Torrance High School
Principal's Newsletter

Upcoming Calendar Items
January 20 - No School: MLK Jr. Day
January 21 - No Late Start Schedule (Regular Mon/Fri. Schedule)
January 22-24 - Semester 1 Finals (Schedule Below - No Off-Campus Passes issued)
February 4 - No Late Start Schedule (Regular Mon/Fri. Schedule)
February 7 - No School: Student Free Day (Staff Development)
February 10 - No School: Lincoln Day
February 11 - No Late Start Schedule (Regular Mon/Fri. Schedule)
February 17 - No School: President's Day
Semester 1 Finals Schedule
Please note that all students are dismissed at 12:55 p.m. each day. No Off-Campus Passes will be issued during finals.
Continue to Check Grades on PowerSchool
S1 = Semester 1 Grade
The end of Semester 1 is January 24, 2025. This is the grade that will show on the student’s transcript (not including PE or TA). Semester 1 grades adjust as teachers add new graded assignments after November 1st. It is a cumulative grade which combines Quarter 1 grades and Quarter 2 grades.
All Grade Level Parent Night
Academic Assistance
TUTORIAL PERIOD - Tartar Tutorial Time
This period is built into our bell schedule (30 min period between 3rd and 4th period, every Wednesday and Thursday). Students have an opportunity to get additional assistance with their assignments or topics in which they are struggling, and they are encouraged to take advantage of this time. Students must visit one of their six teachers’ classrooms. Seats will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Students are not permitted to enter a classroom in which they are not currently enrolled.
Did you know? You have access to FREE virtual tutoring and learning tools!
Torrance Library* – Get live tutoring, homework help, skills building, and FAFSA assistance through Brainfuse HelpNow, covering subjects like math, science, writing, and test prep. (Torrance City residents only)
LA County Library* – Access free online tutoring for grades K-12, with help in math, science, reading/writing, and test prep from 1 PM to 10 PM.
Khan Academy – Explore free video lessons and practice exercises on a variety of subjects, including math, science, and history, to learn at your own pace.
*Students need to register for a FREE library card before accessing the Torrance or LA County library resources.
Class of 2025
Senior Parent Information Night
Wednesday, Jan 29, 2025, 06:30 PM
THS Auditorium
Events on Campus
Want to know more about what's happening on the THS campus? Information about Student Activities events, fundraisers, and spirit weeks are announced on our Tartar News Video Bulletin on YouTube and our Daily Bulletin. Links can be found at the bottom of this newsletter.
Happy New Year from your Torrance High PTA!
Scholarships + Reflections Art Contest Winners
Senior Season is Starting!
this year in addition to the flower Leis https://square.link/u/Mua8xwkC Torrance High PTA will be offering Graduation Lawn Signs https://square.link/u/zUKBr5DV both are $20 each for April, you can also buy them together for the great price of $35 https://checkout.square.site/merchant/MLNY6NGWRFDRK/checkout/MQT5MAJISUF6CBCCR2NTMIHI
Ralphs Club Card Click
The easiest thing you can do to support Torrance High's PTA is register your Ralphs Club Card Click! Login to review and click Change Contribution. Search for Torrance High School PTSA or Torrance High School's NPO (Non-Profit Organization) with code JQ642 at https://www.ralphs.com/account/communityrewards
For all opportunities for our PTA community
Please check out this site: https://linktr.ee/torrancehighptalinks and if you have any questions please email torrancehighpta@gmail.com
Have an Awesome December!
Your Torrance High PTA Team
No Stopping on Plaza Del Amo
Please be considerate during pick up and drop off near the school and district offices. Do not stop at red-painted curbs near the entrances and exits of parking lots or near signs that say No Stopping. The large student parking lot on Plaza Del Amo is open and available and should be used for pick up and drop off.
Please share this message with any family or friends who may be driving your student to and from school. It takes everyone’s participation to pick up and drop off safely according to city traffic laws.