deeper.
* It highlights both our successes and areas for improvement.
* One data set from one day doesn't define us!
Behind these numbers is the dedication and passion of our incredible Raider staff. Thank you staff for the meaningful connections you make with students every day. Together, we continue to Get Better Every Day (GBED)!
📝Introducing NWEA's MAP Assessments📝
New this school year! During the month of September, your child took a MAP® Growth™ test from NWEA® on Chromebooks. MAP Growth results will help teachers monitor student performance by measuring achievement and growth in both Reading and Mathematics.
Teachers will use results to tailor classroom intervention, instructional lesson plans, and establish goals for students' success. Since this process has been new learning for our teachers and students, we will share results with parents following our second assessment sessions later this winter and schedule times to help parents learn more about the programs.
MAP Growth tests are unique and adapt to your child’s responses to measure your child’s knowledge. If your child answers a question correctly, the next question is more challenging. If they answer incorrectly, the next one is easier. These results will provide a more complete picture of where your child is on their learning journey— regardless of whether they are on, above, or below their grade level.
We are excited to focus on your child’s individual growth and achievement. For more information about MAP Growth, visit NWEA.org/familytoolkit.
South Range Local School District Expands Career & Technical Education Offerings
The South Range Local School District is dedicated to enhancing Career & Technical Education (CTE) opportunities for our students. This summer, eighth-grade teacher Kandace Best achieved certification as a drones instructor, marking a significant step forward in our CTE program.
In addition to drone education, the district is actively seeking grants to support initiatives in both drone technology and building trades. These efforts aim to equip our students with valuable skills and experiences that will prepare them for future careers. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to expand our CTE offerings!
Drones instructor training on our campus!
Congratulations, Mrs. Best!
Congratulations South Range Middle School for earning Bronze Recognition Award!
🥉We are thrilled to share that South Range Middle School has been awarded the Bronze Recognition Award for the 2024 Ohio Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Showcase! This recognition reflects the middle school's commitment to creating a positive school climate and supporting the success of all students. We applaud the middle school's dedication and the entire team's hard work.🥉
💫🌟The Raider Way: Communication & Collaboration 💫🌟
We are seeking your input: The school calendar
Click here to participate in the survey: https://forms.gle/xo4T4rpifwoqq2GD9
🍂Fall Forum 🍂
🗣 Community Conversations with the Superintendent! 🗣
Join us for our Fall Forum on Tuesday, November 26 at 5:30 PM in the cafeteria.
Empowering our community to come together to improve the educational experience of our students and connections with our families. This is a great opportunity to:
- Share your celebrations and your concerns
- Learn important updates
- Collaborate on priorities
We are excited to listen and chat with you! See you there!
Your voice matters—let’s connect!
📆 Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences
🍕 News from the Cafeteria
🎃October Lunch Menus🎃
October Breakfast Menu: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ACqYEf3fVPh9OTlQLpIp8rPseWNsHX2G/view
October K-4 Lunch Menu: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17Pq-5LD9aEgeE6nTHvZDj7lCt-gGbcxp/view
October 5-12 Lunch Menu: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pDVxbTKJKFLtekJRzGuWojXiBjjqyghT/view
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
You may have noticed that many other local school districts have been going CEP this year. CEP means that all students K-12 would automatically receive free breakfast and lunch meals without having to complete any paperwork or applications. The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 authorized CEP. Schools that participate in the CEP program are reimbursed from the government using a formula based on the percentage of students who automatically qualify for free meals based on their household’s participation in specific programs such as SNAP, TANF, and Medicaid. To be eligible the school district must have a student population in the identified categories (e.g., SNAP, TANF, etc.) of 25% as of April 1 in the prior school year. In the 2023 /2024, South Range’s identified population was 17%, therefore not qualifying our district.
Free & Reduced Meal Application 2024/2025
We are encouraging all families to complete a Free & Reduced Meal Application for the 2024 2025 school year. For the second year in a row, the USDA approved “reduced status” meals being sold to students for zero cost. Therefore, whether you qualify under “free” or “reduced” both breakfast and lunch complete reimbursable meals will be $0 for your student. To qualify as a reimbursable meal the student must take at the minimum 3 out of the 5 meal components, one of those components being a fruit and or vegetable, but are encouraged to take all 5. The 24/25 application is available in each building office, PDF version under the food service tab on the South Range website, and available to complete online through Payschools (located under the food service tab on the school’s website).
To complete through payschools, you must have your student’s ID number. This number can be found on their schedule, or you may email or call Kaitlyn Pierce, food service director, to acquire the number. Once you create the payschools account, there will be a tab on the homepage to complete this year’s application. You will receive immediate notification of your student’s meal status after the application is completed. Any questions please reach out to Kaitlyn Pierce, Kpierce@southrange.org or (330) 549-4070.
🥪Cafeteria Programs🥪
This October & November the cafeteria will be highlighting a program called “Farm to Fork” where each week during these two months the menu will serve a local fall favorite fruit or vegetable. Student’s will get to try items such as spaghetti squash, butternut squash, tomato salad, etc...
The cafeteria will also be participating in the USDA’s Great Apple Crunch on October 25th. All students K-12 will get to crunch into a local apple from Huffman’s Farms.
A message from Mr. Rohan, Principal of South Range High School
On behalf of the staff at South Range High School, we would like to thank our student body and their families for a smooth start to the 2024-25 school year. As we quickly move through the first grading period, we are settling into our routines and procedures to make this another successful school year.
We are excited to welcome our new staff member in the Math Department, Nico Mancuso, who is teaching all our high school Geometry classes and senior-level Advanced Quantitative Reasoning. He has been a great addition and has brought great expertise and experience to our staff. Nico has been a part of the Raider Football coaching staff for the past three years and has done an excellent job embracing South Range and our rich traditions while building rapport with many of our students. Welcome to Coach Mancuso and thanks for all the extra time spent these past few months to make the adjustment to our school and students seamless.
As always, the high school teaching staff is always adjusting and modifying the curriculum to best service and fit the needs of our students. This year is no different. Our staff is focusing on using our academic data to provide instruction to each student to promote growth. This year we have again set this as our number one priority. It is a difficult task but with hard work, dedication, and determination, one that our staff and students together will strive to achieve. In addition to academic growth, we want to continue to prepare our students for their post-secondary options, complement their academic successes with needed social and emotional growth. These will be the two primary focal points of our Building Leadership Team in the 24-25 school year.
Fall school athletics are quickly entering into the tournament segment of our seasons so please check our calendar, Facebook page, and school website for up-to-the-minute information. To view our latest report card, please visit the link: https://reportcard.education.ohio.gov/
We look forward to a great 2024-2025 school year and know with our students and continued family and community support, this year will be another GREAT year to be a RAIDER.
A message from Mr. Szolek, Principal of South Range Middle School
The South Range Middle School staff extends sincere thanks to our families and students for contributing to a smooth start to the 2024-2025 school year. We are off to a wonderful beginning and look forward to an exciting and rewarding year ahead. With your continued support and input, our students will excel academically, artistically, and athletically.
New Staff Members
This year, we are pleased to welcome Mr. Daniel Crish, our new K-12 Physical Education teacher. Mr. Crish has seamlessly integrated into the South Range community, introducing several innovative programs and activities. We are also excited to have Mrs. Pluchinsky return to the middle school as our Title I teacher. In just a few weeks, she has already proven to be a valuable asset to both our staff and students. Additionally, through our partnership with AmeriCorps, we have the privilege of working with two mentor tutors, Ms. Kelli Schatz and Ms. Samantha Pallone, who will support our students' social and emotional well-being throughout the year.
Career Technical Education (CTE) & Extracurricular Activities in the Middle Grades
We continue to seek new ways to challenge our students in the classroom while offering enriching opportunities beyond traditional academics. This year, our 8th-grade students are participating in a building trades program focused on developing carpentry skills. Mrs. Best, our 8th-grade science teacher, recently became a certified drone pilot, and we are excited to introduce a drone class in the near future. To further engage our students, several staff members have volunteered to lead extracurricular activities such as international cooking, the Raider Rock Band, gaming, and fishing clubs.
Spring 2024 Ohio State Tests (OSTs) Results
Congratulations to our middle school students and staff for their outstanding performance on the 2023-2024 school report card. We earned 4 out of 5 stars overall, with a 5-star rating in Achievement. While we are proud of this accomplishment, we recognize the need to improve our growth measure, known on the report card as School Progress. We are committed to doing so through the implementation of school-wide initiatives, targeted interventions, and enrichment programs.
A message from Mr. Matos, Principal of South Range Elementary School
Welcome Back!
I want to welcome everyone back to South Range Elementary for another great school year. This is an exciting time for our school as we have opened our classrooms, met our new students, and prepared to take on the challenges that come with a new year. With your continued support and encouragement, we will provide a positive environment that will enhance our children's lives. I hope we all continue to work together to achieve maximum success for our students. Welcome back and have a great 2024-2025 school year!
Curriculum and Intervention
During the 2023-2024 school year, our 1st-4th grade language arts classes all adopted a new reading series called Wonders. With the help of our ESC County Consultant, they mapped out a literacy plan throughout the year as they learned what worked best for their students. This year, they will continue to use Wonders as their core reading curriculum, as they continue to explore all parts of the series. One program our language arts teachers used as part of our reading program that many parents are familiar with is Reading Counts. While Reading Counts motivated many of our students to read, earn points, and increase their lexiles, over the past several years, Reading Counts stopped adding new quizzes to their platform and, according to their website, they are now retired. We are currently exploring various other options to encourage our students to become better readers throughout elementary school. Our kindergarten classes are continuing to utilize Really Great Reading for their language arts classes, while they prepare to adopt a new core reading curriculum this year to be in place for the 25-26 school year.
To provide intervention, we have had to be creative this year, with the loss of our Title I funding that directly affects our Title I and RTI services at the elementary. The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (ODEW) determines whether or not your school receives Title I funding based on your free and reduced lunch percentages. They take the total free and reduced percentage of the school district and compare that to the free and reduced percentage of each school building. To receive Title I funding, each building’s free and reduced lunch percentage must be equal to or greater than the district percentage. Unfortunately, the elementary school’s percentage fell below the district percentage, therefore, we did not receive the funding this year and the funding and services all shifted to the middle school. With that being said, we are still providing reading intervention in the elementary. After learning about the loss of Title I funding, our district became proactive and planned intervention. Elementary school intervention includes:
Two new intervention programs
Response to Intervention (RTI)
Time in each grade level where all students may be grouped for intervention and/or enrichment
Social workers for students needing social/emotional assistance.
Our staff is learning a new assessment, intervention, and benchmarking program called MAP. This is replacing the AIMSweb assessment and benchmarking system we have previously used for many years. MAP will provide our teachers and parents with detailed information about how your child is performing and growing in the areas of reading and/or math. The MAP assessments can provide us with data for those students in need of intervention, as well as, data on our highest achieving students. Currently, we have completed our baseline assessments with our students this fall. In January, we will complete our next round of assessments to see how our students have grown. As our staff becomes more familiar with all of the detailed reports MAP provides, we will be able to share those reports with you. We have partnered with AmeriCorps to provide a reading tutor who is working with our 3rd and 4th grade students, utilizing our Wonders reading program and interventions. In K-2, our teachers are working with their aides to find times to meet with individual students or small groups of students to provide reading support and intervention using programs like Really Great Reading and UFLI.
Throughout the 23-24 school year, our K-4 staff explored several different math curriculums to replace our current and outdated GoMath series. As the year ended, we could not select one that we felt met all of our students’ needs. We will continue to research various programs this year to have a new math series in place for the 25-26 school year. When it comes to intervention for math, as well as, additional reading intervention, we are in search of a tutor to join our team at the elementary to work with our K-4 students. If anyone is interested and may be reading this newsletter, please contact Mr. Matos in the elementary school office at 330-549-5578.
New Staff
I would like to welcome our new staff member to South Range Elementary, as well as, welcome our current staff members to new positions for the 24-25 school year. We hired one new staff member this summer, Dan Crish, who is teaching elementary, middle, and high school physical education classes. I would also like to welcome our current staff members to their new positions this year. Taylor Johnson is teaching kindergarten and Kristen Massie is teaching first grade. Congratulations and good luck to all of our elementary staff members in new roles this year!
The elementary PTO is an integral part of many of the events that take place to support our students and staff. From the beginning of the year, the PTO welcomes our students back to school with a giant Welcome Back sign at the front of the building where parents, students, and staff can take pictures. The main role of the PTO is to provide various types of support to the students, staff, and administration for our many classroom and curricular needs. We are extremely fortunate that our elementary school has an outstanding, supportive PTO.
In the spring of 2024, I worked closely with our PTO to complete a big project that would impact all of our students and teachers for many years. At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, the PTO approached me about making a big purchase for the elementary school, different from the support provided in past years and I approved of this idea. After several conversations, we agreed to purchase and replace all of the Smartboards in the elementary school with new flat panel boards! The picture quality of these new flat panel boards is amazing and the educational capabilities of the software in the boards and the many ways they enhance our teachers’ lessons are outstanding. This project would not have been completed without the generosity of our parents, community, and of course, the PTO. The PTO has been busy organizing the Harvest Day classroom parties, preparing for our 1st grade Veterans Day program, and looking ahead to our holiday celebrations in December with our Holiday Sing programs in kindergarten and 2nd grade and our classroom parties before winter break.
The annual PTO Auction will be held on Saturday, November 16th, 2024 at the Lake Club. The auction is the PTO’s largest fundraiser of the year and all proceeds from the auction go directly to our students, staff, and classroom needs. Please consider coming out to the PTO Auction to help support our elementary school.
Student Enrichment
The PTO Enrichment Committee looks for new and exciting ways to enrich the education of our students. Over the past two school years, the enrichment committee organized a field trip to OH WOW in Youngstown for all of our students. They also organized a hands-on, educational field trip for our students to Beech Creek Gardens and Nature Preserve in Alliance. The students experienced five stations of outdoor exploration while focusing on a different theme for each grade level to match their science standards. For the 24-25 school year, the enrichment committee has a theme to provide local opportunities that align with the standards that are also unique to Ohio. To achieve this, they are exploring local opportunities at the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, the YSU Baseball School Day Game with the Mahoning Valley Scrappers, and Junior Achievement of Eastern Ohio at South Range Elementary. Stay tuned for more information and details throughout the year!
Report Card - 23-24
Congratulations to all of our elementary students and staff from the 2023-2024 school year on another excellent report card. Our elementary, for the 2nd year in a row, earned 5 stars across the board in Achievement, Progress, Gap Closing, and Early Literacy. Our students at all levels showed growth and improvement in their Reading, Math, and Early Literacy skills. Students in 3rd grade scored a 94% in Reading and a 93% in Math. In 4th grade, students earned a 96% in Reading and a 98% in Math. Our students in kindergarten through 3rd grade increased our percentage of students who are reading at grade level and are on track with their early literacy skills from 70% to 91%. To view more report card information, please visit the Ohio Department of Education’s website at https://education.ohio.gov/ and search the 2023-2024 School Report Cards tile for South Range Elementary.
School Counselor
Our elementary school counselor, Cindy Maynard, has been meeting with students and presenting in classrooms this fall. Mrs. Maynard is currently organizing one of the biggest events that takes place in October in the elementary school, “Healthy Habits Week.” This is a week that Mrs. Maynard, along with other teachers, community members, and our PTO organize together that focuses on teaching our students about the importance of living a healthy life. Each day, there is a different school-wide healthy habit theme where students and staff dress the same and celebrate healthy living. Mrs. Maynard and various health officials will meet with all of our students to teach about different aspects of our health and how they can work to make healthy choices. Our themes this year are: Mindful Monday: Let’s celebrate by wearing your favorite sweatshirt and pants Try It Out Tuesday: Wear the color of your favorite fruit or vegetable Wellness Wednesday: Wear your Raider colors or favorite sports team Thursday (Harvest Day): Wear a costume to have a Harvest Celebration! Fitness Friday: Dress outdoorsy in something that can get a little dirty as we all take a walk outside on the nature trail.
A message from Mrs. Disibio, Director of Special Services✨
Gifted Identification and Screening
South Range Local Schools accepts referrals, screens and identifies, or screens and reassesses students who perform or show potential for performing at high levels of accomplishment in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability, creative thinking ability, and/or visual and/or performing arts. South Range follows policy and procedures established in Ohio Administrative Code 3301-51-15. These rules specify that assessment instruments must come from the list approved by the Ohio Department of Education.
South Range Local Schools provides at least two opportunities each year for assessment in the case of children requesting assessment or recommended for assessment by teachers, parents or other children. The South Range Local Schools provides whole grade screening in grades 2 and 5.
Child Find Reminders
The South Range Local School District has the responsibility to identify and evaluate children with disabilities requiring special education services. Early observations and records help an evaluation team find appropriate programs and services prior to the child entering school.
"A child with a disability” may include a child who is at least three years of age and less than six years of age; who is experiencing developmental delays, as defined by standards adopted by the state board of education and as measured by appropriate diagnostic instruments and procedures in one or more of the following areas:
Physical development, cognitive development, communication development, social or emotional development, or adaptive development; and who, by reason thereof, needs special education and related services.
If you have a child up to age 21 years who has or is suspected of having a disability, please contact
Jaclyn DiSibio
Director Student Services
330-549-4071 ext. 39224
Every year, the District shall make all reasonable efforts to identify and locate every student who resides within the District who may be a student with a disability under Section 504 in order to determine possible eligibility for special education and/or related services or supplementary aids and/or services in accordance with federal and state law and this policy and procedures manual.
The District shall notify parents of those students of the District’s Section 504 obligations. The District may satisfy the notification obligation by advertising, by posting notices in places likely to be visited by qualified students with disabilities and their parents, by including notices in District publications and on its web site, and by directly contacting parents of those students who the District believes to be eligible.
Please see below for more information:
English Language Learners
Federal law requires Ohio schools to identify English learners, assess their English language proficiency, provide reasonable accommodations, monitor their academic progress, and implement accountability systems. South Range Local Schools provides these services to all identified students.
For more information please visit:
Intervention and Tiered Supports
The South Range Local School District is committed to meeting the needs of each child in the school district. This year, we are implementing NWEA MAP assessments in order to monitor student performance. Grade Level Teams, district support personnel, and other school staff will be meeting and using this information to support all students. These assessments are for staff to use to determine how interventions are determined at each class and grade level.
Since MAP Growth tests provide information about your child’s learning at a specific point in time, it’s helpful for teachers to identify students with similar scores in similar skills and topics and then differentiate instruction accordingly. MAP Growth reports also provide typical growth data for students in the same grade and subject with the same starting performance level. Map Growth is taken 3 times per year and was completed this month and moving forward, students in grades K-8 will take the tests in mid January and mid to late April.
Contact information for Mrs. Hammond, Director of Transportation 🚖
We continue to thank our families as adjustments are made to our routes. The adjustments are made solely to accommodate new students or to address safety concerns. We continuously review our practices and procedures to support the safe transportation of students. If you would like to learn more about how to be a van driver or bus driver, please call me. Come join our amazing team of bus and van drivers!
Contact Ms. Hammond:
330.549.4086 x.39001
View and Track Your Child's Grades
Frontline ProgressBook Parent and Student MobileApp
With the Frontline ProgressBook Parent and Student mobile app, students and their families can track grades, view homework assignments, monitor attendance, and more. If you do not have a Parent Key to set up your account, please contact the building office.
Frontline ProgressBook Parent and Student Mobile App
Low Assignment Marks or Missing Assignment Marks Notifications
You can now receive notifications via ParentAccess if your child has a low assignment mark or missing assignment mark. You can set this up using a Web Browser or the Mobile App. This notification, if applicable, will be received at 6:00 pm the day the grade is posted.
Click here for information on "Subscribing to Alerts using your Web Browser or Mobile App (make sure your phone is updated to the latest IOS):
🙌 Shout-Outs
Middle School Students attending the Skilled Trades Fair!
Mrs. Speise and Tristen Toy!
Little Raider Cheerleaders!
🗣 School District Resources✍🏽
🗓 Coming Up!
🎃Parent Teacher Conferences🎃
Early Dismissal - Parent / Teacher conferences 1:30-8:30 pm🧙♀️👻🦸🏽♀️
Thursday, Oct 10, 2024, 01:30 PM
Our K-12 School Complex
🗣Fall Forum with the Superintendent🗣
We want to hear from you! Please join us Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 5:30 pm in the cafeteria! We will share celebrations, highlights, and have a question and answer session.
Tuesday, Nov 26, 2024, 05:30 PM
K-12 Complex Cafeteria
💡 Reminders 💡
We are list 'em here! Events, parent conferences, special programs, etc. https://www.southrange.k12.oh.us/view-all-events
2. Superintendent One Calls 📣
- Call our school staff!
- Review our community resources document 👉