St Bernadette's Primary School
NEWSLETTER | TERM 3 | WEEK 2 I 26 July 2024
Good afternoon everyone and hoping your week has been a great one.
The wet winter weather appears to have set in, however, despite periods of intermittent rain, the children have been lucky enough to get out into our play areas most recess and lunchtimes this week, which is always an excellent outcome. Our senior playground area is very close to completion and looks absolutely fantastic! Here is a a picture for those of you who haven’t been onsite for a while.
As we have talked about many times, being a parent is one of the most challenging, but incredibly awesome jobs we will ever do in our lifetime. I recently came across a powerful quote that asked the question:
‘Am I the adult I want my child to grow up to be?’
In other words, if we want our kids to grow up feeling really good about themselves, without accumulating childhood ‘baggage, and developing a positive outlook on life, as parents, we hold the key.
This simple question requires that we honestly and regularly reflect on the relationship we have with ourselves, with our spouse and family, and with our kids. It demands that we reflect often on the words we use, and the choices we make, on a daily basis.
I have learnt that every interaction and decision I make is an opportunity to model what I hope for my kids. When I get frustrated or angry (with Nicole, a parent at footy OR in the carpark at school), my kids are watching how I react and deal with that situation.
Children definitely see and hear so much more than we realise, and they are quick to work out if we tend to say one thing, but actually do another. So perhaps the answer to paving a safe and happy childhood for our kids, really lies in challenging ourselves, as the most significant role models in their lives, to be the very best versions of ourselves that we can be.
So, how would we like our children to be as adults?
· Strong, kind, compassionate, responsible, healthy, and happy? Is this what we model?
· Would we like them to have loving and healthy relationships with our partners? Are we working on this?
· Would we like them to be fearless and pursue their passions? Do we model this?
· Do we want them to be less self-involved and think of the needs of others more? Do we model this?
· Would we like them to live a healthy lifestyle, to exercise, and eat healthy? Do we model this?
· Do we want them to have a relationship with Jesus their whole life through? Do we model this?
We teach our kids how others are supposed to treat them. Children watch how we treat others.
Being a good parent is not easy at times, and we can fall back into old habits, or ways of reacting and behaving. Thinking about the impact that our own words and actions are having on the formation of our kids’ lives is a goal that is definitely worth our effort. Keep up the great effort everyone – one step at a time.
Year 6 Confirmation Parent/child workshops are being held next week and while we appreciate it can be hard to make the time to attend these meetings amidst your busy work weeks, they are important, and we are expecting to see at least one parent per family please.
In Confirmation, we believe that we become more closely united with Jesus Christ and that we are strengthened by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to accept new responsibilities for witnessing Jesus to the world. As a Catholic school, the sacraments are a very special way for us all to connect to a faith that sustains us through the highs and lows of everyday life. We wish our Year 6 students and their families all the best on this next stage of their faith commitment.
Have a great weekend and wish me luck as Nicole is off on a ‘Girls Weekend’. I will be solo parenting and I am looking forward to watching the derby, Audrey’s netball, coaching footy, going for a mountain bike ride and hopefully a nice meal at a brewery that has a playground!
We kindly remind you to practice courtesy and patience while using the parish car park and kiss and drop zones. The safety of our students is our top priority, and your cooperation helps ensure a smooth and efficient drop-off and pick-up process. The redevelopment of this area will help alleviate some of the issues; however, by working together and showing consideration for one another, we can create a safer and more pleasant environment for everyone. Thank you for your understanding.
We have new students who have joined us this week!
Welcome to Emily D in Pre Kindy and Kaelyn G 3B our school.
Please make them feel at home as we welcome
them to our Bernie's community.
St Bernadette's school and parish are hosting our next community mass and sausage sizzle on Saturday 10th August at 6pm. We would love to see you and your family there! If you are a family member of a student in Year 5 and would like to read the liturgy of the word, please let Miss Ryan or Mr Hilton know. The sausage sizzle is kindly provided by our school P&F and cooked by the parish men's group. For catering purposes, please complete the attached RSVP.
Bernie's Reading Challenge
We are very excited to introduce our Bernie's Reading Challenge which will be starting next week and running until week 6. This is a read-for-enjoyment reading challenge and is open to all students in our school.
Reading logs will be sent home on Monday and there will be prizes for the student who reads the most books in each year level. Extra logs will be available in the office if you need more!
Family and friends are welcome!
Dynamo Dot Winners!!
Congratulations PP Red for winners of the overall
specialist class award! Your outstanding performance
and work ethic has been exemplary across all specialist subjects.
Father’s Day Stall
Our Father's Day stall is happening soon, please purchase your tickets, on the Spriggy App by Friday 23 August at 3.00pm.
We close this off to ensure we have enough gifts for the students to choose from. Please hop onto the Spriggy App to purchase your gifts - $7.00 each. No cash sales on the day of the stalls
Debbie & the P&F Team
School Disco Friday 16 August
We are so excited to bring you this year’s Intergalactic Disco! The school disco is now a cashless event which means we’ve had to say goodbye to the canteen. You can however pre-order snacks and drinks when you purchase your ticket through the Spriggy app under the Events tab. When you sign students in at the disco they will receive their snack order. Students will be able to come and claim their drink from parent helpers during the event.
Tickets and pre-orders are open and will close 3pm Friday 9th August. Door sales will still be available on the day of the disco for $8 eftpos only. No snacks and drinks will be available to purchase at the disco.
We hope to see you there for an out of this world time!
The Disco Sub Committee
Year 6 School Reports
Please remember to download your child's school reports so that you have a record of them. Once the Year 6 students leave Bernie's at the end of the year, the SEQTA accounts are archived and you will no longer have access to these.
Runners Club - Monday 29 July - 3:10 - 4:00pm
Yr 6R Parent & Child Confirmation Workshop - Thursday 1 August - 4:00pm
Yr 6B Parent & Child Confirmation Workshop - Thursday 1 August - 5:30pm
Cross Country - Friday 2 August
School Canteen: Kingston's Kitchen
Our school canteen is only open on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Orders can be placed online via the Spriggy App.
before 9.00am or in person at the canteen.
Term Dates 2024
Term 3: Tuesday 16 July - Friday 20 September 2024
Term 4: Tuesday 8 October - Friday 6 December 2024
Please note that as this is a live calendar, dates and times may change occasionally.
Coming soon!
St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School
Email: admin@stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Website: https://stbernadettes.wa.edu.au
Location: 252 Grand Ocean Boulevard, Port Kennedy WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9593 4066
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stbernadettescps/