Linda Vista News February
A great addition to Greenfield High

2/3 - Spring Picture Day
2/5 - PTA Meeting @ 8:15 am
2/5 - El Modena High School Showcase @ 5:00 pm
2/10 - School Site Council Meeting @ 2:45 pm
2/14 - No School-Happy Valentine's Day
2/17- No School-President's Day
2/21 - 6th Grade Walk Through
2/28 - Dr. Seuss Breakfast
2/28 - Talent Show @ 6 pm
Did you know that missing just two days a month means a student is chronically absent? Excused and unexcused absences mean lost learning in the classroom and have a negative impact on student achievement. Students who average 15 or more absences a year miss a year's worth of school before their senior year. Making school attendance a priority now helps create healthy habits that benefit a student in middle and high school and beyond.
If your child has been absent 5 or more times, you should have received a letter in the mail. You receive an additional letter if your student is absent 10 or more times. If absences continue beyond 10 days, you will be invited to a School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting. During this meeting, the student, parents, Dr. Barry, and Ms. Ozgur will discuss attendance and make a plan to help get your child to school daily. We understand that absences due to illness will occur, but we appreciate your effort in keeping absences to a minimum. Thank you!
College Gear Wednesdays
Wear college gear every Wednesday to increase college awareness and show your support of our goal to prepare all students for college readiness and success in a global society
Spirit Wear
Every Friday is Linda Vista Spirit Day!
We would love to see students showing their Linda Vista Spirit every Friday by wearing a school shirt or sweatshirt. We have some shirts still available for purchase in the office.
Here is a link to our school breakfast and lunch menus:
PTA Information
Our next PTA Association meeting is on Wednesday, 2/5, at Linda Vista at 8:15 am. Everyone is invited to attend this meeting.
The talent show will be on 2/28 at 6pm at Santiago Middle School! Purchase your tickets now!