August News
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Prayer for a New School Year
Lord, please bless all our teachers, friends and relatives as they make their way back to their classrooms for another year.
Help them to feel excitement and joy in the promise of a new start.
Give them everything they need to start their classes. Give them all they need all year.
Give them imagination and creativity to make wonders out of what they do have.
Help them stretch their budgets and their supplies. Give them wisdom all year.
Help them quickly spot the little souls who are going to need something extra from them this year.
Help them have just the right words of encouragement for each student.
Give them loads of love.
Help the love in their hearts just overflow so they always have plenty to spare.
We can’t conjure it up Lord, but you give in abundance... please supply all the love teachers need.
Please supply them energy too, Lord.
Please let them sleep well at night so they are rested and refreshed each morning.
Don’t let them take their problems and worries to bed with them at night.
Give them patience with students, with parents, and with their administration.
Again, Lord, it’s you who supplies in abundance. Please keep the students and teachers safe this year. Keep them safe from accidents or evil intent.
Let the students be excited about this wonderful world and all there is to learn about it.
Help them to be interested in each other, for there’s a wealth to learn about and from each other, and this is true for teachers and parents as well.
Give the parents willing hearts, both to help in the classroom if they can, and certainly to be involved in their children’s homework and in their stories as the year goes on.
Let this be a truly wonderful year for everyone involved in education.
Let everyone feel, at the end of the year, that they learned all they could and gave the best they had.
Picture Day
Please visit the attached link and sign up for a time.
Handbooks and Paperwork
Some forms will be filled out on OptionC. Make sure you can access your OptionC account.
Please fill out the paperwork and send back, or bring with you at Open House on August 22nd.
We will have extra copies at Open House if needed.
Thursday, August 22nd
12:00 PM-6:00 P.M.
If you cannot make it during this time, please email and we will find a time that works for you.
Lockers can have shelving if desired. Backpacks will be kept in lockers and not used during the school day.
8th Grade – Miss Huiras
7th Grade – Mr. Scholz
6th Grade – Mrs. Vanderlei
5th Grade – Mrs. Steiner
4th Grade – Mrs. Thomas
3rd Grade – Mrs. Buechel
2nd Grade – Miss Condon
1st Grade – Mrs. Hefter
5K – Mrs. Simon
4K - Mrs. Wolf
3K - Ms. Schmit
5K/ 1st/ 2nd Grade Aides -Mrs. Gruber and Mrs. Knorr
4K Aide - Mrs. Thill
3K Aide/Administrative Assistant – Mrs. Schickert
Phy Ed (Grades 5K-8) – Ms. Wollner
Music (Grades 3K-8) – Mrs. Muehlbauer
Art (Grades 3K-8) - Mrs. Sandvold
Librarian - Mrs. Gall
Spanish (Grades 3K-8) – Mrs. Kern
Algebra/ Accelerated Math 7– Mrs. Mertz
English 9 - Mrs. Longden
Secretary – Mrs. DeTrana
Lunch - Mrs. Muckerheide
Bus Drivers Needed
Johnson Bus is looking for bus drivers. We pay at least $19.50 per route, have a $1000 sign on bonus if not licensed, $2000 if they have a license, paid holidays, summers and holidays off, unemployment available when off, and paid on-site training.
Contact Johnson Bus if you are interested!
Library Furniture Photos
Check out the new furniture in the school library!
Thank you for all your support on this project!
Playground Updates
Our new slab of concrete is almost finished! They were pouring the concrete on Monday and will be finishing it all up hopefully this week.
Check out the photos!
Calendar of Cash
Calendar of Cash 2024-2025
Calendar of Cash tickets are available for the 2024-2025 school year!
How does Calendar of CA$H work?
*Tickets are sold $20 each, now until August 28th, 2024 at 8:00 A.M.
*Sale of tickets cannot be accepted after 8:00 A.M. on August 28th, 2024.
*Total of $10,000 is given away in 181 days, next school year 2024-2025.
*You have 181 chances to win and multiple days as your ticket is put back in if you win!
Upcoming Dates
Saturday, August 17th - Social Fest
Thursday, August 22nd - Open House and Picture Day (12:00-6:00)
Monday, August 26th - 1st Day of School
Friday, September 13th - 3K/4K/5K Round-up
This past fiscal year (July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024) $13,842.28 was earned in profits from those who
purchased Scrip.
$ 5,271,43 was given as tuition credits
$ 212.01 was donated to the Angel Fund
$ 153.23 was given as Faith Formation credits
$ 8,205.61 was donated to the school’s general fund to help offset costs.
For those of you who purchase Scrip – THANK YOU !!!
Please consider using our Scrip program to get gift cards to use on things you buy normally.
No extra costs to you – just benefits.
Contact the school to learn more.
Home and School Association
Home and School is a parent group that helps with various things throughout the school.
Home and School includes:
Parent Events/Meetings
School/Child Events
Home and School's first event of the year is Friday, September 13th. This will be our Kindergarten Round-up. More details will be coming. If you have a child in 3K-5K please mark this date on your calendar!
The first Home and School Meeting will be scheduled soon! Watch for more details!
Safeguarding God's Children
If you plan on volunteering at Holy Trinity School or in the Faith Formation program, and you haven't been S.E.E. (Safe Environment Education) trained, you have the opportunity to attend a session at St. Peter in Slinger on Thursday, August 8th, 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Space is limited so register NOW by clicking on the link below. This is a requirement through the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for ALL staff and volunteers working with children under the age of 18.
If you would like to volunteer within the school, chaperone field trips, etc. and have not yet completed your Safe Environment Training, this is for you!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Longden at principal@htschool.net
This would include any parent OR grandparent wanting to go on a field trip at Holy Trinity School or parents who would like to chaperone a youth event for Faith Formation.
School Calendar/ School Supply List/ Dress Code
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603