Family Wellness Wednesday
Vol. 4 Issue 1 - SEPTEMBER 2024
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Message from the Director of Family & Community Engagement
Welcome GPISD families to the 2024-2025 school year! And THANK YOU for entrusting and choosing our school district to teach and support your students. We know you had a choice and WE do not take that for granted.
As the Director of Family & Community Engagement my commitment to you is to provide you with opportunities and resources to help you and your family succeed. If there is anything I can do to support and guide you, please do not hesitate to reach out.
As the student's first teacher, you are an essential partner in the academic success of your child.
- If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to your campus. We welcome your support in any capacity.
- If you have questions or concerns about your student's grades, please schedule a conference with your child's teacher. We are happy to have those discussions and come up with a success plan.
- If you have any concerns with your child's mental health, please meet with your student's counselor or social worker for guidance and support.
- If you have any other general questions about technology, library, or other departments, please let us know - we have so many resources for our GPISD families.
- Please make sure to follow us on social media for upcoming events and information. Link in green button below.
Thank you again for choosing GPISD, and let me know how else I can support you.
- Maria Herrera, LCSW
(972) 522-3196
GPISD Grand Family Service Center
This facility provides a wide array of essential services, including assistance with student registration, language proficiency assessments, assistance with lunch applications, access to food, clothing, school supplies, and much more.
Established with the objective of minimizing travel across the district, the center offers a supportive and welcoming environment to efficiently meet the diverse needs of our families.
What Teachers Wish Parents Knew About School Year Prep
1. Routines are important (and should start early)
“It would make a big difference if parents would start their get-ready-for-school routines a few weeks before school starts. This would give kids time to adjust to a new sleep schedule, get into the habit of getting dressed, packing their bags, or, for bigger kids, having a set time of day they already expect to be ‘homework time.’ The families who pick a schedule early and stick to it have much less hectic mornings, and much easier back-to-school transitions.”
2. Communication is key
“Teachers really appreciate when parents maintain open lines of communication and keep it up all year. So many times I’ve had to reach out to parents about important things, only to hear nothing back. We don’t want to make your life harder. We only want to keep you informed about your child’s progress. We’re on the same team, and it’s easier to come together so your child can win if you talk to us!”
Parenting on the Go Workshops
The purpose of these sessions is to educate and empower our families with knowledge to support their students at home.
Our next session is Tuesday September 10th on College, Career, Military Readiness. Lots of great information will be shared....you won't want to miss it! And if you can't attend, please visit our website to watch a recording of the session.
All sessions are from 6- 7:30 p.m. Click here to view all of our workshops for the semester.
Adult English (ESL) Class
Grand Prairie ISD is offering English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for interested adults.
At GPISD we are committed to fostering a community of learning and growth not only for our students but also for our esteemed parents. We understand the significance of language proficiency in navigating various aspects of life, and we are excited to provide adult English Classes at our school district.
Classes will be available in-person throughout the school year. They are completely free to the community and will be held at the Grand Family Service Center.
To sign up for classes click here.
Toddler Time!
Get ready to shake, rattle and roll as your toddler dances, marches and runs their way to literacy success!
This interactive discovery time gives your child the opportunity to explore their world with new friends as they begin to move about.
Skyward Family and Student Access
Check attendance daily and inform your campus of any discrepancies.
Ensure that your contact information is up to date. GPISD regularly sends communication and will only use what is recorded in Skyward.
Check grades often. This is a GREAT way to see how your student is doing.
- Discuss with your student any concerns before it's too late to address with teacher.
- Sit together and find out what may be the cause of any issue.
- Help your student advocate for themselves in the classroom if they are old enough. If they are unable to do so, request a teacher conference to share your concerns. Our teachers are always willing to support our families.
- Give your student positive feedback when your student is doing well. You'd be surprise how far these positive nuggets help!
If you don't know your login information for your Skyward Family Access account, please contact your campus front office for assistance.
Visit https://www.gpisd.org/skyward to access account and to view some tutorials on how to use.
Does Your Child Know the Do's and Don't's of Social Media?
Join the Parent and Family Engagement Statewide Initiative and the CoolSpeak team for the third part in our Parent Series. This will be 3 FREE online training session so that you can gain valuable parenting experience in the comfort of your own home.
Space is limited, so get registered early for these events.
Grand Prairie ISD Health & Wellness Services partners with Parkland Health Systems Mobile Immunization Units.
If you have any questions related to Health Services, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of our department administrators. https://www.gpisd.org/Page/36472
COVID Guidelines & Prevention
COVID Recommendations
Students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, experiencing any of the below symptoms of COVID-19 should stay home and get tested.
COVID-19 Symptoms
- Fever (100.0 or higher) or chills
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Muscle or body aches
- Cough
- Headache
- Sore throat
- Fatigue
- New loss of taste or smell
Students and staff may return to work/school after isolation if:
- Fever free for 24-hours without use of medication
- Improved symptoms
- If no COVID test is performed, a physician’s note is required after five (5) days of absence per district policy
*A negative test is NOT required to return to work/school. Masks are NOT required but can be worn if a personal preference.
Testing can be done with a home test, at a pharmacy, or in a clinical setting. For students and staff testing positive at home or a pharmacy, following up with a medical provider for further instructions or treatment is recommended.
Click the following link for additional information: https://www.gpisd.org/Page/50893
Need food, clothing, school supplies, or hygiene items?
Does your family live:
- in a homeless, domestic, or other similar type shelter
- in a motel or campground due to the lack of an alternative adequate accommodation
- in a car, park, abandoned building, or bus or train station
- doubled-up with other people due to loss of housing or economic hardship
If you answered yes to any of the above, your child might be able to receive help through a federal law called McKinney-Vento Act.
Please click here to provide us with some basic information and someone will reach out to you.
Looking for a job? We can help!
Buscando trabajo? Nosotros podemos ayudar!
Maria Herrera, LCSW
Email: maria.herrera@gpisd.org
Website: https://www.gpisd.org/FamilyCommunityEngagement
Location: 1301 E Coral Way, Grand Prairie, TX, USA
Phone: 972-522-3196
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GPISDfamilyengagement/