Senior School Update

November 21, 2024
Upcoming Events
Thursday, November 21: Parent-Student-Teacher virtual conferences from 1:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday, November 22: Parent-Student-Teacher virtual conferences from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Friday, November 22: No classes for students K-11.
Thursday, November 28: Founder's Day Reception, details below.
Friday, November 29: Founder's Day Holiday - School Closed.
Exam Dates and Information
December 9 - December 13: Pre-U Exams
December 12 - STUDY DAY FOR GRADES 9-11 (No classes)
December 13 - December 19: Senior School December Exams, GRADES 9-11.
Need to Know
Community Engagement
Attention all middle and high school students! You have one week left to contribute new socks for Stepping Up, an organization that provides socks to those experiencing homelessness. Please bring your donations and place them in front of Ms. Beech’s or Ms. Kaur’s office. The house that collects the most socks will earn house points!
Founder's Day 2024
The Selwyn House community is invited to attend the celebration of the 116th anniversary of the founding of the school on Thursday, November 28 in Coristine Hall. The reception starts at 6:00 p.m. and the presentations will begin at 6:45 p.m.
Click here for more information about the evening and to RSVP.
Upcoming Post-Secondary Events
CEGEP Events
- Marianopolis College Student For A Day
- Collégial International Ste-Anne Visit
- Vanier Student For A Day
- Dawson Student For A Day
- John Abbott Student For A Day
- Brébeuf Étudiants D’un Jour
- Visit SRAM for a list of CEGEPs throughout Quebec.
Argyle Shop Hours
Please note that the Argyle Shop will be closed for all online and instore shopping from November 21-29 inclusively. Outside of those dates, purchases can be made online as usual and regular store hours remain for in-store shopping: Mondays and Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and Wednesdays and Thursdays from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Annual Giving
Selwyn House School’s Annual Giving Campaign launched last week. Donations will support this year's priorities: programs, initiatives, professional development, student bursaries, Grade 12, The Gryphon Fund and more. Annual gifts from our community provide an extra level of support to help defray costs that are not covered by tuition alone. Your contributions, no matter the size, are crucial to offering the Selwyn House Experience to our students and families. We thank our entire community (parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, staff, and friends) for your support. Participate today!
Holiday Marketplace at SHS December 5
With the holiday season just around the corner, the PVA is excited to announce it is organizing its first Holiday Marketplace on Thursday December 5. Keeping sustainability in mind, the PVA will start collecting gently used items including toys, games, puzzles, holiday decorations, sports equipment and more, for resale to students and family members in a holiday market format. All the money raised will benefit Resilience Montreal, a non-profit day shelter. It's a great opportunity for parents to get involved! Sign up if you can contribute baked goods and/or volunteer for a shift. Items can be dropped off outside the Lucas Seminar room from now until Dec. 4th. The PVA is also hosting several "car trunk" drop offs where parents can put any items for donation directly into a car, including Thursday and Friday Nov. 21 and 22nd during parent teacher interviews. Please email amandajelowicki@hotmail.com with any questions or for more information.
Exams for Senior School Students - Grades 9-11
December 13 - December 19: GRADE 9-11
- All exams begin at 9:00 AM
- Students should arrive at least 15 minutes in advance
- All exams are 2 hours
- Please read the Exam Protocol.
- In the event of a snow day, the make up day will be December 20 FOR GRADES 9-11 ONLY
- Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. McCarney at mccarneym@selwyn.ca
- December Exam schedule.
Exams for Pre-U Students
December 9 - December 13 for Pre-U Students
- All exams begin at 9:00 AM
- Students should arrive at least 15 minutes in advance
- All exams will be written in the Pre-U classrooms
- Please read the Exam Protocol.
- Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Lynam at lynams@selwyn.ca
- December Exam schedule.
Update from Public Health
Information about whooping cough - Quebec public health officials have issued a warning regarding a significant rise in cases of whooping cough (pertussis) across the province.
Please read the letter from public health.
Informations sur la coqueluche - Les autorités de la santé publique du Québec ont émis un avertissement concernant une augmentation significative des cas de coqueluche (pertussis) à travers la province. Veuillez lire la lettre de la santé publique.