
Letter From Our Administration
November 7th, 2024
Dear SkyView Families,
Next Monday, across the country, we will recognize the heroic efforts of our Veterans and celebrate their courage, sacrifice, and patriotism. Veterans Day originated as Armistice Day on November 11, 1919. Congress passed a resolution in 1926 to allow for an annual observance of our military forces. In 1938, Congress designated Armistice Day a national holiday. President Dwight D. Eisenhower officially changed the name to Veterans Day in 1954.
Over 100 years ago, our government recognized the importance of honoring our military.
Each year, on this day, declarations of support for our troops flood social media. News stations provide historical snippets of beautiful sacrifices made by veterans. Touching stories of Bands of Brothers emerge. We learn they faced the unthinkable together and survived. For a moment, we pause to recognize the sacrifice made by countless men and women to ensure that we continue to enjoy the freedoms afforded us by their blood, sweat, and tears.
My father served in the U.S. Army as a Special Forces Ranger. His sacrifice cost our family dearly. But I would not change that sacrifice for anything. The lessons I learned through our loss molded me into the person I am today. My story is not unique. Countless veterans and their families understand the sacrifice of the uniform. Yet, they face the risks with courage and fortitude.
As I reflect on Veterans Day this year, I find myself far more somber than in years past. This year, I realized that I have always defined freedom in America by the kindness of the community in Any Towne, USA. But the past few years and the turmoil of our society slowly challenged my thinking.
I wonder if we recognize to our core the sacrifice of freedom our military men and women make. I understand that we appreciate their sacrifice. We know that their service to our country allows us to choose our path. It provides us with a consistent opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But do we, to our core, recognize that our civilian freedoms impose on their military sacrifice every day they serve our country?
I wonder what changes we could make daily to follow their examples. When my freedoms are imposed on the liberty of others, how do I respond? I hope my heart will seek the best for others before it seeks my best interests.
I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all the men and women of our military. Whether you serve now or in the past, your sacrifice is treasured.
Honored to Serve You All,
Janet Worley
Important Dates and Information
Upcoming Dates
November 4th-11/12th: Elementary Book Fair ⭐ EXTENDED DUE TO WEATHER! ⭐
November 8th, 9th, 11th: MS/HS Musical- Matilda
November 11, 12, or 13: Battle of the Books Tryouts
November 11th: Veterans Day Assembly
November 15th-16th: iLove Conference for High School Girls
November 18th-20th: HS Basketball Tryouts
November 25th-29th: Thanksgiving Break
No School Friday: Snow Day
SkyView Academy and Douglas County School District will be CLOSED on Friday, November 8th, due to forecasted inclement weather conditions.
As always, in the event of a closure, all DCSD buildings are closed.
-Preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school classes are canceled
-BASE programs are closed
-All activities, events, sports, and facility rentals are canceled
Weather Information: What You Need to Know
SkyView Academy adheres to the weather decisions made by the Douglas County School District. If DCSD announces a delay or school closure, SVA automatically implements the same delay or closure. If the announcements are made by feeder area, note that SVA falls within the Highlands Ranch High School feeder area. For information regarding delays and closures, please visit the DCSD website.
As a commuter school, we rely on the DCSD Snow Team to monitor road conditions. We do not have the financial resources or manpower to track conditions across the various areas our students travel. We recognize that our families will encounter various weather conditions. If SVA is open but you deem that your area presents unsafe travel conditions, your absence will be excused per district and state policy. However, please follow our attendance protocols and notify us of your decision.
Your child's safety is our top priority, and we appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we navigate these conditions together.
Family Favorite Winners Sweep!
The votes are in, and Colorado Parent Magazine has selected SkyView Academy as the Family Favorite in EIGHT categories. We've said it before, and we will say it again: It's a great time to be a Hawk! Thank you to our community and Colorado Parent Magazine readers for selecting SkyView Academy.
Best Charter Elementary
Best Charter Elementary Principal
Best Charter Middle School
Best Charter Middle School Principal
Best Charter High School
Best Charter High School Principal
Best Preschool
Best Before & After School Program
Douglas County Elections Student Art Contest Winner from SVA!
Congratulations to middle school student Sara Maini on her Honorable Mention for Patriotic City Shining in the Dark in the 2024 Douglas County Elections Student Art Contest! Over 100 entries were submitted and only few were chosen as winners. Congratulations Sara! Click below to read the article.
2025 SkyView Board Election
The next election for SkyView board membership will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 and there will be two parent-elected seats open for voting. The Board Election Committee is currently collecting interested candidate information and scheduling pre-application interviews. If you are interested in applying to run in the board election, please send an inquiry email to boardelections@svak12.org on or before Friday, December 13, 2024.
November's Board Meeting Will Be Virtual
Students are nominated each month by teachers for their demonstration of positive choices and qualities aligned with the school's mission and vision and Character Counts pillars.
Middle School Students & Families
Battle of the Books Tryouts
Attention 5th/6th graders interested in joining the Battle of the Books teams!
Tryouts will be held on November 11, 12, or 13 from 3:30 to 4:00 PM in the Elementary Library. Please pick one of these days to attend.
Teams will be announced on November 14th.
PreK and Elementary Families
Battle of the Books Tryouts
Attention 3rd/4th and 5th/6th graders interested in joining the Battle of the Books teams!
Tryouts will be held on November 11, 12, or 13 from 3:30 to 4:00 PM in the Elementary Library. Please pick one of these days to attend.
Teams will be announced on November 14th.
The Scholastic Book Fair is Here!
The Book Fair is coming up November 4th - 11th/12th ⭐ Dates extended due to weather⭐ !
Step back in time and discover a world where books rule and dinosaurs roam. Whether you love thrilling adventures, exciting facts, or imaginative stories, there's something for everyone at our dinosaur-themed Book Fair.
Monday, 11/11: The Book Fair will be opened. Students may bring a stuffed animal or dinosaur figure to school for $1.
Our Veterans Day Assembly will take place at 1:45 on Monday. Students may wear red, white, and/or blue shirts with uniform bottoms.
- Tuesday, 11/12: This will be the last day for the Book Fair. Students may wear dinosaur shirts and/or socks with uniform bottoms for $1.
Join us for a week of fun, and let your imagination roar as we dig up the best books around. Don't miss out—books this amazing are sure to go extinct fast!
- Check out our Book Fair Online.
- Set up your eWallet now! This is a great way to ensure your students have what they need to stop for books and don't lose loose change on the way to school!
- Check out our Spirit Week themes and Shopping Hours below.
News and Events
How Sick is Too Sick?
When can students came to school and when should they stay home? Cold and Flu season is upon us and How Sick is Too Sick is a great reference when determining when students should stay home from school and when they can attend. Thank you for your help in curbing the spread of illness.
Douglas County Routine Vaccine Clinics
Douglas County Health Department and Douglas County School District will be holding two routine vaccine clinics on November 19th and December 3rd. Click here for more information and instructions to sign up.
First Round Open Enrollment Is Open!
Open Enrollment for 2025-26: First round OPENED FRIDAY Nov 1st and is remains open through December 2ND. This information is intended to assist families who have additional children to enroll to SVA (current students DO NOT open enroll to remain at SVA & Preschool ). Complete now to receive sibling priority! OR encourage your friends, family, neighbors, & co-workers to enroll their children at SkyView!
Open enrollment is through EngagED Parent Portal. Click the link to begin and sign on with your DCSD login.
SkyView Academy Presents Matilda!
You're invited to come see Matilda, a musical narrative that centres on Matilda Wormwood, a precocious five-year-old girl with the gift of telekinesis, who loves reading, overcomes obstacles caused by her family and school, and helps her teacher to reclaim her life.
***Given the deteriorating weather, tonight's performance of Matilda will be postponed to Monday, November 11th, at 6:00 PM. All tickets for the Thursday performance will be honored for the rescheduled date. Thank you for your support of the performing arts program at SkyView Academy!***
Show dates: November 8th, 9th, 11th 2024
Reserve your tickets online today!
Submit Your Apple Award Nominations!
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools continues it's tradition of honoring exceptional educators and staff who are inspiring a love of learning in students and are trailblazing extraordinary innovation in our schools. Nominate your favorite staff member today!
Hearing and Vision Screening
HEARING AND VISION Screening Days: Tuesday and Wednesday, November 12th and 13th
Interested in volunteering? Click here for November 12th and here for November 13th.
C.R.S. 22-1-116 states that grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9th shall be tested for sight and hearing. We also screen if we receive any referrals, students receiving support, and students new to the district. Hearing and Vision problems can greatly affect your child’s ability to learn!
If your student wears prescription glasses or contacts, he/she must wear them at the screening.
You will receive a referral letter if your student does not pass the screening.
Have your medical professional complete the bottom portion and return the form to the health office. You may be contacted multiple times if the form is not turned in.
Please contact Tori Kimble at tkimble@svak12.org
if you have questions, comments,
or concerns about your student's vision and/or hearing. Thank you!
11th Annual Veterans Day Assembly | November 11th
We look forward to honoring the Veterans in our community on Monday, November 11th, during our annual Veterans Day Assembly.
Given the significant turnout we expect for this event, we kindly request everyone to RSVP in advance. Your early response will greatly assist us in ensuring a smooth and efficient check-in process. Please take a moment to fill out the form at your earliest convenience. The assembly begins at 2:00 pm and the doors open at 1:30.
If you have any questions, please contact: Jessica Lui, jlui@svak12.org.