Week at a Glance
March 17-21, 2025
Upcoming Dates:
Monday, March 17
- Theme Day - Wear green for St. Patrick's Day!
Tuesday, March 18
- Pre-K 3 year olds attend.
Wednesday, March 19
- Pre-K 3 year olds attend.
- Safety Drill: Hold & Secure - 1:30 pm
- Parent/Teacher Interview - 4:00 - 7:00 pm
Thursday, March 20
- Pre-K 3 year olds attend.
- Theme Day - World Down Syndrome Day - "Rock Your Socks" Day!
- Parent/Teacher Interviews - 4:00 - 7:00 pm
Friday, March 21
- No School - Day in acknowledgement of Parent/Teacher interviews
Upcoming Events:
- March 26 - Grade 1 Nature Walk
- March 26 - What Would Jesus Do Awards - M/W Kindergarten, Grades 3, and 4 - 9:00 am
- March 27 - What Would Jesus Do Awards - T/TH Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 - 9:00 am
- March 28 - Mukbang hot lunch for those that ordered
- March 31 - Safety Drill: Lock Down - 11:00 am
- March 31 - First Day of Blue Jays Baseball
- March 31 - Safety Drill: Lock-Down
- March 31 - School Council Meeting - 6:00-7:00 pm
- March 31 - School Council Workshop - 7:00 - 8:30 pm
- April 7-11 - Pound It Hip Hop during PE classes
- April 8 - Spring & Kindergarten grad photos
- April 9 - Spring & Kindergarten grad photos
- April 10 - Theme Day - Colour Battles (each grade level will be assigned a colour)
- April 14 - School Council meeting - 6:00 pm
- April 14 - School Council budget meeting - 7:30 pm
- April 15 - School bus registration opens for the 2025-2026 school year
- April 17 - Holy Thursday Liturgy - 9:00 am
- April 18 - No School - Good Friday
- April 19 - No School - Easter Monday
- April 22-25 - No School - Spring Break
- April 28 - Classes resume
- April 29 - Welcome to Kindergarten information night - 5:00-6:00 pm
- April 30 - What Would Jesus Do Awards - T/TH Kindergarten, Grades 1 and 2 - 9:00 am
- May 1 - What Would Jesus Do Awards - M/W Kindergarten, Grades 3, and 4 - 9:00 am
- May 2 - No School - PD Day
School News
Grade 4 - Alberta Government Survey
On February 24th and 25th, we sent out letters containing details about an Alberta Government Survey for all grade 4 parents. You received an email including a survey link and your unique Random Access Code. We are proud of our school and value your feedback as we celebrate our successes and identify areas of growth. Your input helps shape the future of our school community. The deadline to submit your response is March 21, 2025.
Grade 4 - School Transfer Form 2025-2026
If you have not already done so, please be sure to complete the School Transfer Form 2025-2026 for your Grade 4 student transferring to École Mother Teresa School.
Blue Jays Baseball
- Grade 2 families, please see the attached letter and permission form that needs to be returned by March 28th.
Kindergarten Registration
Registration is now open for the Kindergarten and Pre-K 2025-2026 school year. Please click below to view the Parent User Guide, and register.
Grade 1-4 New Student Registration
Registration is now open for new students in Grades 1-4 for the 2025-2026 school year. For further details please visit https://www.olrschool.ca/registration/grades-1-4
Are you passionate about Catholic education? Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools (RDCRS) is seeking dedicated individuals to serve as Trustees. Be a voice for Catholic education in our community!
What do Trustees do?
Trustees shape the future of Catholic education within RDCRS. They are elected representatives responsible for:
- Vision & Strategy: Setting the division's direction, aligned with Catholic teachings and values.
- Policy & Budget: Creating and approving policies, and overseeing responsible resource allocation.
- Advocacy: Representing the division's interests to the government and the broader community.
- Accountability: Ensuring responsible use of public funds and strong division performance.
- Leadership: Hiring and evaluating the Superintendent.
Who can be a Trustee?
You must be a Canadian citizen, 18 years or older, a resident of the school division, and a Roman Catholic.
Qualities of a Trustee:
A commitment to Catholic education, a focus on student well-being, strong communication and interpersonal skills, the ability to collaborate effectively, a willingness to listen and consider diverse perspectives, strong analytical and problem-solving skills, and ethical conduct.
Why become a Trustee?
Make a real difference in the lives of students, contribute to the future of Catholic education, develop your leadership skills, and engage meaningfully with your community.
Visit https://www.rdcrs.ca/.../becoming-a-catholic-school-board... or contact our main office at (403) 343-1055, or via email at info@rdcrs.ca.
The website includes information on important dates, the nomination process, and a series of frequently asked questions (FAQs).
Nominations are now being accepted until Monday, September 22, 2025 at noon. Election day is Monday, October 20, 2025.
Please prayerfully consider this important opportunity to serve.
School Council News
Upcoming Events:
May 23 - School dance (more details to follow)
If you're interested in volunteering for any of this event (or others in the future), please complete the form below, or contact Connie at eolrschoolcouncilvolunteer@gmail.com.
School Council Meeting:
March 31 - 6:00 pm
School Council Workshop "Tools for Effective School Councils" to follow at 7:00 pm
Please note that the school council operating procedures, meeting minutes and agendas can be found on the ÉOLRS website at https://www.olrschool.ca/parents-students/school-council
For all upcoming school and faith events, please see our school calendar:
For all up to date school news, please see our school website:
Our Lady of the Assumption Parish News
Community News
Calling all young entrepreneurs for Lemonade Day
Lemonade Day is back on June 14, 2025. Summer is the perfect season in Sylvan Lake for young kids to taste the sweet success that comes with launching their own small business, a lemonade stand! Through fun hands-on experiences, kids learn to create a business plan, budget, set goals, serve customers, and make hard-earned cash!
- Entrepreneurs ages 5 - 14
- Ready to take on this sweet challenge and become your own boss?
- Register from March 5 to March 31
- Learn more and register at: lemonadeday.org/sylvan-lake
Mentoring Lemonade Day Participants
- Are you a business owner who wants to mentor the next generation of entrepreneurs?
- Sign up to become a “Sweet Spot” and help set kids up for success
- Visit: lemonadeday.org/sylvan-lake
All Lakers
- Come support our entrepreneurs by sampling all the delicious lemonade!
- Mark Saturday, June 14, 2025, on your calendars
Are you struggling to connect with your teen?
Register now for the FREE RDCRS Connect Parenting Program: